Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

IDPs number increases in Lakes states

By Manyang Mayom

July 11, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The insecurity in the Lakes state aggravated by the lack of rains increased the number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs); the UN concerned services have to raise the food distribution there to face the .

Rumbek, the capital of Lakes state is seriously hit by inter-tribal and inter-clan dispute since the signing the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) by Sudanese government led the National Congress Party (NCP) and the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

A report obtained by Sudan Tribune Correspondent in Rumbek from UN sources indicates there are some 14,714 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the capital of the Lakes state beneficiate from food distribution. This number includes 7,176 male and 7,538 female.

The displacement was caused by inter-clan dispute between Jur-Beli inhabitants of Wulu county in Southern Rumbek Central County and Dinka Agar particularly sub-clan of Kook section of Rumbek East County.

Lakes communities have failed this year to cultivate their local farms due to lack of rains this year in the state. Also the tribal conflicts had forced many to flee their houses in Wulu and Rumbek North County (Maper).

The state pastoralists took up arm against each other since 2005 due to local disputes over water sources and pasturage as well as cattle rustling. Further, this cycle of violence is perpetuated by the desire of revenge.

However, Lakes state authorities are blamed for failing to restore security and deploying the necessary troops to dissuade the belligerents from pursuing their bloody fighting.

The former governor of the Lakes, John Lat Zechariah had been removed shortly after his appointed after his failure to quell the sources of insecurity. However, Governor Daniel Awet appointed since September 5, 2006 still facing the same situation and efforts led by his administration didn’t improve the security situation there.



  • Ambago

    IDPs number increases in Lakes states

    It is in deed very sad to hear that southern Sudanese are still by large living in communities that are only a stone’s throw away of being completely destroyed as a result of poor governance.

    The phenomenon of wide spread ethnical and inter clan fights strongly points to how delicate our own social fabric is. If things remain the way they are now, the failed state that we are working hard to vote for in 2011 may not even fulfil our aspirations of freedom, independence and dignity while all our population remain dependant of food hand outs from the international charities and the like.

    We keep changing governors , ministers, commissioners but all with out any improvement to our situation . Whether it was insecurity in the first place, now we are even more insecure or whether it was hunger , now we are only more hungrier.

    Obama says that,” Africa does not need strong men any longer, but what it needs are strong institutions that can tackle its problems.” Don’t you agree with me that he is right?

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    IDPs number increases in Lakes states
    Mr Famous Big-Logic-Boy < Fraud

    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy < original

    The population increase because of the free food from UN. Mr Ambago don’t you know that those idol junglese like to eat free food like ladies. Now the distribution of food by UN has been as a key to enourage further rapping. Rapping is not an offense in junglese/dinkas cullture. This is why they are taking more serious action so that the UN will pay attention to supply them with food, that IDP is not real, it is just a fake agreement within those junglese so that UN will save them from starving. Their displace could be describe as an agreement between two companies, which are male and female junglese agreeing to assult each other for their own advantage (food). Crap get a hoe and try to dig for yourselves. Rapping is nothing but just a pleasure of time. If you don’t stop this madness you will never survive on your own. We are now 5-6 years since CPA but still mad and lost people like yourselves are still fooling after trouble. Where were the fake 10,000 police in jungle state during the attack? You train 500 police each month and still you turn them to do horrible activitities. Do you have chemeleon police, on the day they are police and at night they turn to be criminals? Those police could protect your people from such attack unless they are the attackers. My advice to your governor is that make use of the LAW in your hands don’t drag South backward.

    Logic is the chairman and founder of Equatorian Resistant Movement (ERM) after achieving its objectives and goals it will reverse to Sudanese Revolution Movement for Democratic (SRMD)

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    IDPs number increases in Lakes states
    To fellow Sudanese,

    The words IDPs in South Sudan sound very bad yet CPA has come to the ground.

    In south Sudan there is peace and why is that the four letters IDPs is still there shame on Southerners.

    If should ask what is causig IDPs now? am sure very many people will tell food insecurity. Is food insecurity a big problem or it is human being own making?
    Think about and stop the letters IDPs in South Sudan.

    Brother in Christ.

  • Akolde Nhiak Jinub
    Akolde Nhiak Jinub

    IDPs number increases in Lakes states
    Dear Friends,

    For you to understand Lakes state issues, read this and get indepth. It is all Politics and NCP Sabotage in South Sudan and Lakes state in particular.

    Lakes state Crisis: Wulu and Rumbek East Counties in tribal Feuds.

