Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol new party

June 7, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The ex-southern rebel group Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) today lashed at former foreign minister Lam Akol over his dissention and formation of a new party.

This week the controversial Southern politician announced that he was founding SPLM- for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) and directed strong criticism against chairman Salva Kiir.

Akol said he wants to save the SPLM from the “abyss” and said that its leadership are “bankrupt” and “undemocratic”.

“The SPLM has lost support among the masses of our people. Rightly so, because it has lost direction and failed to present a coherent programme in Government for both the South and nationally,” he said.

But Deng Alor, Sudanese foreign minister, said that allegations by Akol have been “reused” by him in the past since 1991.

“Akol is an unstable character. He joined six parties since 1985. There is nothing new in what he said. He was a leading figure in SPLM. If he was a truly democratic figure why did he not pose his views inside the party organs?” Alor said.

“Lam Akol is undemocratic and wants to be the number one [in SPLM]” he added.

Alor disclosed that the SPLM was aware of Akol’s plans to form a new party and got hold of the SPLM-DC manifesto.

He added that Akol was confronted with the evidence but he denied it.

The SPLM secretary general Pagan Amum accused the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) if seeking to create parties parallel to the SPLM and downplayed the membership of the new party saying they are unknown figures.

Akol has refused to disclose the name of his party members saying he will delay it until the party’s convention in two months.

A member of the NCP leadership committee Qutbi Al-Mahdi hailed the formation of SPLM-DC the SPLM has failed to run the south. He also said that further dissention will strengthen the cooperation between the signatories of the 2005 peace agreement.

Al-Mahdi said that corruption and power abuse are prevalent in the South and described Akol as one of the most intelligent and intellectual figures in the South.

Akol was a key figure at an assembly of southern leaders in April at Kenana, North Sudan, that slammed the dominant southern party for its “poor record of governance” since winning power over the South in 2005.

He was described by many within the SPLM as the “black sheep” in his views that appeared more aligned with the NCP.

Relations between the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and SPLM are increasingly tense as the country moves to hold its first national elections next year,

Both parties have yet to agree on a set of draft laws considered crucial for elections and the South Sudan referendum in 2011.

Furthermore, SPLM accused the NCP of falsifying the census results to reduce the population of the South leading to lower share in wealth and power.



  • ngwerajak

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    Lam Akol and Dr. Riek are well known of their underground planned and SPLM is not blind to see their secret plan. as Deng Alor put it, Akol has joined many parties and formed as many but failure to achieve any objectives. Riek has formed about three parties and joined two twice including SPLM and NCP. Akol and Riek have common things, SPLM maintained many of the so-called Nasir faction and Bashir boys. there are those who told me yesterday people should not be remind about the past. Alor remind us about 1991. By Ngwerajak

  • loding

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    Before I go ahead, I would like to remind Kim and Lokanya that Gatluak who was wounded in Murle Lou-nuer war in Pibor is back to Canada he tested the fire. Kim and Lokanya were the ones deleted me from southsudan net. But I don’t care about that. There are so many meants of informations that I can rely on to get information from south sudan. The poor Gatluak is back to Canada fortunatelly his legs were not eaten off by Murle bullets I hope he learn big. Tell this sick Kim to leave American beer and go to Pibor to get kill other than preaching nonsens here.

    Let us move ahead now. Is the above information/reaction to Akol’s party not true? Does Goss have money in their Dinka account? Is Nile comercial bank not empty? Is there no insecurity not just in south sudan but for salva himself?
    Answer me.

    Looding Bornwild

  • Malakal

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    Although there are individuals on this web who are going to blame the SPLM for lashing out at Lam Akol’s newly formed party and his asociated critisms against SPLM party. I personally think the SPLM is frustrated with the back and forth coming of people like Lam or Dr Riak. SPLM should confront Riak of what his thoughts are about his former boyfriend’s creation of a new party. They are the bird of feathers, and they maybe flocking together in darks even if Riak is stationed in Juba like a two-toed sloth, he maybe planing another foolish attempt.

