Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

S. Sudan villages clear as LRA attack increasingly closer to Yambio

May 2, 2009 (LONDON) — Local defence forces in Western Equatoria State talked Thursday of wide-scale devastation from attacks by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) along the border of DR Congo and nearer to the state capital Yambio, with villagers fleeing by the thousands.

Rural residents are fleeing to the major towns such as Tambura, Ezo, Nzara and Yambio, said Charles Kisanga, a political leader connected to the region who is now living in the United Kingdom.

Kisanga, a former member of the National Liberation Council of the South’s ruling party SPLM and chairman of an international organization for the Azande community, said the LRA seemed to be advancing closer to areas around the state capital, Yambio, and Nzara, as indicated by a dawn attack Wednesday on the village of Atanziri.

“The Uganda Lords Resistance Army rebels continue to target isolated villages and attack them and causing fear and mayhem which drive many villagers to the main towns,” said Kisanga.

Atanziri, which is just about 12 miles from Nzara and Yambio, was reportedly attacked and looted by LRA, killing a policeman and another village man.

“The fallen hero policeman is said to be well-known among the community and his death at the hands of the LRA has sent shock waves to the communities in Yambio and Nzara. The policeman was supposed to be defending the village against LRA but was no match to dozens of LRA who attacked the village to loot food — and they hack anybody to death who does not get out of their way quick enough or who are still caught in bed when the rebels sneak into the villages,” stated Kisanga.

The body of the policeman was brought for mourning and burial in Yambio on Thursday. Some of his relatives who fled to Yambio following the attack on said they lived just a few hundred meters from the other villager who was killed by LRA and they said they had been terrified when woken by the sound of gunfire. They ran all the way to Yambio leaving all their possessions behind.

One woman who was pregnant ran all the way to Yambio with her other children and family members, prompting her to go into early labour Wednesday. The premature baby was delivered during the night and is now at Yambio hospital where it is hoped the baby can survive.

Kisanga suggested ominously that a number of officials in the state have started to evacuate their families to Uganda, especially women and children.

“The LRA seem to have now acquired more weaponry than before plus the use of abducted young people who are forced to fight in the ranks of the LRA rebels,” he said.

Resurgence of the LRA in the state has caused considerable concern to local South Sudanese officials. According to a 2009 report by the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey, officials disregarded a presidential disarmament order during 2008, largely out of fear to implement the disarmament campaign while the LRA remained armed and active. Rather, the governor of the state has encouraged the growth of armed civilian groups sometimes referred to as “arrow boy” because they are not always well equipped.

LRA activities have picked up since they were attacked in December 2008 in Garamba National Park in Congo, which LRA first entered from Uganda in 2005. An NGO report from February 2008 by Joost van Puijenbroek and Nico Plooijer alleged that “Garamba has always been a supply zone for various rebel groups by the Government of Khartoum.”

As happened in 2008 across an area close to 10,000 square kilometers in northeastern DR Congo, many areas along the border are now empty of people.

Kisanga commented “it is becoming increasing difficult to see how election process can start in Western Equatoria state as promised by the Government and the Electoral Commission.”



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    S. Sudan villages clear as LRA attack increasingly closer to Yambio
    No problems how much we undergo this hard situation. It is just because we don’t have the arms to face with gang party of LRA. Arms are being used for killing each other because of meat (cattle), instead those guns should be used for attacking with LRA. This GOSS of dinkas and his junglese will tell their aim in the nearest future, he keep ignoring the guns and encouraging the local people to distribute more while we Equatorians who are suppose to have the guns for shooting with LRA are been denied. I just advice my fellow Arrow Boys to take the courage for saving this land from being dominated by aliens. We have nothing to do with this mad people of junglese who claim to be in leadership. A blind will vote for them to continue living the worse life, but a wise will know where to go. VOTING FOR DINKAS CANDIDATE IN 2011 is LIKE GOING TO HELL. any wise Equatorians should know the real and right route to the peace and better envirionment, but not heading to the dark jungle free zone for murdering innocents.

  • Deng

    S. Sudan villages clear as LRA attack increasingly closer to Yambio
    It is now almost going back to 1990’s, situation now, there is no doubt that Equatoriann are not capable of protecting their area and when mongjang come in later to protect them some will say it is an occupation. These is what they did in 1990’s they are going back to Uganda say they are attack by LRA. Can I ask a question, who are these LRA are they not Acholi? Who are also the equatorian If not who are they? Are they not in Southern Sudanese? I think these fear is normal business, the business of people who cannot protect their area. they alway skipt to other area in 1997 there was southern Sudan Defense force which we still don’t know until today to whom where depending southern Sudan from rather than Arab our mighty enemies.

    During that critical time of 1991 everybody in southern Sudan knows what happen but the mighty people monyjang stood up to protect innocent civilian from being slaughter by our enemies they jallaba. There is no jallaba now than war of our stomach, why can we protect our land then our stomach. SPLA are ready to do anything. But some people don’t see SPLA and who are SPLA, We have failed to define who SPLA is? SPLA are strong men who went to protect their land from outsider inside southern Sudan. There should no question why don’t SPLA protect our people you are they SPLA.

    LRA cannot defeat SPLA however LRA can defeat SPLA when you decided to go back to Uganda than protecting your area or joining SPLA who you think they are to do the job for people. Some people think SPLA is dominated by DINKA, Nuer, Latuko another small tribe to mention few. They question can be where were you at the time of domination? I think you can answer it by yourself.

    This is not a good decision for our leaders to take their families to hiding places leaving us a lot and later on they come back with their big belly looking for job, like what is happening now juba and other part of southern Sudan. Now in southern Sudan poorest and uneducated people in southern Sudan are the children of veteran, disable the and they normal SPLA fighter who are still of their service are they mostly who are seen as useless in southern Sudan today because of their bribery of defending southern Sudan from jallaba

    There should be mechanism to resolve this disease which in our leaders. They should learn from what Abdul Wahid is d in France while Darfurian is being slaughter like chicken everyday. We should not run away from problem than protecting our people when it is time for crisis like this. When will we learn, we did before in 1991 to 1997 and we came back with our open hand without achieving anything than a setback. Aligning ourselves with our enemies will not help at all but depending and protecting our land and people will help.

  • Busta

    S. Sudan villages clear as LRA attack increasingly closer to Yambio
    Dear people of Yambio.

    It is pity that you have two war at hand which you are facing now.
    1. LRA
    2. AIDS/HIV.
    It is surprise that people are running away to get protection and the question am asking you with is,
    If you can run to get protection from LRA why can’t you protecte yourselves from AIDS?
    Yambio people are very stupid people in Equatoria because the way they love sex is too much. Am calling upon those people in Yambio to reduce their libido otherwise all of you are going to finish.
    God Bless those who have died of AIDS. Amen.

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