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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan speaker reaffirms SPLM commitment to unity

June 20, 2009 (KADOGLI) — The speaker of southern Sudan parliament reaffirmed today, in southern Kordofan, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) commitment to the unity of the country.

James Wani
James Wani
James Wani Igga was speaking in a public rally to launch the electoral campaign in the capital of southern Kordofan state, the homeland of Nuba tribes that fought alongside the SPLM during the wartime and now fear for their fate in the event of South Sudan separating following the 2011 referendum.

The Speaker of Southern Sudan Legislative Council stressed the need to maintain a united Sudan, indicating that the unity is a prerequisite for SPLM since its inception and will remain a lofty goal that “we are all working for.”

He said lack of development and services is a problem of the whole Sudan adding the building of a united Sudan based on justice and equality would bring positive change that benefits to all Sudanese.

“This is the vision and strategy of the Movement developed by Dr. John Garang and we will continue to be inspired by,” he emphasized.

Southern Kordofan is a state in Northern Sudan bordering both Darfur and the volatile Abyei region, and was highly contested during the war between the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the government of Sudan.

The Nuba were represented by SPLM at the peace talks that led to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, but many are dissatisfied with the outcome of the negotiations and the current political outlook, citing grievances over land reparations, migration routes, lack of development and deliberate undercounting in the April 2008 census.

Igga called on the state government, formed by the National Congress Party (NCP) and the SPLM, work in a genuine partnership and to cooperate for the implementation of the peace agreement saying “We signed it and we well placed to implement it.”

Since the formation of the state government after the CPA, there were continued conflicts between the two partners. However, the NCP and SPLM reshuffled the regional government by appointing the ICC wanted Ahmed Haroun as governor and Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu as deputy governor last May.

Since, the two men work jointly to reconcile the Nuba with the Missiriya and Hawazma tribes as well as to end the political differences between the two partners of the state government.

Wani pointed out the importance of involving the various political actors in the decision making process and to interact with the different segments of the society.

He also called to renounce violence and tribal intolerance as well as to promote coexistence in the state. He added that all the political parties should compete with democratic spirit and abide by the result of the forthcoming election.

The CPA gave the Nuba and the southern Blue Nile limited regional autonomy and a ‘popular consultation’ on the CPA-devoid of enforcement mechanisms.


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