Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lam Ajawin: Rebirth to carrying the flame

By Peter Bedepiny

July 13, 2009 — Unlike John Garang who radiated his charisma through eclectic mixture of humour and optimism combined with the arrogance of a skilled rhetorician; Lam Ajawin charisma sprang up from his didactic impulse to set things right, sort of an engineer’s meticulousness, who would dissect the blueprint of a building project only to point out the structural errors in the original design soon or later you would concur to his conclusion about the need to go back to the drawing board. This ability evokes adverse opinion from his critics who sometimes lay against him in his pomp. He is said to be proud or overbearing and far too aware of his talents, but to quibble about truth makes the critics look petty and spiteful; to strike a lofty attitude one must praise him. Lam Ajawin’s better qualities, including his sure choice of revolutionary tactics and his skills as a high power voltage of political ideas.

Amongst the reformists (Dhol Achil, Joseph Odhouh, Arok Thon, and Martin Majier,etc.) in the SPLM/A (Sudan People Liberation Movement/Army) many of whom would end up facing court-martial, imprisonment and eventually died victims of Garang’s arbitrariness, it would rest on Lam Ajawin’s shoulder in 1991 to shed bright light on John Garang’s wrong-headed leadership. It became apparent then that time of evasiveness and adventurism had run out and that constructive debate was needed inside the rank-and-file of the movement to assess the cost of the warfare as South Sudan drown in blood of its citizen soldiers. Lam argued that the main objective of struggle must be explicitly spelled out clear-cut position, i.e., the Self-determination of South. South Sudan people took arms not for the sake of fighting but to find a political solution to their problem. It is not a missed to wonder had the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) or its equivalence were negotiated at the time when SPLA was victorious and control eighty percent of the South Sudan how would the CPA look like. In hindsight the balance sheet of John Granag’s adventure seemed to indicate a great deal of waste. Only the scars of the war veterans and the empty places in the widows’ beds seemed to attest to the reality of those years, and time soon will eliminate even these silent witnesses.

The rest is history as the saying goes, but it is important to point out how Lam was vilified and victimised by his opponents further by suggesting to the public that he had received fund in exchange to sign the secrete Agreement in Frankfurt, Germany with then the government representative Ali Al-Haj. Retrospectively, we now know that the Frankfurt Agreement will go down in history of the South-North conflict as a milestone in which for the first time South had mastered the command of the political situation in regard to the conflict, that’s reintroduction of Self-determination, the citadels of South varies political thoughts. Riek Machar was duped this led to some infractions between him and Lam. As for fund obviously, these allegations were trumped up and never found to have merit by the public but invented to humiliate and wound him sufficiently to keep him from fighting back.

Listening to Lam’s radio interviews during the Abuja peace talks held from May 26th to June 4th 1992, you can’t help but be aspired for his powerful rhythm of his speech, his tenor but never fatiguing voice, his soaring pathos, his rigid logic clear as polished-steel. He would charge “since 1983 the SPLA has been fighting for a united secular Sudan. In Khartoum, governments of all colours and hues had since came and gone besides no major party in the North was anywhere near to conceding a secular state in a united Sudan. It’s callous to continue shedding southern blood to impose a unity the North does not want”. Such was unadorned style he displayed an astounding ability to frame the debate toward the core of each point at issue.

Today SPLM is run by those who were dastardly lied low muted with mixture of fear and compliancy as rank-and-file members, they might express themselves confidently in generalities, but lacked an adults’ memory for details. Like children who would not acknowledge the obvious instead they blame or distort, they ludicrously continue to abdicate their responsibility and role to the current perilous situation in the South. As adults we must acknowledge the obvious, that SPLM has failed miserably wasted four years complaining with no serious works. National Congress Party (NCP) as an adversary will try to undermine your efforts given the contestable mood of the relations between two CPA partners, what more should the NCP collapse today or Al-Bashir die in a heart attack, South Sudan would still be plunged in paralysis simply put the two sets of problem are invariant. SPLM intransigent political elite did not understand the scale of savagery in which the disenchanted people of South Sudan were brutalized by the experience of warfare. The problem is that they have misjudged their intractable perception that they can control everything. Instead of mitigating tension they resorted to the old order of business-as-usual to consolidate power by fanning tribal divisions in an old fashion divide-and-conquer, they stirred up tension as a result the society has turned into Molotov cocktail bounce to blow up anytime.

