Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Problems Facing Southern Sudan

By Ruach Chuol Bol

May 24, 2009 – More than four years have gone by since the signing of the peace accord between the government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A). Yet, Southern Sudan is still far behind in terms of development and stability. These two and many other critical issues seemed to be insurmountable and impossible to be achieved for the time being because of the irresponsible, incapable, failed, and corrupt government in Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan. It is a fact that people of Southern Sudan are in a state of deep frustration about Government of Southern Sudan’s (GoSS) inability and poor performance in governing the South.

The problems facing Southern Sudan today are not caused by outsiders or traitors as some people might think. The SPLM leadership is solely responsible and accountable for every single mistake occurs in Southern Sudan. That is, the SLPM is the ruling party of the semi-autonomous government in Southern Sudan. Hence, it should be held accountable for all failures and setbacks that include insecurity, corruption, lack of development, privation, nepotism and tribalism, and so on and so forth.

A person does not need to be an economist, educated, or security expert to figure out the weaknesses of the so-called SPLM party – the ruling party in Southern Sudan. That particular party has proved its lack of transparency and practicality regarding issues that concerned the citizens of Southern Sudan. In instead, the leadership of the SPLM party on several occasions always attempts to dispel the notion that its members practice all kinds of evil things, such as embezzlement of public funds and tribalism. Two years ago or so, an SLPA general held a meeting with his tribesmen and tribeswomen in one of the cities in the United States of America to update them on the situation at home. And when asked about the corruption, he said, “We are thirsty!” He was referring to the “rampant corruption” that exists in Southern Sudan and how the ruling party members have “gone wild” looting public money. He was honest about that. Prior to saying what he said, he begged the audience not to go to the internet to reveal or write about what he would be saying about the corruption. Now it is obvious that the SPLM is no longer the movement of the “marginalized people,” instead it has become the movement that practices the “marginalization” itself.

Recently, Eritrea’s President Asaias Afewerki rebuked the Government of South Sudan and was quoted as saying that “corruption in Southern Sudan is no secret.” He added that “security violations continue in Southern Sudan.” Truer words were never spoken. He was absolutely hundred percent right.

Certainly, President Afewerki has been known for being a good friend, a strong allied, and a supporter of various Sudan’s opposition parties for a very long time, specifically the SPLM/A and National Democratic Alliance (NDA), whom he has been supported politically and logistically. Thus, accusing him of being a traitor or an agent of the Khartoum regime is absurd, ridiculous, illogical, tasteless, and baseless. He is the man who liberated his people and knows what it takes to build a new state. I am not suggesting that he is a perfect leader in his own country. What I am saying is that he pointed out clearly the truth about problems facing Southern Sudan. The SPLM party should learn from him and take his advice seriously and stop being snobby toward anyone who criticizes its performance.

It is clear that the SPLM party has failed to do what it supposed to do in Southern Sudan in its stint as the ruling party. Insecurity is one of the problems that facing the people all over the South. The massacre that was committed in Abyei by Arabs is a great example of insecurity and recurrence murder and mayhem in Warrap State, Jonglei State, Lakes State, and Upper Nile State are other examples as well. Moreover, corruption and tribalism considered to be the biggest stumbling block for development. Former Finance Minister in Government of Southern Sudan, Arthur Akwein, is an example of an “SPLM corrupt official” and the unpaid or delayed salaries of soldiers and other public servants and collapse of Nile Commercial Bank (NCB) are examples, too.

To solve all those problems that I mentioned above, the Government of Southern Sudan should start now disbarment of all civilians and investigate atrocities that took place in Abyei, Lakes, Warrap, Upper Nile, Jonglei, and elsewhere and bring those culprits and criminals who committed them into justice. Furthermore, the government should crack down on “corrupt officials” by making it clear to all of its functionaries that corruption and tribalism are unacceptable and whoever practices them would be fired and brought into justice for the world to see.

The SPLM party should not blame others for its failures, poor performance, and mismanagement of public funds in the South. It must accept responsibility, accountability and criticism. I wish the best for the government in all my heart and hope that Almighty God gives our leaders the wisdom.

The author is based in Nebraska, USA. he can be reached at
[email protected]


  • juba44

    Yes SPLM should accept some responsibilities but most of the attacks against them is FALSE and propaganda. there is corruption in all countries in africa and even in the west. we know about even recently hiliary clinton finance scandal. in all our western countries, we have witnessed the misery and corruption. last month, they reported millions in america are homeless or hungry. but these western countries are very rich (in general) already, with amazing infrastructure etc. so why do they still have corruption and hunger etc?? that is because corruption can not be removed 100%. ofcourse we will have some problems. but we should not exaggerate. we just started and we are begining from SCRATCH. so let us give eachother a chance.

    we also know that khartum has been instigating violence in south sudan. many anti-peace people try to use poverty and small clashes as excuse to attack or blame the government. BUT ALL OF SHOULD STAND TOGETHER!!

    the eritrean dictator is the father of all corruption and misery. he is causing problem everywhere. that is why African Union (AU) is calling for sanctions on eritrean dictator http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2009/05/23/AU-calls-for-UN-sanctions-on-Eritrea/UPI-42591243082472/

    the eritrean dictator is also facing genocide accusation just like khartum http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article31267
    both eritreean dictator and khartum are genocidal and work together against Juba.

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