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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese President inaugurates first aviation complex

July 5, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir officially inaugurated on Sunday Sudan’s first plant for producing airplanes in presented of several government officials.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir at the plane factory inaugration in Khartoum July 5, 2009 (AFP)
Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir at the plane factory inaugration in Khartoum July 5, 2009 (AFP)
The Safat Aviation Complex, which is located in Karari suburb, Khartoum state will carry out the assembling, manufacturing, development and maintenance of aircrafts.

In a speech delivered at the opening ceremony President Al-Bashir announced the start of the production of the first generation of aircraft to be made in Sudan, dubbed Safat 01. “Today we have entered a new field, manufacturing planes. This is the beginning,” he said.

Jalal Youssef Al-Digair, the minister of industry stressed that the new aviation complex aims to meet the growing need for aircrafts in the country. He further said this plant would promote the aviation industry and techniques in Sudan as well as would enhance the capacity of researches institutions.

Khalid Al-Ahmed Al-Abdallah, the Safat complex executive director, said this plant would allow to realize the sudanization of the aviation industry, which is a strategic objective for the government. He also added it would reduce the cost of overseas maintenance of Sudanese airplanes.

The Safat plant will manufacture three small planes and helicopters , Safat 01, Safat 02 and Safat 03. Al-Bashir witnessed an exhibition of three prototypes of these planes.



  • Buk Dan Buk
    Buk Dan Buk

    Sudanese President inaugurates first aviation complex
    No matter whatever improvement you do, we will still prayer for you to go to hell. Those are no the things we want you to improve on. we need you to act like a human being and be a good president. There is no way Sudan can progress when people are dying every single day.
    ICC case will not die like that My president, they will get you no matter how long it will take, the will still come back for you.
    I wish you good luck.

  • oshay

    Sudanese President inaugurates first aviation complex
    Who would’ve thought that 20 years ago when people couldn’t buy sugar in Sudan and lined up for miles to get petrol for their cars that now we would be developing our own planes, the first ethanol factory in the middle east and Africa, the largest Hydro Dam in Africa and an economic growth rate of 10% and lastly but of course not least our own military industrial complex.

    Bravo President Bashir, you did what no other Sudanese President has ever done, you ended the war in the south and has been trying extensively to end the war in Darfur, I totally commend you for your achievement and you deserve to be our President.

  • Kur

    Sudanese President inaugurates first aviation complex
    That is all nonsense. People are starving in many parts of Sudan and you’re telling us that you want to make aircraft. Who is going to fly them? The dead bodies of women and children in Darfur? No. we can’t be cheated anymore. We want you to answer to your crimes you have committed in Darfur.


  • Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth
    Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth

    Sudanese President inaugurates first aviation complex
    There is no any differnt between what Mr. Albashir doing with what is hapenning now in North Korea. These days, the North Korea’s president is launching a long and short range missile to terrorise his niehgboor countries as well as other countries in the world while his people are starving. Albashir is doing thesame thing. Sudanese people are in need for food, medicine, security and much more. Albashir should not think about assembling aircraft or what so ever unles he wants to terrorise Chad or other niehgbooring countries in Africa or he wants to prepare him self to go back to war with South Sudan or kill the rest of those poor darfurians. He will not stop on assembling the aircraft. You will hear somthing strange soon from him.

  • Maruk

    Sudanese President inaugurates first aviation complex
    it is there for all sudanese to hear and see i am talking to the pple in the south. this is not what we want now, we need elections to be conducted peacefully, cencus controversy resolved and other provisions in the CPA respeced and fulfiled.

    to all ssouth sudanese, these planes will be used against you. you will be finished and that clearly tells our govt officials to be watchfull and do sth.

  • Garang Arok
    Garang Arok

    Sudanese President inaugurates first aviation complex
    A notorious crime syndicate barking under the umbrella of a void and dummy criminalS’ showroom-au,regarding itself to be a binding body over African victimized citizens.

    You will still come down visitor.

  • Gat-nya-bilkuei

    Sudanese President inaugurates first aviation complex
    Bitchit! you are a Bitch for real! you been sucking Garang dick for long time. now you tyna celebrate while innocent people are still dying in Darfur. what a fagot wit no kids!

    rest in hell

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