    BY: Akolde N. Jinub, RUMBEK

    As the year begins, troubles besieged the communities of both Wulu and Rumbek East counties. These communities have been the most peaceful in Lakes state despite rampant tribal feuds all over the state. The Belle of Wulu County and the Dinka of Rumbek East lived in peace even before independence of Sudan on 1st January 1956. These communities were so friendly and shared a lot tradition and values. They both lived together in both urban and rural areas.

    They spoke one another’s language, had common inter-marriages, shared Dinka customs of marks on forehead, share Dinka common names e.g. Machar, Majak, Madit, Majok etc, share agricultural land for subsistence farming, share also wealth, e.g. cows, honey, goats and use them as bride-prices in their inter-marriages.

    During the civil administration of the New Sudan (CANS), there was only Mvolo County, which included the Jurbele now known as Belle. When Mvolo County demanded being annexed to the administration of Western Equatoria, which was later granted, the Jurbel (Belle) refused to break their ties with Lakes state and specially their neighbors who had a peaceful co-existence with them for decades. The state administration of western Equatoria being very far from the Belle community, prompted fears of being marginalized in Mvolo County.

    This situation gave birth to Wulu County which had no defined boarders within Lakes state and only 33 kms away from the Administration head office of Lakes state town of Rumbek. All state’s counties have same issue of no demarcated boarders. This exercise will be tackled after the results of Referendum in 2011. During that time, the quest for self-determination and birth of a New County South Sudan expected, whereby then putting the house in shape would be the priority.

    This peaceful co-existence is now being targeted by the enemies of (Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and their friends who seek to destabilize the state and plant seeds of hatred and mistrust among the Belle and Dinka communities. It is indeed a surprise to see these friendly communities in conflict which is neither founded on any political issue nor social intent.

    These peaceful communities have become the victims of the wider network of conspirators and agitators who seek the destruction of the CPA by destabilizing the whole South Sudan through funding the ongoing tribal feuds, making the South Sudan un-governable and hence the collapse of the CPA.

    The active membership of the conspirators’ network above have roots now in Lakes state Administration and are busy creating insecurity and lawlessness in Wulu county, where a passer-by traveling by either a vehicle or by bike or even on foot is vulnerable within Wulu County risking either death or injury from unknown gangs and gunmen. It has become very dangerous even to foreigners to pass through Wulu County to and from Mvolo County.

    To come back to the point, the scenarios that were exploited by the enemies of Peace in Wulu and Rumbek East counties were centered mainly on two different occasions.
    Firstly, it was on 21st January 2009 that a fight erupted between Belle and Dinka Agar on an adultery issue. A Belle youth committed adultery with a woman of a youth from Rumbek East. The two sought the court process according to Dinka ruling on such social matters. The Dinka man took back his wife and the Belle had to pay (Akor) a penalty on committing adultery.

    Sometimes later, the Belle man was observed and found to be still having the same affair with the same woman. The woman’s husband took the Law into hands, by ambushing and murdering the Belle man. This was capitalized on by the enemies of both the state and the Belle – Dinka communities, when one of the Senior Police Officer from Belle of Wulu ordered one of the Dinka of Rumbek East youth in Wulu Police force to accompany him to Nuktamanga. This Dinka youth as a Police soldier was also murdered in the hands of this Police Officer, he had accompanied as a body guard in Nuktamanga as revenge, this triggering the first wave of violence. The Peaceful co-existence and neighborly relationship of both communities were now at stake.

    The second feud was a fabrication and agitation by the capitalizers of the first conflict. The cause had nothing to do directly with Belle – Dinka communities. It was rather a political rivalry between the former commissioner Mr. Shillur and the deceased late Sebit Nicholas Majok. The former commissioner had his squad assassinate the rival by ambushing him on the road to Wulu town. The slaughtered man was a graduate of Bahr el Ghazal University in Wau and hence a rare staff among the Belle.

    Being also a supporter of remaining within the Lakes state administration against those who advocated the annexation to western Equatoria state, the political camp of the former commissioner, because of this, he was victimized. Now a person who claimed to have been bribed by Mr. Shillur to murder Sebit Nicholas Majok is now in Rumbek Central Prison.

    From this scenario, the enemies of the deceased were his tribesmen, the Belle. But because the state and her counties are seriously infiltrated by the enemies of the CPA whose strategy is to destabilize the state administration, and create affront line between the Belle and Dinka communities, rumors of murder, were spread in Wulu town that the Dinkas were responsible for the death of Sebit Nicholas Majok.

    As a matter of fact, the Belle youth in the organized forces all took their guns and the community followed and went on rampage killing any Dinka man, woman and child found whether on road, at home, in the cattle camp and even as far as those living in Wulu town. This situation couldn’t be arrested for almost on full week of bloodbath.

