Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NCP figure admits Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka

By Ngor Arol Garang

May 9, 2009 (ABYEI) — The senior member of the Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Abyei, Hon. Majak Matet Ayom, member of the Abyei council, during a rally held Saturday at Abyei freedom square admitted that Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka.

Citizens at a rally in Abyei, May 9, 2009
Citizens at a rally in Abyei, May 9, 2009
His speech was part of a briefing for the public by Abyei chiefs and leaders on the recent oral hearings at The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA).

“Truth should be allowed to flow so peace prevails,” he said. “I am reiterating this today albeit the fact that I am a known die- hard supporter of National Congress Party, because truth is never covered even if influences speak in a person.”

Judges at the court of arbitration have been asked to validate or dismiss a Sudanese government challenge to the decision of a boundaries commission whose mandate was to delimit the area occupied by nine Ngok Dinka chiefdoms in 1905. In April, the Sudanese government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement presented their oral arguments before the tribunal.

Hon. Majak, who during oral hearings in The Hague acted as an eyewitness on the government side, is reported to have minced no words on Abyei while being heard by judges.

“Yes, I am an NCP member and an ardent supporter as known, but being a member of the ruling political party should not deny or deprive me of my fundamental right to say what belongs to who and how,” he said.

He said people can be from different political parties but still remain citizens of the same area albeit existence of any family differences.

Also attending the rally were Juac Agok, head of physical infrastructure, Chol Changath, SPLM Secretary for Abyei Area, chiefs, and members of the Abyei council.

The Hague-based judges are supposed to issue a final and binding decision within 90 days after the April 23 close of the oral hearings, grounding their ruling in the provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), particularly the Abyei Protocol and Abyei Appendix.

The Abyei Protocol provided to establish an Abyei Boundaries Commission tasked with defining the boundaries of the Abyei Area. However, the National Congress Party-led government rejected the findings of the commission issued in July 2005.

Both signatories to the CPA agreed on June 8, 2008, in a roadmap to resolve Abyei disagreement, to refer their dispute to the arbitration tribunal. They formally referred their case to the PCA on July 12, 2008.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    NCP figure admits Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka
    So let those junglese find their way back home, don’t roam in Equatoria, the Arabs are now giving you a space to live and they are going back. So go back to your places. Juba is now a breeding ground for germs due to the present of dinkas in Juba and this is not just Juba alone including any town with mad dinkas. Don’t panic your abusers are heading to north so follow them to your places. It is raining now and your poor personaliity will cause cholera.

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    NCP figure admits Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka
    Thanks the time the husband of dinkas are heding back to north
    Now the dinkas toriya or dinkas jenge can go back home and rebuild there broken
    Husband home
    After many many years of sucking the dick of there husband Mundukuru

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    NCP figure admits Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka
    Guys, with CPA, SOUTHERNERS are now understanding where their right is, see even NCP Members(Southerners) are admitting and accepting that they are South Sudanese, some thing before CPA was impossible, instead they are against those who stick on South Sudanese Nationality, oh my God! Despite every things e.g Religions,Language,Culture,Party affiliation, Economic etc, which Arabs used as tools to fight genuine Africans in South Sudan, we should always say WE BELONG TO SOUTH SUDAN.

  • Busta

    NCP figure admits Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka
    To Austino Deng,

    Hey what is wrong with you man?
    All what you have said is completely stupidy, in Sudan as whole Dinkas are the fakest tribe, ugly, dirtest, eat anythings which can make he/she stomach full.
    If you really have mother go and ask her if she gave birth to you in a normal way human being are born?

    Carry you research and tell me the outcome.

  • maluach madit
    maluach madit

    NCP figure admits Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka
    Dear readers and adminstration of right law, listen here.

    I can personally blame Egypt and Britan.

    During 19 century,Sudan was rulled as a province of Egypt to push most of Arabs from El-obeid to Dongola.from Dongola to Kordofan and to south areas of Abyei Region in Northern Bharel-gazel where inhabitants were illiterate Dinka Ngok who were even un-armed and powerless to to defend their own motherland from Northern forces,hence it led to a gradual pushing up to that end !.

    For the Britian, personal adminstrators were the British officers attached to the Egyptian Army.They later arrived in Sudan to form the “NUDEUD’ of Sudan Political Service in 1902. They exercised Extraordinary powers and dirrected the condominium from Khartoum. As a result,the problem of unidentified boundary became source of conflict.

    Dear people, it would be the best thing if southern right is clearly understood by international right and both North and South should unanimously agree that Abyei is a southern Region in Northern great Bharel-gazel before the fulfilment of other C P A articles.

    Maluach Madit Maluach.

  • maluach madit
    maluach madit

    NCP figure admits Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka
    Dear readers and adminstration of right law, listen here.

    I can personally blame Egypt and Britan.

    During 19 century,Sudan was rulled as a province of Egypt to push most of Arabs from El-obeid to Dongola.from Dongola to Kordofan and to south areas of Abyei Region in Northern Bharel-gazel where inhabitants were illiterate Dinka Ngok who were even un-armed and powerless to to defend their own motherland from Northern forces,hence it led to a gradual pushing up to that end !.

    For the Britian, personal adminstrators were the British officers attached to the Egyptian Army.They later arrived in Sudan to form the “NUDEUD’ of Sudan Political Service in 1902. They exercised Extraordinary powers and dirrected the condominium from Khartoum. As a result,the problem of unidentified boundary became source of conflict.

    Dear people, it would be the best thing if southern right is clearly understood by international right and both North and South should unanimously agree that Abyei is a southern Region in Northern great Bharel-gazel before the fulfilment of other C P A articles.

    Thanks. Maluach Madit Maluach.

  • jamesakok

    Let we respect one Another
    Hello People, may we respect one another for not to say bad words. Let we be profeesional talkers to turn bad words into good talk ways.

    Thank You

  • ochan stephen
    ochan stephen

    NCP figure admits Abyei belongs to Ngok Dinka
    We may say thank you Hon. Majak but this is just a clue that abyei will fold itself southward of the country. in this case the black people must defend it so tirelessly to avoid it folding back to the North wisely. Once it folds back never will it be recovered again. Note carefully Mr. Majak, you must send the wave to Ngok Dinka that east west, north, are mere compass bearings and south is the best at all times. Remember you(Abyei) and the blue nile people should determine your destiny as early as now before the paper expires. I mean CPA is a fair paper to exercise democracy and democracy according to me is free saying out of what ever you want minus any intimidation.
    Please notify Mr Bashir as well

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