Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

New gender minister chosen in S. Sudan cabinet reshuffle

By Isaac Vuni

June 2, 2009 (JUBA) – As part of a major reshuffling of his cabinet, the President of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit today appointed Hon. Agnes Kwaje Lasuba from Central Equatoria State as minister of Gender, Social Welfare and Religious Affairs, effective from June 2, 2009.

Hon. Lasuba is a career teacher who had been the chairperson of Regional and International Cooperation in the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly. She is the former wife of late Joseph Oduho, a founding member of SPLM/A.

Delighted, Hon. Abut described Lasuba’s appointment as being very important for creating unity among the marginalized Sudanese voters particularly in Southern Sudan. Abut is chairperson for peace and reconciliation in the parliament.

The former minister, Mary Kiden Kimbo, was relieved by a decree effective from May 31, 2009.

Meanwhile, concerned politicians of Eastern Equatoria are appealing to majority communities of the state to allow a minority a chance at the governorship.

In addition to the previously reported changes at the ministerial level and within the SPLA command, there were appointments of several GOSS presidential advisors:

– Michael Mili Hussien, presidential advisor on food security
– Andrew Malek, presidential advisor for decentralization
– Albino Akol Akol, presidential advisor for humanitarian affairs
– Daniel Kodi, presidential advisor for the two areas of Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile
– Salva Mathok Gengdit, presidential advisor for SPLA affairs



  • Sala Gai
    Sala Gai

    New gender minister chosen in S. Sudan cabinet reshuffle
    Bravo Mr. President Kiir

    Good for the rest advisor for presidential affair, but M r Mouth should be return back to SPLA affair as the advisor.

    His real awarded degree is the advisor of the chief affair in the villages and county were there is known SPLA money to be take more

    Good confident

  • DOOR!

    New gender minister chosen in S. Sudan cabinet reshuffle

    This website does not belong to southsudanese or Dinka.
    It is called Sudantribune.com in the sense that it is website for all Sudanese. May be the Editor himself may be an Arab, you never know.
    The dream which you are trying to tell is secret which can not be availed on public website like this.
    Don’t you know Southsudan administration? Why not take your dream to them to see into it.
    Even Omar Albashiir may be reading this. Do you feel it is good?

    Please stop embarassing us on the website.
    The Editor had delete your story why post it again?
    Don’t that show immaturity in you?
    I came to believe that you are not from Bor as your name and thinking capacity suggest .
    Rather you are somebody from different tribe disguising yourself under those Dinka name to cause harm to Bor community.

    Are you residing in Adelaide, Australia?

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