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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan, France & UK conclude talks without agreement

April 22, 2009 (PARIS) — The Sudanese delegation ended their talks last night with French and British officials in Paris with neither sides appearing to reach common grounds on issues discussed.

Sudanese presidential assistant Nafi Ali Nafi (AP)
Sudanese presidential assistant Nafi Ali Nafi (AP)
Khartoum dispatched a high level delegation to the French capital consisting of presidential assistant Nafi Nafi, presidential adviser Mustafa Ismail and Abdel-Baset Sanoosi chief of bilateral relations at the Sudanese foreign ministry.

The French side was represented by foreign minister Bernard Kouchner and British side by Mark Malloch-Brown, Foreign Office Minister for Africa.

The deputy spokesperson of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Frederic Desagneaux said that the meetings “covered all the issues concerning the Sudan, whether in the humanitarian situation, security, stability or the dynamics of peace”

Desagneaux said that the French and British delegations expressed their “grave concern” at the implications of Sudan’s decision to expel more than a dozen aid agencies from Darfur.

On the arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Sudanese officials, the French and British delegations “reiterated their commitment to international criminal justice and cooperation with the ICC”, the French diplomat said.

Sudanese presidential assistant Nafi Nafi speaking to Radio Monte Carlo Arabic service called on France to focus on enhancing bilateral ties so that other issues can be discussed.

“The focus this visit is to talk about bilateral ties. We gave the French our views on issues that prevent the normalization of ties and fruitful cooperation. We don’t see that our dialogue on Darfur or the peace agreement or even the ICC can lead to positive contribution in these same items without discussing the bilateral issues clearly” Nafi said.

The Sudanese official reiterated his government position of refusing to deal with the ICC saying it is a “political tool used against African leaders who are viewed to be uncooperative with Western programs in Africa”.

“The French position supporting to the ICC is an obstacle to peace in Sudan and peace in Darfur with negative implications on all issues in Sudanese [political] arena” he added.

Sudan has held several talks with French officials over the last few months seeking to reach agreement on border tensions with Chad, ICC row and the status of Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur the chairman of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM).

Al-Nur has rejected engaging in peace talks before security is achieved on the ground in Darfur through full deployment of peacekeepers with a mandate to protect civilians.

Sudan wants France to expel Al-Nur from its territory but it appears unlikely that this will happen anytime soon.



  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Sudan, France & UK conclude talks without agreement
    Good job Frence and UK for that talks as per now, you have perceived how this Arabs complicates things.
    Why not you to dig out the right answers from them,they know why they attend that meeting of good agenda and no outcome of it.
    That is how Bashir command them.
    Look he(Bashir) will complete Darfurian tribes both intellectuals and innocent world is just quite.
    His travels to other countries although 100 place is not a victory or threat, but his time will come to face they law.
    Keep on your effort!!! World will remember you in Sudan.
    He is already guilty not arrest him

  • garang peter majok
    garang peter majok

    Sudan, France & UK conclude talks without agreement

    I knew France and Britsh will not accept the Criminal Albashir to fool them on what so ever fruitfull promise to bribe them.the will not believe in it,but in justice by taking a criminal to haque base and stop the killing of innocence Durfourian in durfour and other parts of sudan like khartoum where river nile is full of them.

    NISS will not manage to blindfool France and British intelligents like what it did to C.I.A this two countries are very,very vigillant.my request to France and British is to stop the sudan regime from killing durfourian not only in durfour but all over the sudan simply becuase NISS is killing them where ever they are ussing defferent apraoch of elimination accross the country wide even inside the south of sudan unknown by SS SPLA intelligent.

  • monychol makuei
    monychol makuei

    Sudan, France & UK conclude talks without agreement
    well, Nafi ali nafi is the number one Evil in sudan. these are the people that could if it is me, because they the once who cause death in the country. he once who refuse for agreement in 2005., and we know him every well, so don’t let him quist you France and British.

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