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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village

May 11, 2009 (JUBA) – Up to 40 people, mainly women and children, were killed in a night attack Friday in Upper Nile by one clan of Nuer on another, drawing an official condemnation from the Government of Southern Sudan.

A group of Lou Nuer on Friday night attacked a Jikany Nuer village called Tor Kech, killing over 40 people.

Miyong G. Kuon, press officer for regional Vice President Riek Machar, said that 31 women died in the attack, 13 children and 4 men. His source, the Luak-Piny/Nasir Commissioner, added that 23 women, 18 children and 10 men were wounded.

The Sudan Radio Service reported nearly identical figures, citing program manager of the Nasir Community Development Agency David Nyang, who said that 30 women were killed, 13 children and 4 men. He said that 24 women, 18 children and 3 men were wounded who were brought to the MSF hospital in Nasir.

A third source, a U.N. official who asked not to be named, told Reuters news agency that sources on the ground had reported 49 dead and 54 injured, 24 of them severely.

But Upper Nile state’s information minister, Thon Mom, offered a lower figure, with 41 killed and 42 injured in Friday’s attack.

A statement from the Office of the Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) said: “The Government of Southern Sudan is disturbed and regrets to learn the recent loss of innocents’ lives in (Torkech) Luak-Piny County, Upper Nile. This barbaric and vicious attack on innocent civilians deserves the condemnation of every community.”

The GOSS statement added that at a security meeting on Saturday the regional government immediately ordered the army and security organs to restore law and order in affected areas. The meeting also addressed reports about scrimmages between Bari and Mundari communities near Juba.

“A clear, decisive and uncompromising stand is necessary against those committing these crimes in all communities across Southern Sudan,” said Kuon.

According to the Nasir development official, in March a fight between one Jikany clan and Lou resulted in the deaths of 14 people of the Lou including women and children, thus prompting the revenge attack Friday.

“The situation is still very bad because it has resulted in the displacement of an estimated one thousand people or more and fifty orphans were brought to Nasir yesterday. Some people are still missing and some people drowned in the river so people are still searching. The situation really is very bad,” he told the radio station.

Since the end of Sudan’s civil war in 2005, localized fighting has intensified in some areas of the south.

More than 700 people were killed in other fighting between the Lou Nuer and the Murle tribe in March and April.

The Lou had fiercely resisted a forcible government disarmament campaign in 2006, claiming that surrendering their arms would render them vulnerable to neighboring communities who were not subject to a simultaneous disarmament.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed and wounded not only recently, but the series attacks that occurred in various communities in different states in Southern Sudan,” said the statement from GOSS.



  • pol d
    pol d

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    Before the British/Arab came to Africa,Nuer Lou comes to Jikany Nuer,and some areas of SouthSudan,beacause of water yes! come and grassing your ccows,not to kiiled those people.The only way Lou nuer can be stop,the GOSS should build new ten Dam for water, around Lou areas so that the can be stop coming back to jock kier Nile.
    simple shame to Dr.riek Gai why your NCP give your people guns not water.(LOU NUER shoukd respect Ngun Deng. Not to fight people agaisnt SouthSudan)

  • kuduhal

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    Iam really very sorry about this misfortunate happening to our brothers nuer and it is great shock to hear that situation among ourselvies.

    Our brothers and sisters never know that big community can finish through those acts and i urgent nuer people to correct thier differences befor riek stand up for presidential election in sudan,

    otherwise he goanna lost if his supporters have great variation in thier understanding.

    It was known that murle and others tribes were responsible for nuer disturbing but it is clear now that our big brothers are not united and doesn’t have peace and reconcailation to solve their differences Nuer can solve thier problems before anyone intervention because this is not tribolism tragedy it is within.

    “N/B to website worroirs do not touch any tribe in your comments because the article came from nuer and the lost of lives is made by nuer”


  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    The government of Dikas in Juba dirty city to blame
    Dinkas have stop killing there Husband Arab Mudukuru because of the sexual contract they sign with them

    Southern Sudan problem number one is Dinkas and there sexual contract with Arab from north

    Once they go back to the north and fulfil there sexual contract there south Sudan will be in peace forever

    You see ladies and gentlemen the problem of southerners is very clear

  • Busta

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    Dinkas and Nuer do you read Bible??

    These two tribes in Sout Sudan are very stupidy and were created by God by mistake.

    we are tired by so called attack by Nuer and Dinkas fuck all of you Dinkas and Nuer both of you look very ugly.

    You are not supposeto exist in the surface of the eartha and am wandering why can’t God squeeze His breath out from you.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village

    wah! the only solution to avoid such miscrible news is to redifine the WORD so Called “DINKA” which mean “Dirty in National Killing atlarge”please let southern sudan MPs change those name from dinka to something else otherwise no nation in south sudan only chaos

  • Busta

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    Dear Augustino Deng.

