Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei State: child abduction breaks history

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 25, 2009 (BOR TOWN) — Three children, including a two-month old girl, are abducted at Panpandiar, the SPLA headquarters in Jonglei State, officials say. The armed gunmen killed three mothers in the abduction ever known to involve youngest kids on Thursday, April 23.

This photo shows the five-months-old girl (center) rescued from Murle men being look after by her grandmother (left) in Bor Civil Hospital, on Thursday, April 23 ( photo by Ph. Thon Aleu)
This photo shows the five-months-old girl (center) rescued from Murle men being look after by her grandmother (left) in Bor Civil Hospital, on Thursday, April 23 ( photo by Ph. Thon Aleu)
Panpandiar is seventeen kilometers on Bor – Juba road.

Bor County’s Kolnyang Payam Civil Administrator Malith Manguk told reporters at Bor Civil Hospital on Saturday that incident is a sign that Murle atrocities are totally inhuman.

One of the children – 5 months old girl bearing wounds on her left leg and arm, was abandoned by the abductors on continuously yelling and later found by men trying to rescue the children. She is being nursed of the injuries at Bor Civil Hospital. Her mother was also killed. The other two girls, one two-months-old kid and other two-years-old, remain at large.

Flanked by area Member of Parliament at Jonglei Assembly Hon. Ezra Mayom Ngok, Mr. Malith says the latest incident is alarming.

“The people of Southern Sudan and the international community can prove beyond doubt that this [Abduction] is totally inhuman,” he said referring to the abduction of youngest kids.

Child abduction is a common occurrence in Jonglei State and Murle tribesmen are widely accused by neighboring communities. Murle also claim they sometimes buy children which is the verification that human remain a commodity in Jonglei state; either by abduction or the former.

Peter Crowly, the Director of UNICEF, South Sudan Program visited Jonglei this April and voiced concern about the raging insecurity and children safety. The government of the State represented by Deputy Governor Hussein Mar then says forceful disarmament is the only way out; a method opposed by Human Rights groups.

Panpandiar attack is one out of many raiding going on in Jonglei State and Bor County in particular; a sign that abductors are breaking history.

In a related development, two children were abducted in Werkok areas Friday April 17 and a woman seriously injured when armed men open fire on her; breaking her thighs in the process. She is being nursed at Werkok, new headquarters of Bor County.

In the series of confrontation between Murle cattle rustlers and Dinka Bor in Central Equatoria State, at least 15 men had died in the last two week. The situation remains tense.

Bor town residents are not certain whether the sharp surging of insecurity could be quell easily. But the State government is confident that all will be ended shortly. Peace conferences are being proposed including Duk – Lou Nuer Counties scheduled for May 8, 2009. Murle and Lou Nuer Counties are all engaged in peaceful negociation in Juba but the date for peace meeting is yet to be made public.

Without disarmament, peace conferences last short, analysts say. To the surprise of the world, raiders or abductors in Jonglei State don’t attack foreigners – boosting confidence that foreign investors have no reason to panic, most residents in Bor town contacted by the Sudan Tribune to comment on the increasing insecurity effect say.



  • ayuairech

    Jonglei State: child abduction breaks history
    Forciful disarmement is the only solution against this notorious motherfuckers tribe. Murle attrocities against Dinka and Nuer has become more eminent then ever .I do urge the supreme authoritie of jonglei state to act by force and with no further delay to disarm Jonglei state civilians immediately before the onset of this rainy season.Jonglei state attrocities have long been negleccted by the government of southsudan but this is the right time for the government to answer why. Those prominent political figurs who also use to incite tribal conflict and attrocities must watch out for they will soon face justic.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei State: child abduction breaks history
    The entire tribe of junglese will never understand their own madness of trading with their kids, they invite murle to buy their children, but claiming that it was an attack. Junglese don’t fool with your kids just because of food, dig for yourselves to avoid this madness of selling children because of food. You just recover from arabs few months ago and now turning that business to murle and nuer side. What a joke!! yesterday, I just saw one of your mad tribe call him/herself Madit or monkey, saying that he want to meet me, yes we can, but take into your mind that in the junglese you are free to kill like what is happening in your junglese areas, but in the environment where there is law and order not this and that like in your states.Have you seem a massive killing of Civilians in any part of Greater Equatoria? if yes where and when. Don’t bother LRA. Even if your studying a high level of technology ( IT) in Australia to find me, am not hiding am a man like yourself accept having normal face and brians, never been cut in my face, why don’t you just come home to orgnise your junglese who are wondering in the streets of JUBA. Do you know this little river call LOBUYET in Juba, that is where your junglese are feeding. NB don’t accuse Murle nor Nuer for no reason, you invite them because you need food for your lives so what else. They are not your donkeys who work for you like how you are been treated by the arabs in Khartoum. You want to survive you have to pay for it and this is what am trying to tell you that, if you want food don’t turn it into attack or abduction excuses. Every day BOR BOR BOR BOR BOR JUNGLESE JUNGLESE JUNGLESE All about bad things, why don’t you give Sudantribune a chance to mention something positiove about yourselves? To me, all this barbaric act can be blame on you junglese, because your madness made you to claim leadership, but having empty head full of corrupt ideas.

