Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

France says concerned by rising Sudan-Chad tension

May 16, 2009 (PARIS) — France on Saturday expressed concern over the rising tensions between Chad and Sudan, following three Chadian raids w in 24 hours inside Sudanese.

“France is concerned about the growing tensions between Chad and Sudan. It urges the parties to avoid any escalation,” said the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement issued Saturday evening.

Following, a new raid carried by the Chadian air planes today Sudan which considered the attacks as “act of war”, brandished the threat of a response to this violation of its sovereignty.

Mahamat Hissene, the spokesperson of the Chadian Government said yesterday that, his country has the right to hit the opposition, including preventive action against training camps and mercenary bases” inside the Sudan

Also Sudanese army spokesperson General Osman Al-Agbach, has not ruled out that Chadians have benefited from the assistance of a third party to conduct these raids, likely referring to France.

France has more than 2,000 soldiers in Chad under the Epervier operations, Eufor and (MINURCAT) (United Nations Mission in Central African Republic and Chad).

In its communiqué, the French foreign ministry called the Chadian government to engage dialogue with “Chadian rebels in the Sudan”, in accordance with what was agreed in Sirte, Libya, under the auspices Colonel Muammar Gadhafi.

It also urges the continuation of the peace process which resumed last week in Qatar between the Sudanese government and the Chad backed rebel Justice and Equality Movement.

Chad and Sudan accuses each other of supporting their respective rebel movements.

The UN mission in Chad decided today to increase its patrols in the east of the country and “monitoring the situation closely.”

The N’Djamena government announced last week have pushed in eastern-Chad came a column of rebel Sudan. Two hundred and twenty-five rebels and 22 soldiers had been killed.


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