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Sudan Tribune

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US agency to support elections in Sudan with USD 25 mln

April 19, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The United States of America extended a $ 25 million grant to support the general elections and the democratic transition in the Sudan.

File Photo showing Enumerators from the Sudan Commission for Census and Statistical Evaluation prepare for interviews with residents on the opening day of Sudan's 5th National Population and Housing Census in Khartoum (AP)
File Photo showing Enumerators from the Sudan Commission for Census and Statistical Evaluation prepare for interviews with residents on the opening day of Sudan’s 5th National Population and Housing Census in Khartoum (AP)
The grant agreement was signed Sunday by the Sudanese minister for international cooperation Al-Tigani Fidail, the chairman of the national elections board Abel Alier and the US Chargé d’affaires Albert Fernnderz as well as William Hammink, the Director of USAID – Sudan.

In a speech delivered after the signing, Alier pledged to work hard on the National Elections Commission, saying “We will work hard to ensure the success of the next election” to be free and fair and in a manner to guarantee the rights of all the concerned parties.

Minister Fidail pointed out that the support of 25 million dollars, is the first batch of U.S contributions in order to enable technically and logistically the elections commission and supports it to play it role. It also represents a part of the U.S. commitment in the Oslo Conference to support the electoral process, he added.

He further said that this agreement represents the first direct and non-humanitarian U.S. support to Sudan. It is also an indicator of the US’s support for one of the key elements of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, he stressed.

The US Chargé d’affaires Alberto Fernandez said that this support is the beginning of direct and concrete US assistance for 2010 elections and for the democratic transition.

He added that this support is tangible evidence of U.S. interest in the full implementation of the CPA and the democratic transition, pointing out that this support will continue to include the referendum in January 2011.

One indicator of US attitudes toward supporting elections Sudan is a July 2008 report presented to USAID by a contracted company called Management Systems International (MSI). The advisory report recommended that USAID fund capacity-building activities for the National Election Commission, South Sudan Election High Committee, and State High Committees and their senior staff.

According to the USAID contractor, the US should also “increase support for grassroots civic and voter education activities” and “fund the development of media centers in Juba and, if possible, Khartoum.”

The report also labeled as “unfeasible” the treaty-mandated timetable to hold elections in July 2009, urging the US to push for a later date — a step since taken by the National Election Commission which pushed back the date till February 2010.

Noting also that there are over 5 million persons internally displaced (IDPs) within Sudan, another more than 500,000 living as refugees, and 100,000 in the diaspora, the report stated “registering and voting may be problematic for many IDPs.”

The assessment team also felt that the conflict in Darfur was a major obstacle to elections and opined that the people in camps should not be completely disenfranchised, but acknowledged that administering ballots to them would be extraordinarily difficult both logistically and because of certain legal constraints.

“In sum, the Darfur situation could result in the disenfranchisement of a significant portion of the Sudan population, thereby diminishing the credibility of the elections,” said the USAID contractor.




    US agency to support elections in Sudan with USD 25 mln
    Very great Suport but I don’t think if this money would be justly used in a right time nor necessary condition.

    I am sure it will be misused by extravagants in their own reasons related to their own problems if not spied by international views.

  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    US agency to support elections in Sudan with USD 25 mln
    You never know These money may simply be used by National Islamic Front(NIF)government to buy more guns & funds evils guys like Arabs militias to care out genocidal activities in Darfur if not America must ensure the ways their aids are used otherwise they(America) will end-up funding notorious Islamic s fundamentalists in Sudan which we share universally with U.S.A.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    US agency to support elections in Sudan with USD 25 mln
    Hey guys look here!!!!!!!!
    Money and election is it fair??????
    Lets not laugh on promises.
    Since you all know that money is the great divel and an Arab weapons lets us not be bribe on our right.
    The board is still in the middle of OCEAN I hatred money to be connected to our lives (New Sudan).
    Who signed an agreement for that amount????? An Arabian open mouth man.Guys,
    lets us be far from money.

    In this election, i am scacred believe me or not.
    And GOSS should take time to dig out all Arab secrets on this election.
    Oh dear let not be sheat again

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