Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections

By Isaac Vuni

April 28, 2009 (TORIT) — Hon. Jamas Wani Igga, the speaker of the southern region’s parliament, predicted that the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement party shall win the coming general elections scheduled for February 2010 with a majority of votes.

He said SPLM has a clear record that will account for its being given highest votes from exploited and marginalized Sudanese by successive governments in Khartoum.

Igga, deputy chairman of the party, made the remarks during his second visit to Eastern Equatoria state to explain the party’s national elections strategy and the way to nominate candidates to represent the party at all levels in the country.

However, he warned that any failure of the SPLM in Eastern Equatoria would be the responsibility of the elected state chairman and secretary general.

As leader of the South Sudan Legislative Assembly, he called for balanced geographical representation of all political parties, noting that greater Upper Nile state was represented by the clerk of the assembly, greater Bahr el Ghazal by the deputy speaker and greater Equatoria by himself.

The Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) was opened on September 29, 2005 and has 171 appointed members representing eight sworn political parties. The first sitting was chaired by elderly statesman late Samuel Abujohn Kabashi.

As mediators attempt to move forward with the stalled negotiations, general elections are scheduled for February 2010. They would be the first free and fair elections in more than 20 years. Sudanese may opt to elect a new president, new parliament, governors and regional legislators.

The presidential candidate for the ruling National Congress Party is the incumbent president, Omer Al-Bashir, who came to power in a coup in 1989. Southern-based SPLM has yet to choose a candidate.



  • Akol Kiir
    Akol Kiir

    SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections
    I don’t understand how the SPLM can be so naive. It has done very little to help us southerners what makes them think the rest of the country will vote for them. It’s corruption wasted the 5 billion dollars from the North. I believe the SPLA should withdraw from the general election and wait for 2011 referendum.

  • junub

    SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections

    Your remark is so stunning really to speak. Would you tell us why should we blamed the Secretary General and the elected state chairman if the SPLM party failed in the Equatoria region, and excluding you the dupity chairman for failing to name the running candidate of the party.
    I bet you should be cautious with the words you are saying because they will divide the party and haunt you when that happened. It all about companying. So please nominate the presidential candidate first and then let him reach the people to tell them why should people be voting for him, but not Secretary General and elected state chairman to be blamed. No you wrong.

  • Busta

    SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections
    Dear SPLM/A.

    Even in 2011 you will never win. How can we vote when South Sudan has failed to make peace attractive!!!!

    We are going for Unity in 2011 wait and see the percentage who are going to vote for unity.


    SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections
    I do really doubted about Wani Igga’s prediction. Are you sure Mr speaker of Southern Sudan that the SPLM/SPLA will win the election from Khartoum Government? Do you mean that if the SPLM/SPLA win the election, then Salva Kiir Miyardit will replace Omar Bashir? Mr Wani Igga, to be honest with you, you better not confound the lies with realities. There are no relevance steps which show that the SPLM/SPLA will win the election during the year 2011 if corruption is not discouraged before hand. At the same time, how can SPLM/SPLA going to win the election from Khartoum Government and they supported Umar Bashir from being indicted by the ICC?

    According to my own inference, if the SPLM/SPLA win the election, Arab from Sudan Government will fight and if Arab win the election, then SPLM/SPLA will still carry up arms as it was before. I do know that SPLM/SPLA is a strong Movement,but the political dialogue within the SPLM/SPLA, is five years ago dead!. I do see the dangling cacus in the Movement, but it won’t serve the SPLM/SPLA. Frankly speaking, SPLM/SPLA lose political measures as well as they lose their five years referendum without preparing themselves in order to achieve the strategies or objectives of the Movement.

    Anyway, I’m not going to be dubious if the SPLM win the election as you said it. But, on the other hand, how is the SPLM going to win really? Mr Wani Igga, “incenerating the politcal pillar in the party is better than burning your own house and sleep under the tree like you use to”.

  • Wad Juba
    Wad Juba

    SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections
    Mr. W. Igga!

