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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Doha talks between JEM & Khartoum adjourn without breakthrough

By Wasil Ali

May 12, 2009 (ABU DHABI) – The talks held in the Arab Gulf state of Qatar between the Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudanese government adjourned with no deal on humanitarian issues or swapping prisoners.

Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) leader Khalil Ibrahim (R) attends a news conference following peace talks in Doha February 17, 2009 (Reuters)
Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) leader Khalil Ibrahim (R) attends a news conference following peace talks in Doha February 17, 2009 (Reuters)
JEM spokesperson Ahmed Hussein speaking to Sudan Tribune by phone from Doha said that the mediation teams set May 27th as the new date for talks to resume after the closing session on Tuesday night.

Hussein said his delegation reiterated its position on implementing the goodwill agreement signed with Khartoum last February. He singled out the clauses dealing with facilitating humanitarian work and exchanging prisoners of war (POWs).

The talks stalled after the Sudanese government expelled more than a dozen relief organizations from Darfur accusing them of passing information to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“Make no mistake. We did not come here to renegotiate things we have already agreed on. If the government is genuine about peace they will execute what they have signed rather than attempt to buy time. Instead they are focused on their dispute with Chad and a ceasefire,” he said.

“The humanitarian issue is of paramount importance. We need to ensure that these organizations are allowed back in to prevent further deterioration in the situation,” JEM official added.

Hussein lashed out at the Sudanese government saying it is mistreating JEM POW’s and targeting other Darfuris.

“Our detained prisoners have no access to their families and are being kept in extremely poor conditions. On our end we treat their prisoners in accordance with the Geneva Convention. Even the list they submitted for our POW’s was inaccurate,” he said.

“They hanged nine Darfuris after bogus trials in which they were framed for the murder of Mohamed Taha,” Hussein added.

The JEM spokesperson was referring to the nine men who were executed last month after being found guilty of beheading Taha, who was the owner of Al-Wifaq newspaper.

The sentences drew condemnation inside and outside Sudan with some groups saying that the trials were unfair and politically motivated with those who murdered Taha being still at large.

The mediation issued this evening a press statement saying the two sides renewed their commitment to the Doha peace process in order to reach a peaceful negotiated settlement to the Darfur conflict. It also said they agreed to hold their next meeting on May 27.

With regard to the question of the release of prisoners of war, the two sides exchanged lists of POWs held by each party and agreed to form a joint committee with participation of the mediation in order to finalize it and to speed up the process of release, the statement said.

On the humanitarian situation, the mediation said it would follow up the implementation of the recent agreements concluded by the UN, US and the Sudanese government to allow new aid groups to work in Darfur.

The parties also will keep representatives in Doha to prepare for the next meeting.



  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    Doha talks between JEM & Khartoum adjourn without breakthrough
    I sincerely appreciate Dr. Khalil, the leader of JEM for his
    couragiously national stance that calls for confusers to stay out from Darfur case. Anyone on this website who do not believe what I write here can read the posted article that bears such call in Arabic language at the website of the ‘Sudaneseonline’.

    SPLM was and still a well known distorting organization that complicate national issue since its emergency. Furthermore, Salva Kiir so called president of SPLM/GOSS is pursuing language of complexity by diverting from Southern Sudan course to Darfur case. Kiir called several times for solution to Darfur problem rather than Southern Sudan problem for which millions of Southerners died.

    Kiir and all SPLM members, listen carefully to warning of Dr. Khalil. He made is clearly to intruders to stay our from their negative interferrence into Darfur case and call Al Nour Abdallah waddi to join JEM. Dr. Khalil knows very well that external intervention will complicate his course and he knows that he and his men and women are able not only to solve the problem of Darfur, but also to bring end and true change to the system in Kartoum. Consider who Darfur people are mobilizing the whole world in Europe, Canada, US, Australia,Israel and even in Arab and Muslem world.
    Ask your idle members of SPLM if they do likewise.
    Stop confusion and leave Darfur for its real leaders. You have nothing to teach them more than brutality, corruption, nepotism, tribalims, extermination, vandalims and despotism which are obvious values of SPLM/GOSS.

  • Mohammed Adam
    Mohammed Adam

    Doha talks between JEM & Khartoum adjourn without breakthrough
    The so called Justice and Equality Movements representitives who masacred darfurians on the 01.01.2009 shouldn’t represent as in Darfur by any mean. They are the killers of Darfurians and they are saying that they are representing us in Darfur???

