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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei Governor, South Sudan UNMIS chief on peace tour

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 30, 2009 (BOR TOWN) — United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) Regional Coordinator for Southern Sudan David Gressy and Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk visited Pibor and Akobo Counties Wednesday, April 29 to preach messages of peace.

Gov. Kuol Manyang speaking to the press at Bor Airstrip, on April 29, 2009 (photo ST-Ph Thon Aleu)
Gov. Kuol Manyang speaking to the press at Bor Airstrip, on April 29, 2009 (photo ST-Ph Thon Aleu)
Speaking to the press at Bor airstrip on their return, Gov. Kuol Manyang and David Gressy pledged to work together to restore peace as “number one”. About 1,000 people died since Murle of Pibor and Lou-Nuer intensified raiding and counter-raid in January, 2009, Gov. Kuol saying “so the people are in a desperate need of food and medical services.”

“We have told them that what we need is peace rather than revenge,” Gov. Kuol said. “We asked them to work for peace and we will help them to provide what is missing.”

Mr. David Gressy of the UNMIS says: “We would like to see more security here in Jonglei State [because] the kind of incidences we have seen in the last several weeks were not acceptable.”

The UN, together with the State government, will be deploying a number of personnel between Akobo and Pibor, Mr. Gressy said, in order to help Counties and Jonglei authorities to stabilize the situation.

Asked what the local communities need to stop raiding, Gov. Kuol says “they talked about lack of development and unemployment but we told them that peace is number one.” Mr. Manyang, however, stressed that the Government of Southern Sudan have no money to fund investments unless there is peace to widen path for foreign investors.

SPLA forces in the areas of Pibor and Akobo did not intervene when raiders attack villages but Mr. Kuol says the army have to access the situation before taking action.

“The army first investigates the intention of the attack, the size of the armed civilians and then it own capacity before intervening,” he said adding “everyone has a right to self protection and the government will assist”.

About the highly rumored attacks across the state, Mr. Manyang underscored insufficient communication and varsity of the State as some factors limiting his government to guarantee security but local people promised not to attack each other.



  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Jonglei Governor, South Sudan UNMIS chief on peace tour
    Mr. Governor,

    It is too late to talk about peace at this time. The very tiny thieves Murle attacked the innocent people in those villages around Greater Akobo instead of facing/confronting the Mighty Nuer Warriors in warfields at toch where they have been since January 2009.

    Now, Nuer Warriors are coming back from toch and it is a matter of time before they declare the D-day on Murle at any time soon. Pibor & Buma must be set of fire by Nuer Wariors regardless of SPLA forces presence in the town if occupation/resettlement is not yet their choice at the time.

    The concerned folks will feel sorry after hearing the destruction/D-day when Nuer Warriors care out the very worst invasion/retaliation for the 2nd time agaisnt the Murle ethnic group.

    Again, it is too early too late to talk about peace until Nuer Warriors burn down Buma and Pibor to ash.


    Jonglei Governor, South Sudan UNMIS chief on peace tour
    Bravo!! to the governor of Jonglei, may the good lord prolong your days to keep helping the needy. The only route to better country is to encourag peace. Unfortunately, peace loving people like Koul Manyang are very rare to be found in Sudan. Hatred, will never solve our problems it will instead increase them. Worse still some of the young people are taking tribal issues upon themselves, where are we heading to? do you guys have an idea how much pain you are creating compared to those who are fighing? I feel very impressed to log on and find some constructive commnents that will change the image of our country.

  • J.James

    Jonglei Governor, South Sudan UNMIS chief on peace tour
    Hi everyone!

    Kim Deng or Kill Deng:

    You have completely fallen below your expected position of educated individual in this particular web. You have trained your brain to work to the best extend of its power on issues that takes communities in Jongolei back to the stone age period.

    Because of your limited understanding or fake conscience, you think that Lou Nuer are the only powerful and the most immortal community in southern Sudan. Forgetting badly that there are other communities who may face your Lou Nuer at day light squarely and aggressively worst than you think or calculated.

    If you are not bedridden by lunacy, who have started the massacre of civilians and destruction of government towns? Murle or Lou Nuer? Since the day you were born have you ever heard Murle ever attacked Lou Nuer town?

    But you Lou Nuer did this twice, the first of its kind took place in 1991 the time when you proposed peace conference between you ( Lou Nuer) and Northern Murle and when Murle sent their delegation include paramount chief Mr. Ayicho you went and killed all these indivduals(18 delegates) innocently. Secondly, you came three months later and attacked the same Lekwangole three times but your forces were defeated in all those arounds.

    Again this year, you made very miserable mistake of you time and attacked Lekwangole instead of attacking at least the villages and drive away the cows. Unbelievablly, you wrongly decided to attacked goverment town and destroyed every contain in the town include international NGOs compounds and GOSS administrative headquarter with every file in it.

    After Murle went and revenged I don’t understand your point of anger. Are you angry because Murle went and revenge or because Koul want to bring peace to Jongolei?

    Mr. Kim, education alone without wisedom is like a plane without engine. You can get education as you want but if you failed to ask wisedom from God you will never move an inch.

    Mind you, you can only burn Pibor and Buma if you come by yourself as suicide bomber and blow yourself up next to one of the buildings in Pibor or Buma so that the explosion has to burn that particular facility into ashes as you put. Of which that building will still be rebuild meanwhile you are dead for good. Otherwise, you may come as many as you can but the probability of burning Pibor or Buma to ashes is about 0.000001.

    However, as matter of peace concern, Murle community welcome Koul Manyang’s proposed peace initiative in open arms and and we will try to use any tool we have to let peace work. But we are also still ready to welcome whatever anybody or any community want to bring to us in any form. Kim Deng, you can jump up and down all you want but the outcome at the end of the day will reduced to one single point. It is have to you to preach peace or violent, all are in your bare hands. But we are for peace while the windows for every chance of retaliation or to confront any sort of aggression against us still widely open.

    I hope you get it good.

    God bless

    The writer is the peace activist in Jongolei

  • J.James

    Jonglei Governor, South Sudan UNMIS chief on peace tour
    Hi Lou Nuer!

    I know Lou Nuer and Murle don’t have any longtail fermented enemity at all but the cause of the problem is brought about by few cattle raiders and brainless individauls like Kim Deng who bears cursed lips to pronounce hatred and division among the communities in south Sudan. Kim don’t want peace between Murle and Lou Nuer, Murle and Dinka Bor, and Dinka Bor and Lou Nuer.

    People like Kim Deng are born in human shape but with rattel snake’ heart of extermination and segregations. People like him (Kim Deng) are the southerners with arab jackets who are soley pray to destroy our peace and unity in the south. Please do away with such heartless skanks. There are people who are drinking Australian wines in USA, Canada or Australia and want to run things in the Jongolei through beer engine.

    I hope some of you will get me clearly.

    God bless

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