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Sudan Tribune

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UN rights rapporteur expresses concerns over South Sudan violence

June 5, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan yesterday said gravely concerned by the insecurity and violence that affect the civilians in southern Sudan.

During a 11-day visit to Sudan, Sima Samar traveled to Juba, Bor and Yambio where she met with the government officials, Southern Sudan Human Rights Commission, the judiciary, states officials, members of states legislature, and civil society.

During a briefing to the media at the end of its visit to the country held in Khartoum, Samar showed concerns over the increasing tribal fighting and the resurge of attacks by the Ugandan rebels in southern Sudan.

The UN rights expert said concerned over the killings of several hundred civilians in Jonglei state due to inter-tribal clashes over cattle rustling. She also underlined that the women and children had been targeted.

She mentioned the deployment of UN peacekeepers in Jonglei stressing that the sustainable solution of the problem will involve a proactive deployment of state security forces in areas of potential conflict.

She also spoke about the need for a peaceful civilian disarmament campaign.

With regard to the attacks by the rebel Lords Resistance Army (LRA) in Western Equatoria and Central Equatoria states, Samar underlined that the encouragement of the self defense groups should not be a substitute for the responsibility of the army.

Further she added that the judiciary system in southern Sudan is obstructed by lack of capacity, including the shortage of professional police, qualified judges and lawyers.



  • makungu1

    UN rights rapporteur expresses concerns over South Sudan violence
    To Government officils of S/Sudan
    Is that what you want to be toll by somebody about the insecurity and violence in S/sudan? please we know as community your concerned is moneny but just help for violence.please please

  • mariar

    UN rights rapporteur expresses concerns over South Sudan violence
    Human right reporter must have to know that the insecurity in Jonglei was cause by the Murle. So they are not innocene because they keep attacking every other community in Jonglei state. Not only these time but long time ago Anyuak community gave up keeping cattles because Murle robe them, kill their people and abduct their children. Still they are living in the same situation today. Besight that, I don’t think Murle will do some thing potuntially then abducting and killing of others humanbeing. mr Kelvinho I can understand that you are a good man, but you have to know what cause you or these people the name Murle or mur’aya’ley meaning pussy is not anybody realitive. So leave Pallek alone and be concernce about the life of the murle because they need to wake up. Talk to J James too, because he need to command in a respect way instead of one greator Jonglei again.Or he might be a Jalaba guy on the line.

  • mijuan

    UN rights rapporteur expresses concerns over South Sudan violence
    I really agree with the UN Special Rapporteur about acknowledging the insecurity situation in Southern Sudan. In fact, Southern Sudan is like a jungles areas were every type of different kind of animals meets for doing their own recreational happiness. I don’t really understand why insecurity is so abundance like this. Every morning, evening and even at a mid-night, you hear about a mischievious thing concerning death or people were been attacked and a tribal-conflict alleged as well.

    So, what is the matter by the way? Is it SPLM people who are not enforcing the laws or what is going on really? Killing has been practiced by people for so long especially in Rumbek, Warrap, Jonglei, Equatoria and Malakal as well as Unity State, but still nothing had been done to mollify this situation at all. This time is a time whereby everyone in Southern Sudan have to enjoy their luxuries times since CPA is hovering on everyone minds. I believed that maybe their are some people amongst our people in Southern Sudan who were been bribed by Arabs people in order to do secret harming to the people.

  • Ambago

    UN rights rapporteur expresses concerns over South Sudan violence

    The UN Human Rights rapporteur has not said any thing new that the people of south Sudan aren’t aware of. And even the solutions she is suggesting are (all) not different to what southerners worldwide have been time and time again suggesting to our deaf GoSS.

    What the international community do not want to say is that, besides the reported catastrophes, insecurities, sufferings and miseries facing the people in south Sudan, there also exists a poor level of governance. A government that is insensitive to the sufferings of its people. It is a government that is deaf, dump, mute, and blind.

    Because by giving advice to such an incompetent government, is just waste of resources as none of the advices will ever be taken seriously.

    This is true because all those things suggested by the UN rapporteur have already been suggested to the GoSS by their own citizens, unless of course this time it is coming from a foreigner.

    And if this be the case, then the UN should better send us a mental decolonizer rather than a rapporteur so that we can have trust in ourselves.

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