Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan to begin aircraft production in July

June 22, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir is set to inaugurate the first locally manufactured plane in the history of the country, according to newspaper reports.

Safat 01 Plane
Safat 01 Plane
The head of the Safat manufacturing complex Brigadier General Mirghani Idriss told reporters that a five-year plan was put in place to produce the first model of the plane named ‘Safat-01’ and that 10 more will be forthcoming.

Idriss added that the planes are Sudanese manufactured up to 80% with assistance from Chinese and Russian partners. He also said that the cost of the plane ‘Safat-01’ is $15,000.

The official said that in 3 years the plane manufacturing and maintenance will be “Sudanized” adding that the maintenance section of the complex will primarily focus on civilian aviation.

He hoped that the complex will be a regional center in North Africa and maintained that it is currently the largest in the Arab and African world in terms of infrastructure and training according to international standards.

The Safat aviation complex was founded in 2005 to primarily support primarily the Sudanese air force. It is part of Sudan’s military manufacturing commission.



  • Kur

    Sudan to begin aircraft production in July
    A fifteen thousand dollars worth aircraft is not anything we can celebrate. It is cheaper than Bashir’s car. Hence safat 01 might be an imaginary plane which is being used as a cham to cheat the people of Sudan in the election time. We do not need aircraft but schools, hospitals, roads, houses, food, and above all peace.

    Mr. Bashir, nobody is going to fly your aircraft because your are destroying those who are supposed to fly your machines. Stop the war in Darfur and surrender yourself to the ICC. That is the best aircraft you can build.


  • John Chol
    John Chol

    Sudan to begin aircraft production in July
    What a big lie is that? I have never heard a plane that cost only $15,000 US dollars on this globe. To me, it’s a hook attached with the worm to attract the fish. I dvice Kiir Mayardit not to buy or be given one by President Bashir.Remember that Dr. Garang has gone but the next target is you. Take care otherwise Omar Bashire will sucessfully bulid your village in your absent .

  • Johnny

    Stand up and fight, do your own
    Hi Lad/Gen

    This aircraft are being develop for 2011 referendum, South Sudanese you don’t need to be happy, you better start up with your own, don’t rely on foreign help anymore, otherwise we are going to finish.

    “Stand up and fight, fight for your land”

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Sudan to begin aircraft production in July

    This is absolute black and blank Lies. Could the reporter tell us the Site of the Industry if it is inside Sudan? I know GIAD For Cars in Khartoum-Medeni Road (Bager). I personally went there to see it.
    Mr. Bashier is try to make his Reputation Good by announcing non existing things. As we know many things are coming to happen, he is trying to cover the wrongs made by him by spreading non existing good news.

  • Tom Zart
    Tom Zart

    Sudan to begin aircraft production in July

    Man has dreamed of flying high
    Since birds first avoided his spear.
    Not until nineteen-o-three
    Was it done despite his fear.

    With gasoline and engine,
    Propellers and wings for lift
    The Wright brothers flew their plane
    And gave mankind their gift.

    Many countries built their planes
    As our world became insane.
    Planes were used in two world wars
    With bombs and bullets to rain.

    Now we fly in outer space
    In search of life’s creation.
    Though most succeed, some will die
    Pioneers of aviation.

    Nothing else man can conceive
    Is more luring than God’s sky.
    To be as one with the stars
    Is the wish of all who fly.


    As war is fought it takes charge
    And events spin out of control.
    The madness of men can alter the soil
    Which nourishes the roots of their soul.

    Many things will forever change
    Far more then wished to be.
    As the wrath of war starts to destroy
    Those things we fight to keep free.

    War is the greatest plague of man
    Religion, state, and sanity.
    Any scourge is more preferred
    Than the one which disables humanity.

    When war breaks out, boundaries change
    And all who die are a token
    Of the rage that must run it’s course
    Before words of peace are spoken.

    War I hate, though not men, flags nor race
    But war itself with its ugly face.
    When we lose faith in the brave, which die
    Then we’re not fit to greet those who cry.

    What distinguishes war isn’t death
    But that man is slain by fellow man.
    Crushed by cruelty and injustice
    With his enemy’s murderous hand.

    War tends to punish the punishers
    So the losers won’t suffer alone.
    The essence of war is but violence
    Till the survivors come marching home.

    Sometimes it’s hard to defend what’s right
    Sometimes we’re forced to rise up and fight.
    Sometimes we survive, while others must die
    Sometimes never knowing the reason why.

    The rush of combat is a natural buzz
    Caused by fear, leaving nothing as it was.
    Hunting one another like wild game
    Without a shortage of those to blame.

    Sometimes victory comes too slow or quick
    Sometimes the cost on both sides is sick.
    Sometimes God is asked to intervene
    To help stop the savage from being so mean.

    War is a hell we visit before death
    Fueled by the whisper of the devil’s breath.
    There must be a reason man destroys man
    But why it is so, I can’t understand.

    By Conservative Poet
    Tom Zart
    Most Published Poet
    On The Web

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