    These two self-aclaimed intellects, Riak and Lam joined the Movement in 1987, by then the Movement was already three years old. Honouring them as Southern Sudanese sons, who went abroad and work hard to complete their education and decided to come back to thier free land of Southern Sudan, Both were inserted as fore leading commanders, in the movement ranking. In the early 1990s they both decided to abandon the movement in an outrageous selfish attempt to frail it from succeeding miltarily and politically, with their own creation of the Nasir Faction. One year after the formation of The Nasir Faction, they took the foolishness further more in joining hands with the NIF of umar Al ba shit (South Sudan’s ultimate foe) in their signing of the Khartoum Fool Agreement. That peace agreement was a strategic move by the NIF to gain more territories in the South and would eventually draw its regime one step closer in controlling Southern Sudan from the SPLM occupation.

    Riak and Lam failed to achieve anything for their orchestrated plan of collobrating with their family enemy. They accepted their failure and rejoined the SPLM by the end of the 90s, and once again they were welcomed back with no harsh words again any of the them.

    Today, both of these absurds are taking the same route they traveled in the 1990 by fliping a coin one more time hoping that the creation of a party at these fragile times in the country, things might work in their favor. For those who think Riak and Lam are well educated Southern Sudanese, and therefore should be supported in favor of the other leading Southern Sudanese, you are wrong! An educated person would have waited for a completed southern separation in the fews comming years, then make a move like the creation of a party. with different views and miscellenous agendas.

    For all the punks who are having difficult times understanding why Riak and Lam are traitors and masters of destruction in the South, they should know them by now. These two are being driven by their greed which make them find faults in the SPLM to justify their argument.

  • Omujwok

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.

  • Nelson Turdit
    Nelson Turdit

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    Dr. Lam Akol, ever unless Southerner.

    Dr. Lam records is known by interupting every progress made by the storic movement SPLM, he had started split in 1991 with Dr Riek Machar and that was the time SPLM was almost to control the areas in the South, Lam and Dr. Riek were the one who brought division and weakness to the movement which hindrance the liberation of the marginalize people of South Sudan. Today Dr. Lam again see people of South Sudan are closed to independent of 2011, he has created another split in the SPLM and the aim of this SPLM DC is to block independent of South Sudan, division among southeners and subjects the generation into war again, i advice all Southerners not to follow Dr. Lam with his new party till we achieve our independent in 2011 and Southerners will be haveing a chance to chose the party of thier interest. Now my fellow Southerners are badly needs unity for common objectives and vision for all South Sudanese.

  • Nubian

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    It is a shame to see how the NIF has managed to succeed in deepening the divide amongst the people of South Sudan.

    It is also a shame to see how my brothers from the South are busy fighting one another instead of fighting illiteracy, malnutrition and corruption that plaque Southern Sudan.

    Don’t fall prey to the NIF games and focus on the future of your people. You must all unite (as we must in the far North) to defeat the bloody NIF/Islamist for what they have lead our poor country to since independence.


  • Africano

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    It is shame that Dinka took it for granted that since SPLM was lead Dr. John Garang then it belongs to Dinka. But time have come for a change. You dinka have been looting the south for many years. Others will have to come too even if means war. Your Dr. Kiir will loose soon. You dinka have offer nothing to the south except corruption and nepotism and tribalism. Everbody in the south fought in this war now you alone are enjoying the fruits of liberation.

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    It is a pity that we are quarrelling in the borns left by the NIF/NCP party as if we have secured our own destiny.
    My own perspectives is that Dr. Lam has not done anything wrong except in this difficult time of indifferences.

    Dr. Lam as a citizen of this country has the right to leave SPLM or to remain in it but the circumstances surrounding Mr. Akol departure leave alot of questions to be asked by the layman like me to know the motive behind it.

    To further argue is the withheld of the names that make up a party. The Interim constitution of Sudan says that a political party can be registered if it has the signatures of 100 people. This number should be from student union, trade union, labour union, teachers’ union, farmers union, professional and at least (2)two signatures from chancellors and vice chancellors of public universities.

