Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Doctors in South Sudan town protest salaries delay

By Manyang Mayom

June 8, 2009 (RUMBEK) – The Lakes state medical doctors went on strike last week following eight months delay of their salaries by the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) in Juba. A group of doctors in Lakes state hospital has written their strike letter addressed to the director general in the Ministry of Health to raise up their voices to the top authority of the government Southern Sudan and of state level.

According to a doctor speaking last week in Rumbek hospital who preferred not to be named, doctors across Southern Sudan are on strike since June 1, 2009. He said, however, that they will not allow any person to die from disease; “we will still work while complaining to our government,” he said.

The strike letter written by nine doctors in Rumbek mentioned that “we are hereby informing your office that we doctors in all over South Sudan did not receive our incentives since October 2008 up to now, and we were been following the issue quietly until the committee was formed with representative from each state to meet with H.E. the minister of health GOSS regarding the incentives but they were opposed to meet H.E.”

The letter also noted that “Due to this current financial burden, we doctors all over the South agreed and decided to strike from 2nd of June 2009 or should our grievances be solved by GOSS M.O.H.”

Doctors have asked the state Ministry of Health to raise the issue with the GOSS level ministry, in vain. They therefore concluded in their that “we have no obligation regarding our ministry.”

Lakes state hospital has served Lakes state community especially in the many recent cases of injuries resulting from inter-clan disputes as well as malaria, which has been under control due to the hospital’s medical care runner.

In another development, Lakes state Ministry of Health had ordered the closure of all local clinics operating without license. As a result, the director of one pharmacy was held up at gun point by another pharmacist whose own pharmacy was ordered to be closed down.

The case of gun-pointing was repaired to court but no action has resulted from Lakes state police.

Chol Osman Bol, the pharmacists who feels he was threatened in the incident, explained that he will not leave the case halfway. “The man was very seriously trying to kill me in my pharmacy but I called upon the policeman and in fact police tried to converse him but all in vain until I myself went to the police and registered the case until other day the man was summon by court to appear.”



  • KingJared

    Doctors in South Sudan town protest salaries delay
    Thank you Drs for your patient.

  • John Chol
    John Chol

    Doctors in South Sudan town protest salaries delay
    GOSS/ minister of health,

    It’s written in the bible that eating and death come side by side, doctors are are second to God, because they save the lives,they deserve fair treatment, please pay their salary immeditelly to allow themselves, their beloved wives and children survive.To me, waiting eight months, for the so called incentives have no distinction with waiting a boil hoe. please dear Minister of heath,give the doctors their share, Enough is is enough !

  • Monye Jur
    Monye Jur

    Doctors in South Sudan town protest salaries delay
    Dear all,

    On such situations; will we not say that Dr. Lam Akol is right when he mentioned reasons for forming his new party “SPLM-DC” is based on the fact that; “the current SPLM is heading to the collapse, bankruptcy of current leadership and its failure to implement good governance and democratic practice in Southern Sudan and has lost direction and failed to present a coherent programme in Government for both the South and nationally,”?

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Doctors in South Sudan town protest salaries delay
    Away with your rubbish dinkas, you spent the money on prostitute rather than paying the public servants. Goss ministers came from Lake to Juba and spending their luxurious days in hotel with fake Ugandan and Conglese ladies. Yeah this is why your state rate number one on HIV AIDS in South.

  • Joseph Dut Gak
    Joseph Dut Gak

    Doctors in South Sudan town protest salaries delay
    Hi Guys !

    There is mistake in first place to give the MOH to other party, because there re numerous ways of damaging the government.
    And it was wrong in second place to put wrong place in the post not just the perstigous to be there but to serve the p’ple because health workers re not boss but if you looks yourself to boss then there will be a lots of confusion like what had happened there.

  • mohamad adam
    mohamad adam

    Doctors in South Sudan town protest salaries delay
    sorry doctors the money in south sudan is kept in safe hands the little releasd is to buy beers and johnwaker and landcrusers
    and to make their cheep propaganda that the jallaba are not paying us our oil money
    shame upon you pagan and the likes

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