  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    Jonglei State: child abduction breaks history
    THE PICTURES I HAVE SEEN ABOVE HAS CAUSE TEARS,GRIEFS & STRESS TO MY HEART!!!!.Dear siblings we shouldnt blames the entire Bor community for insecurity in the area but on our government who failed to setup a proper court of justice and security apparatus to dealt with these members of internal slave trade since it have been existing there for decades and therefore it isn`t new in Mading Bor!! When will the authority in Juba exercise their obligations on these area? these guys in Juba should stop using Juba as a land of corruptions,possibilities etc insteads of being a capital of federal government that address the people needs and the matters that affects all Southerners……….SHAME!!!!!

  • J.James

    Jonglei State: child abduction breaks history
    Hi folks

    These kind of atrocities worries me day and night, the problems caused by grown up thieves in the government has ended up to victimized innocent children like the one we saw above.

    The peace between Murle and Dinka Bor will only prevail when Bor are going to stop attacking Murle traders in Juba and harrassing drivers and those who transport their goods to Pibor through Bor town.

    As I said earlier, Murle are not happy to Bor at all for harrassing them on the roads. Jongolei is state shared by Nuer, Murle, Anyuak, Bor, Jie an d Kachippo, and the facts that Murle vehicle are strongly targeted by Bor when they pass throuhg Bor while the vehicles heading to others counties in the area are not being harrassed, is what will yield a big pain to Bor in near future.

    Every vehicle is thorouthly inspected in Juba but Police in Bor still harrasse Murle vehicles. I heard Bor policemen has to spear every sack or bag of maize, punch the seal caps of every jerrican of oil or juice, and these kind of acts upset every Murle more than ever.

    I wonder why Jongolei authorities tries to cause problems from simple things like these. I in person don’t want to see people in Jongolei killing themselves day and night but to stop that, our leaders need to be very serious about harmony in Jongolei.

    I hope peace between Bor and Murle come as soon as possible.

    God bless

    The writer is the peace activist in Jongolei.

  • J.James

    Jonglei State: child abduction breaks history

    About disarmament, I think force disamament will not bring peace but more fight than we ever had. all we want to do is for all of us to engage on peace recounciliations where people have to speak of their minds and all out standing issues has to be addressed fair and sincere. We can disarmed today and they arm themselves tomorrow and in couple of days they resume fighting that means disarmemant is virtually nothing.

    Meanwhile the disarmament itself will never be peaceful.
    Let people think about this disarmament deeply.

    God bless

    The writer is the peace activist in Jongolei.

  • probe logic
    probe logic

    Jonglei State: child abduction breaks history
    Dinka Bor, Dinka Bor, how many enemies around you? could you providing evident which showing us that, the Murle has been Attack you? But I am not happy if there is any person who deaths in this regarding cases.

    Secondly for your (Deputy Governor Hussein Mar) who comment that forceful disarmament is the only way out and just a method opposed by Human Rights groups. Isn’t you want to Act quickly because something’s happened to Dinka bor? What of the Murle women and children’s which was slaughtered by mad Nuer Lou, who you’re was giving arms to killing Murle community? Also you giving arms to yours people from children to elders.

    How another’s disarmament could happen in this time? I think you may invert Another’s civil war in southern Sudan, who will go to do so meanwhile was Murle disarmament and collected 1,700 arms within that movement attacks happens even SPLA who presents in the Lokwangoli was left Town and civilians to those criminals Nuer Lou.

    You took arms and you failed to providing basics security to civilians publications no more trust to you in this times.

    Now no investigations took places since atrocities happen in the regions, now which is telling us that in the common sense it’s was responsibility delivering by Authorise persons.

    What I know is Even UN keeping forces delegations who presents in the Sudan. You don’t tell them truth; you may mislead them about what happens to civilian’s violence’s.

    Thanks you.

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