    If he had already secured such requirements then he is legible to stand in the coming election against Al Bashire and Salva Kiir. What I am in doubt is that Mr. Lam may be looking for a position in the SPLM party. He need to let the SPLM persuade him for agreement to be reached favouring him with position so that he can drop the split within the party.
    Another issue that can’t make Dr. Lam to succeed in his plan is the objectives and goals of his party. He said and quote that SPLM has failed the people of Southern Sudan, that is why he is forming his party, okay he is there to correct the failures of SPLM, how is he going to reverse this failure. My critical path method that I had passed against Dr. Akol is that he has no objectives but only to form a party. Therefore, according to my own analysis, Dr. Akol is a normal pastoralist who move from place to place looking for greener pastures where ever he had secured one.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party

  • Simon Maguor
    Simon Maguor

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    It is shameful to read clumsy articles that are written by those who call themselves south Sudan intellectuals. Most of those who possess the highest caliber of education, like Dr. Lam, the black sheep in the grazing field of white Sudanese sheep, and the PhD student, James Okuk, who has just written this article, share one thing in common; they have psychological distortion which if not treated by political psychiatrists will lead them nowhere. Known to all morally undisturbed South Sudanese is the fact that Dr. Lam Akol is an opportunist who uses any southern misfortune for fulfilling his personal greed for leadership.
    Ever since the inception of the SPLM, the demand for equality and justice for all Sudanese people has been very high on the SPLM agenda which, as a common cause, is/was opposed to Lam. This simply explains why he defected at critical time, in 1991. However, his formation of the SPLM-United earned him nothing apart from his personal leadership of the then newly formed faction. If he really means, democracy—but not demo-crazy (crazy man/people of his kind)—who elected him to the post of the chairmanship of SPLM-united? Where on earth were the elections held, as the little brain of James Okuk can assume so? What did Lam’s SPLM-United achieve? What does the Lam’s Fashoda Peace agreement reflect today apart from conspiracy against the people of South Sudan? A man with Permanent Head Damage (PhD) and advancing in his head damage like James Okuk does not have the simplest answer to all these questions. Mr. James Okuk, Visit Lam’s hiding cave in Khartoum and interview him so that you can have the best knowledge of his behind-scenes before posting this article that lacks intellectual base and sense of judgment.
    It should also be understood that, the complex Sudanese political landscape doesn’t need hasty climbers. The Comprehensive Peace agreement that has brought together Nationalists (real SPLM) and Conspirators (Lam and his like) together is an offer by the SPLM. Even those who had defected the SPLM for one reason or the other still retraced their footsteps to the SPLM, the foundation of real democracy, justice, equality, and elimination of racist regimes in Khartoum, after the signing of the CPA. James Okuk should have asked Lam Akol, as to what let him leave the SPLM and after forming various unviable political parties without ambitions, rejoined the SPLM.
    Lam has now stood above the horizon declaring himself as the surest puppet used by Khartoum to derail the CPA. The SPLM stands alert to any negative call by the NCP, and would definitely react to the NCP in a very devastating way in case of any violation of the agreement. This explains the second alternative of dishonoring the CPA being the use of puppets like Lam, Warlord Tangginya, and many that still remain hidden in addition to James Okuk who has just appeared on the net. The SPLA and SPLM manifestos are the guardians of the feeble CPA, and if the SPLM collapses (God Forbid!) all South Sudanese will have no hope, and the only survivors will be puppets like Lam Akol. Poor James Okuk should clearly tell us which protocol in the CPA was signed by the doomed doctor, Lam Akol. An egocentric element driven by the forces of the common enemies of South Sudan, in fact a demon dressed in wrongly perceived democratic attire, will put an end to us if we don’t take care of him.
    Anyway, we do not need to embark on discussions that reflect the naivety of individuals in the political arena in the Sudan for they will mislead us. Our destiny is predetermined and Dr. Lam’s clumsy move for the formation of a new party is a sure test for the prevalence of opportunists among South Sudanese.
    James Okuk is a curse, and if at all he is sane, he should visit the nearest psychiatrist for mental orientation so as to move in a sensible pattern. The best element of an intellectual is the ability to separate ‘sense from nonsense’ and as such, the failure of James Okuk to find out the difference between the two shows that he is mentally incapacitated.
    Be gone demons!