Salva Kiir has missed an opportunity to spend the political capital of good-will given by South Sudan people. A genuine determination to put aside sterile ideology of tribalism and become simply fellows citizens to make use of the ablest men available, regardless of their political past, to create a strong, free, united and prosperous South Sudan. Coronation has never been a good idea. To be fair, nation building has never been an easy task, even the mighty United State of America has to admit it failures in Iraq beyond it professes objectives which is to build stable and democratic Iraq.

South Sudan is no different than Iraq perhaps worse still a foetus nation with terrifying structural features like egregious embezzlement of public funds, pretentious superiority, criminality and thugery. The question stared us at the face; what should we do: well the answer depends on how you feel about the current situation; I don’t care if you were a bureaucrat, who just bought the Hummer H2 driving crazily with your second pregnant wife from Atlabara to the hillside of Jebel Kujur at the cliff if you don’t change direction then you are headed for calamity. Yet some might say let this lunatic smash to the rock that way the alike will get superb lesson. But overseeing life-and-death matters for a population is no place for apathy; we must not capitulate to the grinding of unplannedness, opportunism, exclusion, blackmail and bigotry. Six years term transition was in essence so that the south can look at itself in the Miraya, today the picture is foul and skewed. The clique around Salva Kiir are obsessed with power as such he became entangled, they are isolating themselves to an ever-greater extent, as such they proved incapable of estimating the situation as a whole, foreseeing the future and issuing broad directives to SPLM. The policy becomes pettifogging or tail-endist. Any attempts on anyone’s part to generalize the difficulties, grasp their connection and look ahead into the future, arouse alarm in their mind and call forth accusations of treachery. SPLM unity for them is the following: ‘don’t you dare criticize our policy; don’t dare to pose any new tasks and new questions without our permission; don’t dare to pose seriously the question of a struggle against corruptions.

Lam Ajawin’s rebirth hypnotized by the consummation of the task at hand. The solution to the current off track course is political. At the time when our people is on threshold to pronounce to the world the birth of a new country we cannot afford the missteps, and none other than Lam Ajawin has the calibre to such an undertaking. One can make vast speculation, that he is the sort of man who, if he is given full power in a great plan of this kind, will work miracles. There is not a drop of vanity in him, he is totally indifferent to any title or to the trapping of power; he is, however, boundlessly jealous of his own role in history and in that sense he is ambitious. Ultimately, for the public the choice is clear between the forces of freedom and progress against the forces of nursery of despotism and reaction. It was a huge blunder to sideline Lam Ajawin and hope that his star waned. Peace, so it seemed, offered no outlet for noble and idealistic impulses. For many of us it seem that South Sudan is being treated like kind of a general store situated at a dusty cross road where States and Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) powers meet at which every free traveller feel free to loot.

Leaders like great artists develop a personal dream that they offer as a public possession if it is accepted, they become renowned, but should it ultimately be discarded, they suffer the loss of both a private dream and a public identity. As people rallied around Lam Ajawin, they allowed him to regains his familiar role. They rallied because they still believed in him and his heroic identity. They were able to rally because as a torch bearer, he told them the truth and gave them something to believe in, that’s to bring the people together in commoner.

Peter Bedepiny: is a mathematician. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Lam Ajawin: Rebirth to carrying the flame
    We can see that element of tribalism coupled with corruption from the support you give to criminals of South Sudan in your article. Please shut down your mandibles.

  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    Lam Ajawin: Rebirth to carrying the flame
    Dear readers, this is an article not comment. I tried serverally time to post it at this honorable website, but it never went through. However, I fragmented it into numerous.

    Our holy Earth does not get tired in providing human beings with the God-endowments for happy, equal and free living. Such entitlements are rain, water, fruits, vegetables, wind and other resources available throughout the globe. Equally created, every creature across the world has free access to those privileges.
    Since human is a creature of Just God, morally he institutes a governing system based on principles of love, equality, liberty, democracy and transparency to ensure peace, security and equal distribution of rights among communal members. Each community empowers one man or woman as guardian (leader) and implementer of the agreements that bring social association. She/he (leader) acts as servant not dictator or greedy against the will of the governed as justly fair father and mother who become servants to their children. Mark 9:35 “if anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last and the servant of all.”

