Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The SPLM-DC launches political mobilization in Canada


SPLM-DC Canada Branch

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek”, Barack Obama.

June 12, 2009 — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) has embarked on a speedy political mobilization and recruitment in Canada effective on June 6, 2009, the day party leadership issued press statement.

As eloquently stated by party leader H.E Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, the main aims and principles of the SPLM-DC are very clear. They include, but not limited to, the pursuit of true democratic ideals and values, total streamlining and transformation of the failing SPLM party under comrade Salva Kiir and purposeful emancipation of all marginalized Sudanese people. In other words, the SPLM-DC remains adamant to pursue the fundamental objectives, vision and mission of the people’s movement as stipulated in the CPA—such as a united secular and democratic Sudan, and the right to self-determination based on voluntary referendum in 2011 for southerners to determine their destiny. Therefore, SPLM-DC does not change any inch of the basic principles of the cause we sacrificed our dear lives for.

However, the change that the SPLM-DC advocates, as its name suggests, is a democratic change of current wrong policies and incompetent SPLM leadership we have witnessed for the last four years. A change that has clear vision and direction, coherent policy position on issues of concern that matter most to the general public; a change that puts public interests beyond personal interests, without compromising individual people’s potentials.

While knowing and cognizant of the difficulty ahead of us, because change of attitude is not easy, we are committed, with courage and determination, to maintaining and promoting the core values, vision and principles of the SPLM through democratic process. Therefore, the SPLM-DC calls upon the Sudanese people of all backgrounds to vigorously involve themselves in this emancipative undertaking for the sake of our people and country. Time for complacency and indifference must cease. Let’s not be a society of whiners, spectators and doubters. Let’s get to work and be part of this difficult, but liberating journey. Margaret Mead once stated, “Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”.

So since June 6, 2009 when our party chairman H.E Dr. Lam Akol officially announced the declaration of our reform party for democratic change, the party has attracted so much attention, and a good number of astute supporters declared their membership and support. And the party membership file is fast growing beyond imagination. In Canada, we have now established branch offices in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, with the office of the party representative based in the city of Calgary. Also other branch offices will be established soon in the rest of Canada once we consult with party headquarters in Sudan.

All that we need now as committed members and supporters of this reformation project is to uncompromisingly change things for the better; but only when we combine our individual efforts, skills, knowledge, experiences and commitment to get rid of the existing futile misrule and lack of clear political direction. In doing so, in the coming general elections in 2010 we’re confident that we will together change the political landscape in Sudan and fulfill the dreams of our forefathers. Again, we can achieve these dreams only through establishment of democratic institutions at all levels of government that truly practice major pillars of democracy, for example, good governance, rule of law, sustainable economic development, political opening, unity of purpose and respect for and recognition of our rich cultural differences and diversity.

In sum, time for change is now. No time to waste! The SPLM-DC has therefore taken a rational rather than an emotional approach to the problems and challenges facing our country. For this very reason, the SPLM-DC acknowledges that understanding the root causes of our country’s troubles can lead not only to their resolution, but also to their avoidance altogether. This is our party’s position. A position championed by proactive, responsible and competent leadership with profound knowledge and clear vision about the future of all marginalized mass in the country.

For more information, questions or concerns about recruitment process, party political platforms or any other relevant issues, we can be reached through SPLM-DC Canada office’s contacts below.

Yours in Struggle for Democratic Change,

SPLM for Democratic Change

Canada Head Office

Calgary, Alberta Canada

Tel: 403-453-8199

Email: [email protected]


  • Bachech

    The SPLM-DC launches political mobilization in Canada
    The correct email address is [email protected] (not [email protected]) or party representative to Canada’s personal email address: [email protected].

  • Dr.francis marcello
    Dr.francis marcello

    The SPLM-DC launches political mobilization in Canada
    I would like to advise all Sudanese whether in side the country or in Diaspora not to follow and listen to propaganda of Dr.Lam Akol that he is going to serve for the interest of the people of the Sudan in general or South Sudan. I think every body knows who is Dr. Lam very well, how he always behaves? What his history look like since he emerged into Sudanese politic? I think Dr.Lam Akol is not a leader for simple reason .because leader should knows the road where he is taking his people and how is the road looks like? Is it a right time now for Dr.Lam to divide people of South Sudan in critical situation in which our unity is paramount goal? How he is going to protect the CPA? All these questions and more Dr.Lam don’t know where he is going. And the only thing on his mine is that, he is very much concern to be president by all means whether that is the right way or not. Really Dr.Lam Akol is sick with disease call splitisim. Why I am saying that because Dr.Lam broke away from SPLM/A in 1991 Nasir declaration with Dr.Riak , then Broke away again from Dr.Riak and formed his own SPLA united in which he signed Fashoda agreement and joint the government. Later on he left his party and joined National congress party. Again broke away from NCP and form Justice and peace party before he returned back to the SPLM, although we in the SPLM/A have received and forgive him as one of Southern Sudanese and put him in the position that he deserved. Even after CPA was signed he had been appointed as minister of cabinet affair and later as minister of foreign affairs. Also during SPLM convention he failed to secure his seat in the Liberation council but comrade Slava had appointed from his seat. Despite that Dr.Lam Akol was not happy so what the hell Dr.Lam wants? Because he had been given everything he deserve except only thing which he doesn’t deserved but he wants it which the seat of Chairman of SPLM. I don’t know whether NCP that he is allied to has change recent in one night to be come much better than SPM that he fought for! Because if NCP was so good, so why he was complaining that NCP didn’t want to implement his Fashoda agreement? And why he broke away from NCP and retuned to SPLM? Really if Dr.Lam is wise enough he should learned either from his previous experiences or from what happen to Mubarak Alfadal when he broke away from his mother umma part and from his new umma reform party! But what happen to Mubarak Alfadal?He end up in the jail before being released by his allied NCP but because Dr.Lam is blind by that why he see NCP as very good despite fact everybody knows that NCP is not reliable. But their intention is to use Dr.Lam again as they have used him before, so what kind of human being is Dr.Lam, because Bob Marley said in his song that (you can fool some people sometime but you can’t fool all people all the time) so Dr.Lam Akol has fool people south Sudan in 1991 on his attempted to highjack power from late hero Dr.John, so my entire citizen be careful and don’t fool buy bright symbol of Dr.Lam and his follower. And this is not the first time Dr.Lam criticized the leadership of SPLM but he has been doing that before 1991.
    Finally I would like to give advice to Dr.Lam, learn from those who are in power how they got that power? And from me I can say they got that position not because they have been running after power everyday but because of their patience, honest and stable position and vision.

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