Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor

By Thon Philip Aleu

May 25, 2009 (BOR) – A 9 year-old Central Equatorian boy is rescued by Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) from abductors on Sunday.

Umiyan John (left), the child resuced from Murle by SPLA posses for a photo with Deputy Gov. Hussien Mar Nyuot in Bor Town on Monday May 25, 2009. (Photo: ST Philip Thon Aleu)
Umiyan John (left), the child resuced from Murle by SPLA posses for a photo with Deputy Gov. Hussien Mar Nyuot in Bor Town on Monday May 25, 2009. (Photo: ST Philip Thon Aleu)
The child, Umiyan John Patrick, will be reunited with his parents this week, Hussein Mar Nyuot, the Deptuy Governor of Jonglei State told reporters on Monday.

A son to John Jimmy (father) and late Dwoki (mother) from Bari tribe Central Equatoria State, SPLA soldiers recovered him (Umiyan) while being led to Pibor County’s territory on Sunday.

Umiyan told reporters he was abducted with two other boys (older than him) on May 16 in Gumbo, a suburb in Juba. The boys were grazinging goats.

The other boys still at large are Munju Tangun and Buyu, Umiyan said. Soldiers say the abductors are Murle tribes men given simply identities. Umiyan described them as men he “doesn’t understand.”

I refused to go with them (abductors) and they the beat me,” he said when asked about the wounds on his head adding “I doesn’t understand their dialect. They are bad people.”

“We ate animal,” he responded when asked to explain what was fed on for the last 8 days (from Saturday May 16 to May 24).

Soldiers collided with the so call “criminals” in a bushy-rough place and thus managed to escape with the two boys. Thanks Umiyan’s weak muscles which restrained him no matter how much the abductors had beaten him to run faster.

Umiyan was taken to Panpandiar, SPLA headquarters of Division 8 battalion in Jonglei State and about 15 miles on Juba road, where the army officials refer him to civil authorities to handover to Central Equatoria State.

Deputy Gov. Mar, who condemned the abductors, says State officials will make necessary arrangement to return Umiyan to his parents this week. Mr. Mar calls for inter-State cooperation to crack down gangsters.

Meanwhile, tension between SPLA forces in Pibor and Murle men has eased following the intervention of army head office, Mar said. Armed Murle men clashed with troops there last week leaving about five people dead.

Civilians in Southern Sudan are believed to be more powerful than organized forces as riffles – attained during the 2 decades Sudan’s civil war, remain at large.



  • shidd simon
    shidd simon

    SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor
    How can you,Philip Thon,tell us about the identity of those criminals whom you said were found to be Murle when the abduted child himself could not identify them.It is clear from your report the culprits are Dinka Bor who might be on their way to sell the child to their usual Murle customers at Manyabol.It was reported by Isaac Vuni over a week ago that three equatrian kids were abducted by Bor Jieng somewhere near Aru junction and the rescued child is certainly one of those kids.

    Deputy governor,Mar,needs to be careful about Dinka tricks always designed to victimize Murle people,destroy their image and cause them troubles with everybody in the south .he should not take them for granted and become part and parcel of their dirty propaganda.

    Describing the May 19th pibor incident as clashes between two armed groups, the SPLA and the Murle, is another misrepresentation of facts,it is a big lie.the truth is that the SPLA soldiers were ordered by their commander to shoot and kill every Murle citizen in Pibor after one of thier colleague were beaten by a Murle man in defence for his was wife at fishing place 5 miles`away south west of Pibor town.The victims of the shooting by the SPLA were children,women and county civilian officials .The Murle fired no single bulelt against the SPLA soldiers.

  • Ajuscommando

    SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor
    Congratulation to they SPLA soldiers who rescued this boy from central EQ. been abducted by Murle men. I can said majority of murle present in pibor are from Equatorian boys because Murle always abducted children from coward Equatorian and to prove point that there is no really murle people in Pibor land due to syphilis and Gonorrhea which stop their parents to give birth of children. The really generation of Murle end up in 1980s and present murle are different children abducted from tribes in southern Sudan and taught them with hostility/aggressiveness. Any abducted child like Logic DOG cannot understand anything from people because he was not brought up by his really parents compare to present mixture murle in Pibor Land. My advice always to Equatorian is to think twice be action but not to think thing like their brothers in murle land.



