Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan educational institute inaugurated in Rumbek

June 26, 2009 (RUMBEK) – The first education institute in Southern Sudan has been inaugurated today, in the capital of Lakes state to strengthen capacity in education sector.

Located in Rumbek, the institute will be a centre for building more effective education systems and skills for individuals and institutions.

The institute, a focal centre for education excellence and specialization, will deliver a number of important services, including professionals training, technical support to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology at all levels and in all educational fields, an education information repository and knowledge centre and clearing house.

Southern Sudan minister of Education, Job Dhoruai, the new center will supplement “the efforts of our other institutions such as the teacher institutes, and will provide much-needed leadership in the education sector.”

The minister Dhoruai accompanied by the Governor of Lakes State, Lt. Gen. Daniel Awet Akot, and other government officials, officially received the keys to the institute from UNICEF, which has been the leading partner in the project’s development.

“This institute represents a key, strategic investment in the education sector and, as such, will have a marked long-term impact on the wellbeing of children throughout Southern Sudan,” said Peter Crowley, Director of Operations for UNICEF’s Southern Sudan Area Programme.

Japan, Italy and Netherlands contributed to the construction of the institute through the UNICEF.

The inauguration was attended by Yuchi Ishii, the Japanese Ambassador to Sudan, Dr, Mauro Ghirotti, Head of the Italian Development Corporation in Sudan, and Bengt Herring, representing the Joint Donor Team in Juba, as well as the Government of the Netherlands.

The institute will be autonomous, operating under its own charter and with its own governance structures, while also maintaining strong links with government bodies.

Rumbek was selected as the location for the institute due to its central location within Southern Sudan and its year-round ease of access by air and road.



  • Dinka Bush
    Dinka Bush

    South Sudan educational institute inaugurated in Rumbek
    Well done Mr. Minister of Education, donors and our state Government for inagaurating the Institution. We have been forsaken for so long and this has resulted into many people being marginalized in term of education.

    With this tangible asset, let the responsibility of internal security be for state so that the local people benefit from it.

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