  • Emmanule Mawa
    Emmanule Mawa

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    I absolutely agree with our FM D. Alor’s comments on Dr. Lam. On my view, for those who would like to quit let them do so. SPLM/A during the struggle was embrace by every freedom lover, but now we should also acknowledge the crisis that the party is in. Indeed its a challenging issue. Dr. Lam is veteran politician that is influencial, everybody knows that, and he will capitalize on your WEAKNESS…
    Be strong SPLM and wind back the broken hearts of your people.
    We want leaders that wouldn’t look upon our tribal lines… whats the benefit of splitting our selves and calling each other names

    Shame on us!!!!!

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    Dear Southerners

    I am sure that this Lam was an Arab by haert and deceived SPLM for position only.
    Let him not mention any connected to SPLM but creat his party as Lam Akol`s people party.
    Why have he talked of SPLM???????????
    Shame on him.
    God will protect Southern Sudan from these greedy people.

  • Ghor

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    Hi Dr. Lam
    congratulation for again forming a party which is likely to yield no fruits even after a half of century later because you don’t have characteristics of a leader. You are highly educated but that does not mean that the most educated is always a leader and that has been your assumption since early 1980s when you joined SPLA/M. You have been an architect of unrest in south sudan in 1991 that had caused lost of many lives. An architectural without goals and objectives. I am not worry of the 3rd defection of Dr. Lam, NCP is behind the move like 1991. Look at his speech, he mentioned Gaza that SPLM did not support people of Gaza.
    What is really our connection with those in Gaza? Have they been advising their brothers who called themselves Arabs in Sudan not to kill us for the last 40 years of 2 civil wars? He also mentioned something about ICC that SPLM did not talk very much asking for deferral of indictment of Bashire. Why did he(Lam)not criticize Bashire for killing innocent people in Darfur when he was FM?
    Dear Lam, there is a tradition say that, Anus speaks to buttock that,” please buttock go and will come back and you will find me here the way I am.” So, go and will come back in 2015 and you will find the SPLM here. For how long we shall be luring people of these characters?

  • TG

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    SPLA must not sit down and let history repeat it’s self. Lam Akol and his new party are just another monopoly games being played by Bashir to try and destabalise the south, in Oder to confused our people from self dertermintion in 2011. My case is that Lam should not stand infront and against SPLM in this criticle time of the movement path. Nobody is saying that we are not democratic but untill 2011 only under SPLA, considering all the people we loosed in the 21 yr old war, then people of the south can excersise their right to the fullest degree, SPLM-DC or SPLM-Democratic Movement or what ever. For now the Slither bashir is unpredictable, Lam will not be able to speak if North want to speak in Guns, and War planes etc. But the SPLM/SPLA will do it in either way.

  • Kitunguu

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    For all those who are just throwing off words. Let me tell you that Lam Akol is a devil advocate. He is nothing but a hired NCP represenative. A wiseman must learn from his mistakes. This person is the most pathetic idiot I have ever known. The guy almost distroyed the hope of the whole nation (South Sudan) by splitting SPLM/A in 1991 and further split with his friend Riak to come up with splm/a united. If I can ask a question, where is splm/a united? What happened to splm/a united?

    If he really wants to create a new opposition party, then why not do so. If he thinks he can make any change, then why not come clean and create something new. If Lam want to change something, I would suggest that he should change his mindset. He is committing a plagarism for the second time by using the already estabished movement/party/organization and call it his. If anyone could learn anything from Lam personality, his acts implies that his doctorate title is fake. He had plagarized to earn it! I think the guy is going crazy or maybe writing a will.

  • Kuanlualthoun

    Sudan SPLM slam Lam Akol creation of new party
    eThe old generation of southern Sudanese is very short-sighted, she only looks over ther noseeyes are blinded by tribalism and greed, none from that generation will develop southern Sudan, I am very pessimistic indeed about what they can do to improve the lives of our people!! they are runing the country in the same way they used to run refugee camps in Itang 1980s when they used rob refugee of their ration specailly sugar cooking oil and grains, and sell them out it Ethiopian in Gambella, and use the monies for alcohol and Ethiopian prostitutes, there no differences whatsoever, they are hopeless, south doesn’t need them.

    Dr. Riek and Mr. Kiir have failed the southern Sudan, they are not doing anythin than just robbing the country of her resources they are like foreign power, they are just enriching themseles in expenses of our poor people, Let Dr. Lam try his luck with his new party, may be there will be chages to the better, even though he is one of that cancerous generation!

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