Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

AU must discipline Botswana on its ICC’s controversial threats

By Isaiah Abraham

July 7, 2009 — 13th Summit of the African heads of States and Governments in Sirte, Libya last week has done African pride, by slumping the US sponsored scheme aimed at destabilising an African state; but one errand country named as Botswana defied and continue to pour contempt on a magnificent and well do decision to tell off the West on the African affairs.

Sir Phandu Skelemani, the Botswana’s Foreign Affairs minister has not just played cheap acquiesce ugly role for the West but willingly attempt to trample on the African dignity and resolve to be its master of its affairs.

Who says the Africans know no justice or that its a land prone to impunity more than any other continent in the world? Who again made African continent a dumping ground for junk and tired lawyers, or a place where selective justice is to be applied leaving the rest of other criminals free to bomb, maimed and invade other countries at will?

Botswana, do you know what, you are a shame and disgrace to the African continent and people! This is why: Look, the AU leaders didn’t just fix a bail blanket to protect the President of the Sudan as a person, or just for the sake of it, their eyes are beyond the ICC’s and that is important! But also they had earlier tried to ask the Security Country to suspend the threat against the Sudanese President for some time, at least a year to allow peace a chance, but what happened, the US and Britain for reasons best to everyone, frustrated everyone on that noble idea. What do you think should have been done in response to the Western obstinacy?

AU like many others who are true friends of the Sudanese wants peace first to get a grip on the land and others later. The AU leaders are after saving of more lives, because its not just about Al Bashir removal or arrest but the aftermath of that action. I don’t where did this idea scape Botswana? Singing justice, justice is normal, but sanity of human lives that might be lost in the course of pursuing justice is more heavenly than just retributive. Non will come back from Darfur, the future matters.

The country moreover still reel from its war fevers and anything could put every positive efforts done anywhere to jeopardy. The society is complex and hence a need to delay that justice, no matter the length. That is to say, the ground for it right now isn’t there, because of polarisation of the Sudanese society.

In few words, the Sudanese political transition after President Al Bashir would be tumultuous and is dotted with uncertainty, because the NCP, the ruling party wouldn’t allow any other leader besides Al Bashir to take over without a blood, and therefore right for the AU leaders do refuse to cooperate with the ICC western arm. It was historic decision for the sake of the Sudanese people; because of imminent anarchy that about to generate itself after forceful removal of the President of the Sudan.

I must stop there because Botswana has been made deaf by its wealth and won’t listen. I would imagine that this was a country that was a symbol of hope to the rest of the Africa when Sir Seretse Khama, the founding father of that nation pulled its from its poor background to its current economic might; and today that image is eroded by Khama junior who had since turn his interest to his maternity uncles leaving his people scratching their in disbelief of what isn’t African culture. Please Mr. President, you know little about this country called Sudan and prudent that you take your time and shut your mouth.

Botswana, how much will it pay you to go alone many times among other African countries? AU leaders are hereby strongly advice to stop if not to flush it out from its membership; imagine this is not its first time to act contrary to the voice of the majority of the Africans. Zimbabwe nurses a wound created by the West, but the black sheep of Africa, Botswana call on Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe to step down.

Its time for the AU to discipline Botswana to serve as a lesson to other African leaders who are spoiling the unity of the African people. What is in the ICC’s to be celebrated? Do the Botswana and Koffi Annan know anything about Darfur or the South and the East? Are they aware of the mood on the ground about what the US is trying to do against the Sudanese elected leader? But even so, or say killing had taken place in Darfur, is the West genuine in their drive to protect lives, why not support the remaining displaced persons there right now, when Africans leaders had asked them for logistical support.

But its an insult to the Sudanese in particular to arrest its leader, a very person who symbolises sovereignty of the country. Sudanese will judge him next year, and even if need be arrest him, not from the cooked body of the Super power. We might not like Al Bashir, due to his past record on the South Sudan, but still he is our President to whom with we want to see the CPA live.

The author is based in Juba; he can be reached at [email protected]


  • Michael

    AU must discipline Botswana on its ICC’s controversial threats
    Dear the author,

    Sir, you must be crazy or my best assumption is that you are writing for some sort of bloody rewards not from the realities of what is going on in Darfur.
    Sir, what are you condemning the great nation of Botswana for? Because that nation has been a goog example of great government in Africa. What did Khama junoir did to his people? Did he kill or displace anybody? Botswana is not corrupt, not dictorial in any way. It’s shame to Africa to protect criminal but not even think of how to protect both a criminal and innocent civilians if we have to protect criminals because they are our criminals. Why not arrest him in Africa if it’s a matter of outside justice. Our leaders are a group self centered humans need to cling to the throne with any cost provide they stay presidents. Shame, shame, & shame.
    If this was about African being targeted, why are they killing their own people? Al Bashir life not holy compare to th thousands being kill by him and millions displaced by political greed sir.

    Where is justice in Africa Mr. Bloody witer?

  • Steward Du Santus
    Steward Du Santus

    AU must discipline Botswana on its ICC’s controversial threats
    steward dusantus

  • Separatist

    AU must discipline Botswana on its ICC’s controversial threats
    Hi Isaiah, you have talked of US destabilising an African state, really? How has this country been stable or how stable is this country you are talking about? Are we wrong in the south to fight for our rights, were we destabilising the state? Is it really about telling the west off that the African Union took the decision? Should they be telling the west off by letting impunity continue in Darfur?

    By saying Botswana is a shame to African continent and people, do you include the Darfuris in this ‘people’? You are simply a shame to South Sudan if you are a southerner anyway. Upholding justice in Darfur or anywhere in Africa does not have to be a ‘western’ job; African states such as Botswana can air their view without anyone labelling them errand countries!!

    This tendency of appeasement would only play into the hands of El Bashir. The mentally that we must protect the CPA even if it means worshiping the north will only make it harder for peace to be realise in the Sudan. Also it is not an insult to Sudan if its leader is arrested for acting with impunity; on the contrary, it is an insult to the Sudanese to be led by such a person.

    If your main aim of attacking Botswana is your fear that CPA will not be implemented, then recall that John Garang died at CPA’s infancy and what happened? According to you, ‘the AU must discipline Botswana to serve as a lesson to other African leaders who are spoiling the ‘unity’ of the African people,’ and reward El Bashir for killing the innocent? A very expensive unity that is indeed!

    There is no discipline in the AU for it to be able to discipline Botswana. To start with, the AU members were bulldozed into taking that stand, see Sudantribune’s “Botswana will not abide by AU decision on Sudan’s Bashir, Monday 6 July 2009” and that’s AU’s historic decision, the friends of the Sudanese people for you! Just because the majority of African leaders took that stand does not make them right and Botswana wrong. It takes strength and leadership quality to stand against majority’s misguided view. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

    For your information Botswana is still a symbol of hope to the rest of the Africa.

  • Kur

    AU must discipline Botswana on its ICC’s controversial threats
    I think the writer of this article must be Bashir’s speech writer.Praising the AU for supporting the killer and rapist of the innocent women and children of Darfur is a dirty, ugly thinking. No one who has read this kind of ill-formulated opinion will not be disgusted. It is an insult to marginalized people of Sudan who have been the victims of horrible campaign by the janjaweed regime in Khartoum.

    Botswana is now the pride of Africa for standing against impunity and the killers of innocent Africans. Governments are there to protect the citizens not to protect those who have stolen power and use it to rape, kill, and displace the very people they claim to rule. Africa must move forward in establishing the rule of law, not backward by allowing primitive leaders to mutilate innocent people. Therefore dictators like Bashir must answer to their crimes before the ICC now not tomorrow.


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