    Didn’t I tell you to go and ask your mother how you were born?
    Any body who feed on cow milk, Scientifically is animal and that is why Dinkas have animals mind!!!!

    Go to Rumberk and drink your dirty milk.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    All over the World Cattle Keepers are very difficult to be control,look now in South Sudan, Nuer,Dinkas, Murle,Mundari and others Animals breeders are behaving. Because being closed to Animals is what make them very wild as Animals,even if were given high positions in any field of any kind of Job yet could be as wild as angry or mad Bull. Guys some of you blame GOSS, do you know whom are they? Do you know who make Final Decision? I am not against tribes who keep Animals because Economically animals are important,but i hate their aggressive behaviors. May God change the minds of Lou- Nuer and I don’t mind Leaders of South Sudan who are just there to cash money illegally.

  • postmortem

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    God be with you til we meet again. Eternal rest grant unto them O’ LORD and let perpetual light shine upon them, may they rest in peace AMEN.

    As long as our leaders continue to condemn these killings on radios, televisions, newspapers from Juba, we are not helping the innocent people of Southern Sudan from preventable deaths.

    We are tired of short term interventions in tribal conflict situations of this nature from GOSS. Let our leaders go and pitch tents in those areas until the problem is solved.

    we seem to be paying no attention to this disease that is overtaking us in Southern Sudan. When we begin to kill children and women, I am afraid some of our leaders will face ICC for negligence while they are in power under International Law.

    The problem with our government is that it does not see these tribal conflicts as rootcause to rule of law breakdown. It is not good to only respond without impact on such cases. These raids and killings are now engulfing the whole of southern sudan and should be treated with alot of caution to ensure a lasting solution.

  • Juba Lira
    Juba Lira

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    I don,t like our people to kill them selves like that

    Jaba Lira is a Rabbi for Logic boy J.J. Taposa boy who are very short where black-ants bite their butts while standing.

  • son of Lou
    son of Lou

    49 killed in Upper Nile attack on Nuer village
    Re-Condenmation of 49 killed in Torkeech
    By Lou Nuer Community USA

    The government of South Sudan GOSS shall not condemn Lou for killing Jikany through Hearsay evidence or without a proof of corpus delicti. The authentications are merely the best writers but lack of Physical evidence.

    In Nuer culture, an intentional killing of child a women is prohibited; but Gajiok started it in the morning of March 12 2009 by killing the following family.

    The first Family:

    Gai Lam Chakuen Buah ( The Head of the Family) 54
    Nyathep Tut (the first wife to Gai Lam)49
    Nyayien Kot ( the second wife to Gai Lam)37
    Nyadeni Gai Lam -17
    Nyathiang Gai Lam-15
    Thijin Gai Lam-7

    The second Family:

    Lok Malual Nhial ( known as Lok Nyatuor Chakuen Buah)-52
    Nyamani Kuon Buay-45
    Nyayien Luak Nyuon-33
    Mother of Nyagony Kot (mother-in-Law to Gai Lam)- age -75
    Nyatirit Lok Malual Nhial- 15
    Nyanhial lok Malual nhial–13

    Wounded patient under treatment in Akobo Hospital

    Nyagonya Buoy Kot
    Nyajany Joak
    NyaSunday Nyadoni
    Thep Kek Both Nyuon

    These patients have a lot of fractures, skin damage and they are under 12 years old of age.

    The 12 deceased and 4 wounded were all from one family that has nothing to do with who killed Jikany men. But they were brutally killed in case of just two men. How can the GOSS government justify such killing?

    Your article stated: “According to the Nasir development official, in March a fight between one Jikany clan and Lou resulted in the deaths of 14 people of the Lou including women and children, thus prompting the revenge attack Friday”.

    There was no such thing as fight between one Jikany clan and Lou at the time when those deceases were murdered. However, an unknown numbered group of Jikany carried the same type of ambush Lou used to kill people in Torkech. But the different is that Lou attacked Torkech while Jikany has no other war to fight.

    Instead, Jikany carried the killing while Lou was at war with Murle tribe. Gajiok as Nuer could not wait for men to come back and kill a man in revenge of their two men who were also killed days earlier.

    More clues:

    On April 18 when 12 payams of Nyandit on the South side of Akobo were attacked by Murle tribe, Lou young men from Toch ran to rescue the people from the Payams. Behind them, a group of Jikany men attacked the cattle camp thinking that all Lou young men left for rescue in Akobo. The attackers were captured alive but released later. What credit could the GOSS grant to Lou for releasing the attackers because they are Nuers?

    Recently before Lou attacked Torkech, Jikany killed 5 men from Lou in a village called Makak and one wounded. This is what triggered Lou to take an ambush to any village of Jikany. Could the GOSS still Condemn Lou?

    Signed by

    Lou Nuer Community USA.

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