Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan Tribune journalist detained in Juba

June 28, 2009 (JUBA) – A reporter named Isaac Vuni, who frequently covers parliamentary debates and other developments in South Sudan’s capital city, was detained by police for five days, he said.

Mr. Vuni, whose writings appear in the Sudan Tribune, said that he was arrested for exposing the collapse of Nile Commercial Bank and the knocking of the presidential motorcade by a hit-and-run vehicle that belonged to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting’s headquarters in Juba.

He reported that National Security arrested him while he was covering debates in the Government of Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly.

On June 22, the administrator of the August House had ordered the reporter to get out during a parliamentary deliberation. The administrator pointed to a report in Citizen Magazine, which he attributed to Mr. Vuni, stating that legislators were avoiding debate due to lack pay. However, the Chairman ruled that there is freedom of the press and that besides parliamentary debates are open for public consumption and scrutiny.

While in custody, the reporter was periodically denied water, food, and access to the toilets, while UN officials allegedly were denied access to detainees.

In another development, ten Kenyan Somalis were deported for entering the South without any documents, three Tanzanians were arrested for printing fake currency while several Ugandans were arrested on various offences and have been in Juba police custody since April 29 this year.



  • oshay

    Sudan Tribune journalist detained in Juba
    good, I hope now Sudan Tribune would stop its blatant inequivocable SPLM bias

  • Matot de Akech Matot .
    Matot de Akech Matot .

    Sudan Tribune journalist detained in Juba
    Wow that is that ? iam eally not understand the reason of detained him for five days .

  • Kur

    Sudan Tribune journalist detained in Juba
    I do not personally want to hear this again. South Sudan is a land of freedom, where people can feel free to tell the truth. Press freedom must be part of our culture because those who fear the press are criminals who do not want their dirty acts exposed. We should be good example to those idoits in Khartoum who bark when their crimes are brought to light. Free press is a key to democracy and freedom.


  • Abdel-Rahman

    Sudan Tribune journalist detained in Juba
    There needs to be mechanisms which prevent this sort of thing happening in future. I am not entirely sure of the details of the case – but an independant media council for Southern Sudan would be the way to go – and as far as I know there are a few media associations currently driving this effort forward.

    Patience my good friends and brothers – the journey is long and the way is paved with challenges and obstacles. And as the saying says – the road to hell is paved with good intentions…..so a helping hand to those who are diligently transforming intentions into reality is needed.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Sudan Tribune journalist detained in Juba
    To Sudan Tribune journalists!!

    Please I always tell that Juba is not good place to be and if you study why the Sudan Tribune journalist detained, you will find that he/she did nothing and I can ensure you that it is so called Dinka who are behind detained.

    It is so bad that democracy and freedom has not yet seen in Juba just because one tribe and when we air out what Dinkas are doing people are say we are causing tribalism and hatrate.

    Juba is not safe place to live for human being who do not want problem due to the fact that now days it is full of problem either you are doing right things or not Dinkas have to hate by all means.

    Be very careful while going to Juba otherwise you better prepare your cofffin before you go there and write down your will because the possibility of you come back is narrow!!!!

  • Gabriel Green
    Gabriel Green

    Sudan Tribune journalist detained in Juba
    Mr Vuni, keeping going you are a hero,it is part of your job to betained,keep the eye on these MPs, most of them are just doing nothing in the house.They should not be doing things with out the media .Shame on this poor police who doesn,t know justice and important of journalist.

  • postmortem

    Sudan Tribune journalist detained in Juba
    Vuni you have your detention was a good baptismal practice of your career. You are actually lucky that you were detained for writing the truth which by human nature is bitter.

    It is the same thing like when we were fighting in the bush, you get shot for our rights and the truth but life went on until the CPA was signed.

    The freedom of press that in enshrined in the Bill of Rights contained in the Constitution comes with a lot of hickups and it is just part of the game. This is normal, actually the battle has just begun with you and expect more detentions.

    Be strong and you will see jail like a normal thing. On the other hand, always ensure you have a lawyer by side so that not much of your rights as a citizen are trampled upon.

    Press freedom comes at a price. As a journalist, be prepared to carry the cross.

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