Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UN boss warns of troops on border as Chad and Sudan pen deal

May 3, 2009 (NEW YORK) – The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, today was concerned at reports about the recent build-up and movement of armed elements on both sides of the Chad-Sudan border, said his spokesperson.

The statement on the military build-up comes as Sudan and Chad signed a commitment in Qatar to work toward ending hostilities, and it follows a similar remark from the US State Department spokesman last week.

Military activities have been reported last week by both Chadian rebels based in Sudan and state-run news. As the dry season draws to a close, rapid movement by armed convoys will become slower especially across the dried wadis that seasonally fill with water.

Agreements between the Government of Sudan and that of Chad have deteriorated over mutual support to rebels based on each other’s territories. But the UN Secretary-General hailed “normalization” talks between the two governments held this week.

Noting the military developments, Ban’s spokesperson stated “the Secretary-General welcomes the discussions towards the normalization of bilateral relations between the Governments of Chad and Sudan held this week in Doha and calls on both parties to make every effort to ease tensions.”



  • jmnda me
    jmnda me

    UN boss warns of troops on border as Chad and Sudan pen deal

    MY dear brother southern sudanese.i know you can do a lots of good think to our conutry with your very voluvol time you spaned tearing dwon one another.it is not that i think iam better then you’nour i thouht that i know more then you do.in fact i lerned so mach from you in very littel time.i totaly understaned the councern of ach and evry one of you.
    but there are so many think that we need to take in to uccont here.
    1-our tribe are not all porpact.there for we must do our homework farst befor we jup to attac our other respactive trib.
    2-we must know that our enmey could be well bhained all this tribal conflict’cince they are going to be the banfcuir of any outcome.remember the enmey is too smart to acknower.some of them can even use our tribs name in oraer to meniupelit our discoution’so we can just spaned most of our time talking about tribalsim issue. inset of the real new sudan issue.
    brthers and sisters,if you love your trib”then you should love all the other trib.because your trib alone can not be the south sudan what so ever
    dear brothers.your leadership is wanted in south sudan now more then ever.
    let us think and servce for coause of something greater then our self.
    thanks may god bless you all,may god bless south sudan.(jmnda)

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