    The administration of Lakes state has a habit of dragging feet on security issues. This was apparent in the seven days of slaughter of the Dinkas by Belle community.
    The administration of Lt. Gen. Daniel Awet Akot is always adamant in decisions that need resolutions in timely manner. This character of turning a blind eye on important security matters, leaving them to their own pace, till a daring situation evolves, this led to the murderers of Sebit Nicholas Majok not apprehended immediately as has been usual way of Lakes state leadership in managing its affairs, while the Belle community killed more then (33) Dinkas (29) confirmed by UN Peacekeepers. Many more injured, hundreds displaced as their homes were looted and burned by the Belle community. Hundreds of cattle lost or killed, farms abandoned after having been ploughed and planted.

    This kind of feud and chaos had no president in this area. The feud is instigated by the CPA enemies as a means of destabilizing the South Sudan in general and Lakes state – Belle and Dinka communities in particular. The agitators of this insecurity are seeking to destroy the peaceful co-existence of the above communities.

    The rampant tribal conflicts all over the South Sudan, and the flourishing markets of small arms everywhere is a work of the peace enemies’ elements as described above. Some clues to such conspirators are confirmed by an incident that happened on the 4th June 2009, when a suspicious land cruiser car broke through a check-point in Tonj town of Warrap state heading towards Rumbek. On reaching Cueibet, it was reportedly changed course to Wulu County via SPLA former feeder roads from Cueibet to Wulu. The cargo of the car was later proofed in the new AK 47 arms supplied to Belle Community.

    The perpetuators of these havoc and chaos, in the person of former commissioner of Wulu, Mr. Gideon Shillur Mbele, who was hosted in Khartoum by his masters after a well done job and now has returned to Lakes state after having been assured that enough damaged has been inflicted on two sides of the communities and Rumbek East community in particular.

    Lakes state has many reasons to be the focal point of destabilization strategists. One of the reasons is that, Lakes state stands for unity of the South Sudan and no more break-aways from this course, it is the SPLM stronghold in the South Sudan, and advocates united leadership for South Sudan. Breaking the backbone of Lakes state, paves way for general collapse of the GOSS administration all over.

    Lakes state region has suffered most from the destabilization of the South Sudan. Arms are everywhere and the state authority insists on believing that they know from where these arms come from. I hope they really know.

    Until then, no one knows if the long peaceful co-existence and dear relationship that had been enjoyed by these two communities will be restored by Lakes state government whose leadership role is always adamant in setting to peaceful co-existence of Lakes state communities.
    The enemies of the CPA are conspicuous all over South Sudan in general and Lakes state in particular. Why are there ten business young guys in a single shop in South Sudanese big towns in disguise as Fur of Darfur!!?? Something fishy about them…..

    Little did many and I (South Sudanese) know that we can easily be fractured to butch ourselves as this all over South Sudan for the birds of the air and beasts of the earth to feast on lost souls by our very one and known enemy that we took up arms to denounce!!!

    Finally, the atrocities committed by the Belle community were reported to Government of South Sudan in Juba as Dinkas who were on the assault. This misinformation campaign proofs the existence of the enemies of the destabilization among the administration personnel of the Lakes state. That is why the offender was painted as the victim on reports to Juba.

    The re-deployment of the army (SPLA) to the state my reveal some mysteries of the conflict. Truth will at last prevail. God knows.

    Akolde N. Jinub lives in Rumbek, South Sudan and he is on [email protected]

  • Abednego Majack Macharial
    Abednego Majack Macharial

    IDPs number increases in Lakes states
    Dear Mr. Journalist,

    You sound like uncelebrated idiot when it come to reporting on Wulu-Rumbek East issue. Learn how to obtain right information before going to the press. You have mention three times in all your writings this phrase “particularly Kook youth”. Do you really know the source of the recent fighting between Agar and Beli of Wulu?. How it begins and who begin it before being handed over to Kook as you do said it often? How Kook got involved in the fighting is known even to Beli people themselves. be impartial when reporting or writing something otherwise you will scratch the old healing wound. take note of this and refrain from citing unnecessary information whom you don’t have clear source. Do you know how Kook and beli people of Wulu have been living before the currently administrative division of Rumbek? the intermarriages between them?. Do you know that the paramount chief of Beli, His Wisdom Chief Mataba Yoro is son of Kook’s daughter?. If at all Kook community were having that intention of fighting with Beli of Wulu, it would have happened in the past. Point your fingers at the Ex- Commissioner Mr. Mbele. He is knows how he has confused the two communities.

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