    You and your fellow goons in the SPLM have talked the talk, for so freaking long, but have not walked the walk. In other words, the SPLM and Goss government has failed to deliver in every front.

    If the people of southernern Sudan vote for a change, come the election early next year, it is because the SPLM as a party has failed to meet the expectations of its citizens. Tribal terrorism, mass rape and rampant corruption are indicaters that clearly show poor governance by the SPLM.

    The chance to prove and build confidence in the people of southern Sudan by the SPLM party after CPA, was not seen as an “important” issue, otherwise the government would have rooted out corruption within its own ranks. Build better roads, schools and public services such as health, transport and electricity.

    The present government of GoSS/SPLM is ” sleep-walking” if it keeps assuming that it will automatically win the Feb/2010 elections, unless, big and giant steps are taken by the leaders of GoSS to right all the wrongs, cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s then maybe southerners might re-think their position towards the SPLM and the current political system.

    Sound judgement is always based on character and merit, not on appearence and taste.

    C ya later!

    Lo Juba.

  • Ajak makuach
    Ajak makuach

    SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections
    I think the Hon. Jamas Wani Igga, the speaker of the southern region’s parliament does not know what he is talking about. The party he claims to win the general election has no candidates up to this point. The leadership of party is busy of elemination of its memeber. How can you will when you don’t feel comfortable working among party memebrs? The speaker himslef confused when Chairman want to work with him, he though that hsi high figure but, only to use his cheap and symbolize his people.

    Ajak Makuach

  • Kwaje D
    Kwaje D

    Igga is shameless to predict SPLM victory
    After a long disgestion of the Speaker Wani’s statement claiming that SPLM will win Feb.2020 elections, I concluded that he has no fear for the people and God of our fathers.

    How can SPLM, which has failed to bring peace to Southern Sudan, eat our money shamelessly, creating huge positions with meaningless works and above all denying education and health services to needy people. How can one vote such a party? Even if you have lost of your senses, you predict victory for SPLM!

    Indeed, Wani is just pround for nothing to be a member of failing party. This is being shameless. We need people like Wani, who fought (full time for the liberation of Sudanese people) to think about the direction our region is leading to rather than talking about useless elections.

    It is very bad “leloo”

  • Nelson Turdit
    Nelson Turdit

    SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections
    Hi Guys

    Do you know what make it stalling/ delaying SPLM to name its Cnadidate for presidency of the republic? it is because Salva himself does not want to run for presidency because he is expecting to loose the elections from criminal incumbent president Bashir due to unfair/rigging of polls, and this is a clear signal which cause confusion among the party cardrs who should be running for SPLM ticket as mock candidate but not real to win as Wani put it in his adressing speech.

  • Machokakol

    SPLM figure Igga says party will win February 2011 elections
    Some time our minds turn to be full with disordered message especially when we are carried away by secret happiness.

    Regardless of an unfair approach, one could imagine that such a random message might have been due to unfortunate-culture influence versus inappropriate interpretation of facts. In making it short, it could’ve been worth while if we as real people who have severely suffered under the sharp hoe since the birth of fake faith should think logically and comprehensively. Despite the fact that we have less opinionated system which could guide our external takes on such unconscious language towards an open space. We know that a speaker is to guide the voided message and in opposite he is not in favour of sending that reckless connotation. We should’ve been mindful of how to dig opposition’s graves rather presenting a dark gesture signs which does not contributes to the entire message. I bet our traditional songs could yield better than this ruin and blind campaign.

    To add more, a traditional man knows how to commence his dance and in fact this is how he can start his dancing style; A famous dancing man begins his by showing scares of which most people who have travel along knows. Those scares are there to portrayed or signify the meaning with out any other verbal description. Although fans are of limited knowledge about what you are trying to convey them, still they are aware of your outstanding method. In other words, the combination of scares and inflicting view over meanings will portray a significant interest to the fans and be able to join in.

    In the mean time or future, the supports are yours if the connections of facts are in places.

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