  • Juba Lira
    Juba Lira

    SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor
    these mad people like logic, J.J. Taposa Boy did not seem to understand anything. they are surely murle. Dinka don,t take Human-being and they don,t like even money or Honey plus monkey[s] but only cows. they are big mouth people good for nothing, the hot issue being thrown on the medisa these days were cause by Those mentioned above.

    Dinka are good people created by God Tall, their Girls are very beatiful and boys are very smart, brave and intelligent.

    we Dinka don,t take children to do what with Illigitimate child we don,t accept in our society.

    please try to please Dinka than to do the oppose,
    they are your Shields,represent you in term of Beatity for the girls and smartness for the boys.

    Juba lira in Juba south Sudan.

  • loding

    SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor
    Wooooow!!!!!! What a loose! Just look at the eyes alone, this was gonna be a greatest Murle warrior. But, in reality this babies are on sell by Dinka abducters. Just wait until one is arrested then you make your poor judgements ya stupid reporter!!!


  • da Vinci
    da Vinci

    SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor
    Criminal Tribes of Southern Sudan, why don’t you study high standard of Criminalization (Global one) instead of looting Children, foolish! Go to school than looking for SPOILS AND KIDS.

  • J.James

    SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor
    Hi Ugly Jongkoth

    I know you are in very miserious conditions since the time had caught you up between wisdom and stupity.

    Up to now you are still confuse knowing nothing about whether you are in death row or in survival series. You used to kidnapped your own kids and transport them to Murle for sell thinking that southern Sudan will remain the same like in 70s when your greedy, tribalsitic and Nyegat called Abel Alier used to ruled South where Dinka used to sell kids and the same child was reported later to the government as stolen child just few days after the cows bought from the very child have arrived home at Bor.

    Now this is another era where truth is employed to govern everything all the way to the end. That means your false accusations, lies, cheatings and tribalism are coming to an end without your notice. Wake up!!!!

    As Mr. shid said, Dinka Bor is the only tribe in Africa that initiated child market in the continent. They are the ones who did the unthinkable to sell kids to Murle since 1940s. But, as civilization advance and things are corrected, they started to treble, panic and bewildered about what to do to cover this horrible crimes & shame.

    However, I think the best Jongkoth should do is to accept the responsibility of their heneous crimes and at the same time they don’t need to panic, instead they need to stop abducting Equatorian kids and later tries to provide us broken stories by leveling other people here and there. Frankly speaking, If Murle could be the ones who abducted those kids, they (Murle) would cross tje desert direct from Juba straight to Pibor, there is no reason at all for Murle to abduct kids and take them through Dinka Bor terrotory, this is completely a falsified report that don’t need to be thought about. These kids were definitely abducted by Dinka Bor at the aim of try to go and sell them to Murle tomorrow, but because they were caught, they feel shame and refuse to tell the truth however, they have to push it to Murle as Dinka Bor normally tries to be seen like vulture in the palace.

    Jongkoth, Murle will never, never and never be charged for the the abduction of these kids because that had already been reported as the kids who were abducted by greedy Dinka Bor theives. accept it or refuse it with whatever way you are still primary theives and the only suspects.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • J.James

    SPLA rescue abducted Equatorian child in Bor
    John Chol

    Beating the bushe will never helped your burning ambition. You may try to compare taposa with Murle but I am 400% sure if you ask Taposa to tell you who are the real men that can face them aggresively, am sure they will name Murle first.

    But if you ask who is the most fearful dogs in southeren sudan, Taposa will not wait one minute to name Dinka Bor as the well known cowards of all time.

    Lie all you want but everybody in south knows who is who and by no way Dibka Bor are going to talk to Murle worriors.

    You know it better Mr John Chol, all Bor can do best is to steal and burry their red teeth into kisira or fat beef.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

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