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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks

By Thon Philip Aleu

May 10, 2009 (BOR) – The long awaited peace and reconciliation conference for Uror, Duk, Nyirol, Ayod and Twic East Counties kicked-off today Sunday in Jonglei capital Bor with calls of permanent agreement.

Jonglei_peace.jpgJonglei Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk called on local leaders to reach an agreement that would challenge “enemies of peace.”

The five counties represent two major tribes in Jonglei State – Nuer and Dinka Bor and though, reconciling them would mean a significant breakthrough in solving the tribal conflicts.

The peace conference, proposed by Jonglei State in collaboration with Pact Sudan, is facilitated by Reconcile International. Communities’ chiefs, Commissioners of the various Counties, Parliamentarians from Jonglei State, South Sudan and National levels as well as UN agencies are attending the 5-day talks at Dr. John Garang de Mabior Institute of Science and Technology.

The chairman, peace organizing committee Mr. John Jock Chol who is also the State advisor for peace and development challenges the Counties’ delegates to make history for the time to love one-another has come.

“The best time to love is now….because you don’t know how long you will have the opportunity,” Chol said.

“A peaceful world is the greatest heritage that this generation can give to the generation to come,” he said adding “to make this precious inheritance a reality, men and women of good-will must work together to make Jonglei a better state.”

Tribal relationships twisted rough after the signing of the Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between former rebel SPLM and the government of Sudan in 2005. Thousands of people lost their lives as the result of ethnic conflicts.

With six difference tribes of Nuer, Dinka, Murle, Anyuak, Kachipo and Jie inhabiting Jonglei, the State has suffered severely from cattle raiding, child abduction and competition over grazing lands in the last four years of peace but worsens in 2009.

Duk County and Lou Nuer Counties of Uror and Nyirol in particular have unstable bounds especially after the latest attack on a business car near Poktap in Duk County on January 11, 2009 where more than five people were killed.


But do politicians complicate intertribal conflicts? Hon. Peter Gatkuoth Duop, Uror and Nyirol member of parliament, South Sudan Legislative Assembly denies political role in the ethnic contest.

“It’s not necessary to politicize this condition…for Uror and Duk Counties are one community,” he said. Both sides should be committed to end this conflict, he stressed.

Former Governor Philip Thon Leek, Sudan’s Minister of transport, roads and bridges Government of National Unity (GoNU), who hails from Duk County and having a blood relationship with Lou Nuer community, says “it’s shocking to hear of conflict between these communities [for] we are mixed.”

Like fellow peace seekers, Mr. Leek urged the communities to forgive the pain caused by 1991 clashes. The 1991 Nuer and Dinka Bor conflict followed a split of SPLM in that year. Thousands of people lost their lives as many more properties were destroyed.

With the historical 2005 peace accord, Jonglei state is yet to end years of misery but “we must agree,” he argued. “The ultimate aim is to agree. We have agreed with the north, why not among ourselves? Why do we die when there is peace?” Leek wondered.

Minister Philip Thon Leek was removed from Jonglei Governorship in December, 2007 in a move thought to have come at a climax of tribal hostilities. Much as 2008 was generally peace – the first year of Governor Kuol Manyang, the real peak of tribal contest appears to be 2009 where over 1,000 people died in the first quarter of the year.

Jonglei sought forceful disarmament and deployment of South Sudan army between tribes but Juba is yet to respond to the demand of state call for more troops. In 2006, Lou Nuer Counties were forcefully disarmed leaving them vulnerable to surrounding the communities.

Jonglei must make peace, Gov. Kuol said at the opening ceremony today giving a huge responsibility to chiefs and areas representatives.

“The responsibility of chiefs and intellectuals is to ensure that their people leave in peace. That is number one,” he said. If Jonglei don’t make peace, Mr. Manyang says, “Who will make it for us?”

Without mentioning any particular group, Gov. Kuol said: “The enemies of peace want to fight and continue killing ourselves. We must reject that.” By saying “we must reject that,” the Governor refers to those who supply ammunitions for feeding AK-47 that remains at the hands of civilians following 21 years of South-north conflict.

Counties leaders will now discuss the ways to share resources mainly in dry-season, grazing lands and hatred among tribes worsened by possession of arms. Without doubt, disarmament is going to be an issue to discuss.



  • junub

    Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks
    Yeah, yeah, Philip Thon Leek have said this and that, but what is that going to help though while you were the people who ran your mouths on him because of the tribal fighting. Shock now, in Kuol more than thousands died then in Philip’s time. Please give us break to leave Philip Thon allow in his job in Khartoum.

