Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Yirol situation back to normal from insecurity climb

By Manyang Mayom

April 30, 2009 (RUMBEK) – In the aftermath of the inter-county conflict between Apaak clan of Yirol West County and Ciec clan of Yirol East county, the situation has now come under control and is considered back to normal.

Two weeks ago raiders from Apaak clan of Yirol West County in Lakes state unexpectedly clashed with the Ciec clan of Yirol East County, a clan which had only recently reconciled with them, resulting in 13 dead and nine wounded.

But there is calm now in Yirol West County and peace has spread in the county.

According to Yirol West County Commissioner Agok Manyiel Dhieu, the situation in greater Yirol counties is generally back into normal; people have already resume their local business as usual.

“Four fourteen days the road construction was stuck due to insecurity and now the road construction had resumed as you can witness for yourselves,” he told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday.

“We are now executing the local provisional order of Lakes State Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, which banned cutting down of trees in the forest. Anyone found cutting down a mahogany tree in the forest without permission from the Ministry of Agriculture’s special directorate forestry department, must be captured and immediately have his timbers detained and the person will face justice,” said Commissioner Agok.

Over seven thousand mahogany timbers were seized within Yirol West County, collected from local business people accused of cutting down mahogany trees without permission from the Department of Forestry in Lakes state. All timbers are collected at Yirol West County police station.

“There are people who are definitely exaggerating Yirol West County’s situation as woeful in terms of insecurity and those people are seeking for different interest within this county,” said Manyiel.

Nevertheless, a close source to commissioner Agok blamed Lakes state Governor Daniel Awet Akot for failing to provide security forces for the quick deployment to the states borders as demanded by Lakes state lawmakers in last month’s parliamentary resolution.

Lakes state government has been hit by insecurity blamed on pastoralists and also on the power struggling within the state government that has overwhelmed the state civilians.

In a recent interview the predominant Dinka chief, Dut Malual Arop, has encouraged local youth in Lakes State to reconcile, saying that the high rise of insecurity in Lakes state is a part of the civil war that broke out in Southern Sudan leaving AK-47 guns in the hands of every individual in South Sudan, while he also called upon the SPLM leadership to confront insecurity in Lakes state in a very diplomatic path that will not harm any civilians in the state.




    Yirol situation back to normal from insecurity climb
    Thank God, that is good news. I am really glade that they are in peace now, and no more violence in Yirol country. but governor need to do something about insecurity in Lake state, and Warap because people are dying everyday because of luck of insecurity. this 13 people who lose their life in ciec clan no body will not replace them. our Apaak brothers need to stop their bad behavior because we all related there is no need for us to kill oursleves. Peace be with all

  • Busta

    Yirol situation back to normal from insecurity climb
    Did hear Yiro situation back to normal!!?

    Hell No. People of Yiro wil never be in peace for three days before they start their madness of Junglesian.
    Let me pray that this time they have started to reason and decided to stop killing one another like slaughtling cows.

    God Bless Yiro and its people. Amen

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