    Here is the Details:

    The hidden Rwanda by JEM’s Leader Khalil Ibrahim in Chad for Sudanese Darfurians

    On the first of January 2009, Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed the leader of the so-called “Justice and Equality Movement” that operates in the buffer zone between Chad and Sudan where his army structure is combined of all races and Tribes of Darfur.
    Where their priority target is to overcome the Khartoum’s regime, but the reality is Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed’s political tactics is to maximize Zagawas power, by creating and broadening a land for Zagawa, and also creating Zagawa’s existence in Sudan and in Darfur in particular as they seen by the majority of Darfurians and Sudanese as Chadian roots.

    For the above political reasons Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed and his representatives planed to keep all the possible political appointees in his army structure to his Tribe Zagawa.

    Therefore other non Zagawan Tribes in his army Meidob, Massaleet, Berti, Tunjur and others raised a complaint letter to Khalil in order to look at his appointment procedure again, so after a meeting with his representatives they decided to disarm any of his army member who is non Zagawan and they refuse to do so therefore he ordered to get rid of anyone who is a non Zagawan so the battle is started between his troops since then hundreds of Meidob, Berti, Massaleet, Tunjur and others no one knows how many are massacred, injured, detained as it took place in a Chadian territory of Um Jurus.

    Therefore Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed and his Zagawas are not actually fighting to rescue Darfurinas from Khartoum’s regime instead they are using and deceiving other Darfurian Tribes to fight for them to achieve their goal, because his own Tribe Zagawa cannot fight for him, and when the power sharing comes khalil finds a way of getting rid of all who is non Zagawa (his Tribe) so all the sensitive power gained to his own people and to Chadians to control other Darfurian.

    So what happen this time is, he took all the other Tribes that he should get rid of them to Chad in order to deny access to international mediators with the knowledge of Chadian President Idris Deby and massacred, tortured, and detained hundreds of Meidob, Berti, Massaleit, Tunjur, and others, Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed the Zagawan leader of Chadian origin playing a game of political tactics which he is not an expert on, and covered up the massacre to avoid sensitive information being leaked out of Chad and left hundreds of relatives of his massacred individuals in an unknown destiny.

    As one of the massacred Tribe member just letting Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed to know that no matter how long it will take you to explain this very urgent matter locally and Internationally and release the number of deaths, injuries, detentions, torture of each of the above Tribes we will take the necessary steps that set by the International Criminal Court against inhumanity and forward and application to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and other related organisation in order to assess the human loss that occurred on 01.01.2009, no matter how long it takes these individuals do have families and relatives, up to now Meidobies are over two hundred individuals therefore I would like say to Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed, Gibreel Ibrahim Mohammed the Asylum seeker in London and their representatives; and also the Chadian President Idris Deby who by knowingly allowed this massacre to happen in Chad where is Khalil’s safe heaven the destiny of these people it is not over yet, if Khalil thinks so there is measure on the way.

    Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed also needs to explain the following:
    1. why this massacre took place in Chad instead of Sudan, if this massacre is not planed in advance?
    2. Why order to disarm Tribes that are non Zagawans in Chad where they are complete strangers?
    3. Why this massacre took place only on the day of appointment of different ranks in his military structure?
    4. Why the Berti Tribe of your own army decided to join the Sudanese government on the 01.01.2009 which is the same day, and sign a peace a agreement with their weapons and trucks where they should be fighting a against the Sudanese government?
    5. Why all the sensitive and senior positions in the Justice and Equality Movement that you lead are held by Zagawan’s (your own Tribe) and worst of all your own relatives?
    6. If not planed why you are not released the deaths, injuries, detentions up to this date and denying it even though you have been asked by many ?
    7. What humanity characters do you have that actually better than AL- Basheir to represent Darfurians? Do you forget that you are a former member of AL- Basheir’s government? My personal opinion considers you even “worse” than AL- Basheir at least he is in the government but what about you even before you come to power? Which you never will! for you to know that Sudan is a multi-racial Country, and also you don’t even actually know what the word “Justice and Equality Movement” means, and yet more unexpected questions on the way.

    It has been a reasonable amount of time for Khalil to release the necessary information that required by the victim’s families and relatives, so that each family of each Tribe will have a complete picture, but the fact he is not released what is required because this massacre took place in Chad therefore if the required information cannot be released then the only solution is an application to the International Criminal Court (ICC) should be forwarded and also to Amnesty International and to other relevant organisations to assess the massacre, by all these Darfurian tribes that massacred by Khalil’s order just to gain more power to Zagawa.

    We urge the concerned International Organisations to intervene immediately, the Red cross, Amnesty International, the United Nations high commission for human rights, and International observers to investigate the massacre of hundreds, tortures, detentions without any delay for these Sudanese Nationals of Darfur for this hidden matter, and uncover this hidden truth.

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