    Fake your peace and the time will shame you wrong for any decieving of yourselves. 1991 massacre of Riek Machar have nobody can bent it right but Riek himself to explain if not repent.

    That peace will not work no matter what efforts you folks lie to put on to.

  • J.James

    Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks
    Hi guys

    Frankly speaking, the enemies of peace are people like tribalistic Philip Thon Leek who want other tribe to be disarmed while arming his own tribe. Matter of fact, how many guns have been collected from Bor? Not even a knife and they want others to be disarmed that will never and never happen.

    For peace, yes we love peace but you can not call for peace when your own tribe terrorized others in the capital, how many Murle, Anyuak or Lou Nuer own shops or homes in state capital Bor? none.

    Are Bor going to stop harrassing other communities on the roads? that need to be answered before we single about peace that will be ruined by people like Philip Thon themselves. Bor civilians are innocent, but the leadership failed to address all those thorny issues and they blindly expect peace to stay in place I don’t understand how?

    Let share everything equally include constraction of roads to all counties, let stop harrassing people on streets an d in markets include Juba and let stop all those false charges against each other. Otherwise we are talking to the toilets.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • J.James

    Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks
    Read this:

    The Peace between Lou Nuer and Murle is easy but peace between Murle and Bor will only come if Bor stop cheating and harrassing people in capital which belong to everybody.

    They need to stop touching any Murle property even a cup of tea or one cob of maize on the way to Pibor period, and we will leave them now alone. Otherwise, we can not accept any peace brought to us as insult.

    Get it on your dirty ears.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • da Vinci
    da Vinci

    Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks
    Isurprised to hear that animals are trying to reconcile.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks

    Wa Wa Wa Wa look at this fage man calling himself Loding trying something which is wrong separetion of south fron north is end of dinka! what do you mean bro!I hope you are the people who doesn’t want peace to come by dividing the rest of other tribe by confusing themselves to fight each other.Better go to north before the 2011 come my dear nothing will yeid good fruits,but Greater Equoterian will last for ever and ever though you are trying politicize it we can not allow that to happen in land go and fuck your in north with arabic!!!

  • J.James

    Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks
    Mr.Pandit (Jongkoth)

    If you are really ready to debate with me one-on-one, I will be more than glad to go head on with you without any hesitation.

    I am 100% sure some of you will have fatal heart failure when things are going to break down to the other wing. Mind you, southerners have become very tough and very beligerent to face any criminal who tries to steal their money or who had simply, foolishly claim to be the only cleaver animal in the world because the world of cheating and neglegence has passed.

    Seriously, we are going to bring you any book and open it wide on the table and let you go through page by page and compare what you people are doing against others or state as a whole with what international law want every nation to do to her cititens if at all your tribalistic government had actually done something compatable with the demanded system.

    English says, lies has short legs and that fully applied to your weak governance.

    But people like you will never recognize the face of truth till your bottom is heated up by fire. You try to lie all you want but the answers still come the same. You can patch baseless stories by linking other tribes with arabs leaving Abel alier to represent NCP as you want, because we don’t give a damn. The policies of lies and breaking people apart is dead three four years ago.

    Try to clean your ears or keep them full of wax for southerners to clean.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • NyegatismBeerFucker

    Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks
    Fuckenn beer j.j,

    Blah,Blah,Blah. What do you know with your little brainless? thieves of cattle and children. You are fucken dreaming to be treated with any sort dignity whatsover. Police will enact more laws to prevent brainless thieves transporting weapons on Borland. You will never escape Bor long arm of justice and power of brain no matter where your brainless heads take you to. You will be deal with in Juba and Bor, nobody will stop patriots from dealing with nyegatisms. you will be treated as such brainless uncivilize primitives beer you are! you are nyegatisms and nobody care about your pathetic blank brain. Some of the laws are taking effects and your brainless will be tamed or get fucken like coz a week ago. Fuckenn primitives creatures!!!

  • sudanpeacehopeful

    Jonglei state starts intertribal reconciliation talks
    I would like to comment on all of the responses to this article. I am an American looking to come to Sudan to help with the rebuilding of the south. As an outsider looking in, it seems that there is so much hatred and anger amongst the tribes that there is no way that any outside assistance, company or even country would want to consider coming there to help.

    Can someone, anyone respond as to how we are to feel safe coming to Sudan when there is no hope of peace when even the tribes that live among each other on the same soil can not work together to find it?

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