    Degrading-Old Sudan: Under the old Sudan, the Sudanese people have been dehumanized by the consecutive regimes in Khartoum since Sudan independence in many prosecutorial ways. People were denied an access to obtain their privileges beside imposition of oppression, despotism, intimidation, imprisonment, confiscation, extermination, slavery, and vandalism that have stagnate the majority of the Sudanese in destitution and backwardness despite of the richness of Sudanese land.
    Birth of Anya-Anya one/two and SPLM/A 1955-2005 to establish the ‘New Sudan’: “Give me my liberty or kill me”, said American liberator. There is no meaning of life without freedom and happiness. Even if you are neutralized refugee in other country, still your life has no completion. Sequential-Southern Movements (SSLM/SPLM/A) were formed to restore human dignity by abolishing the consecutive-Khartoum oppressing regimes militarily or diplomatically and replaced them with government that derives its morally just power from people’s consent. Millions of Sudanese had therefore shed their own blood in order to harvest the fruits of equality, democracy, transparency, justice, liberty, respect, competency, and prosperity enshrined in the manifestos of the Southern movements if they were to be honored and transform into practice. It was indeed a sacrificially patriotic war that left each family in South with irreparable grief.

    Effects of despotizing SPLM/A: The objectives that differentiate the New Sudan from Old Sudan should have had been honored. Old Sudan favors the degrading policies while SPLM/A shepherds uplifting programs making each a destroyer and other a redeemer. Matthew 12:25-28 “If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against itself and its kingdom will therefore ruin. If I use Satan power, then Satan will be your judges. But since I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you”. Transformation of the movement into tyrannical and despotic organization without a clear vision for loosing millions of lives was a self-contradiction that questioned SPLM/A legitimacy. As a result, it had ruptured into Nasir and Torit factions in 1991. However, that is natural to any family members to check the ways they manage their family affairs in order to prevent all of them from falling into a deep well without one left to pull them out of a well.

    Advantages of 1991 defection: Some Sudanese do criticize Dr. Lam Akol and Dr. Riek Machar for splitting the movement into two factions. It is though wisely to ask ourselves these questions in order to make our criticism constructive and fruitful. Can we criticize those who had held the Juba conference in late 1940s? Can we blame General Joseph Lagu and Dr. John Garang for their rupturing from the Sudanese army and waged a war against the Sudan government? If we answer yes, then Dr. Lam and Riek have no legal right to defect from SPLM/A. But if it was right for the delegates to Juba conference in late 1940s and for General Joseph Lagau and Dr. John Garang to correct the former and current Khartoum regimes, likewise Dr. Riek Machar and Dr. Lam Akol have a blessing right to oppose Dr. John Garang’s leadership that resembled itself to Khartoum governments. I strongly believe that it is a legal and moral right for anyone to take a preventive role before situation mature into insolvable and chaotic condition. It is too important to judge others according to the outcomes of their actions based on the knowledge of our own eyes, minds and hearts rather than inspired information or pressure from our peers.

    Let me use the experiment once conducted to find out how other people could dismantle from their rights under social pressure and how others could hold on their views due to their personal knowledge and understanding. Researcher had cut a rope into three pieces. Two were the same in length and one was short with different color. He hanged them vertically and brought in one a person. He asked him if the ropes measure the same length and look alike in color. The man answered rightly that they were difference in length and color. Again, other two men were brought and answered that the ropes were difference. Later on, more than ten people were brought in just to contradict the right answers and they answered one by one that the ropes were in the same length and color. Being confused by others, the other two-first right answers changed from their beliefs that ropes were difference and said ropes were indifference. But one man had remained on his belief that ropes were difference. Finally, the researcher had revealed to the three men that more than ten men were just told to say ropes were similar in order to know if three men could disbelieve their own eyes, hearts and minds under other group pressure and this was a proof that social pressure constrains most people from expressing and affirming their rights. Again, let me use an example from Bible. Jesus had tested His disciples in order to know if they follow what others say or put first what they know personally.
    Gospel Mark 8:27 “Who do people say I’m? Jesus asked His disciples. “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah’ and still others say the prophet.” “But you, yourselves, who do you, say I’m? Peter answered, “You are the Christ, Son of God.”
    Now let come to find out if we treat Dr. Lam Akol and Dr. Riek Machar 1991 defection according to the reasons we know by our own eyes, minds and hearts or we criticize them under group pressure which would be self-disbelieving to each one of us.

  • Malakal

    Lam Ajawin: Rebirth to carrying the flame
    Your’re a Mathematician; doesn’t that sounds more like a duplicate of your uncle occupation. You are so irrelevant in many aspects of your rhetoric analytical writing. Your claims will only appeal to the likes mind, but not to the typical South Sudanese.

    Lame’s newly absurd creation of a party should not be categorized as rebirth of something inconsiderable. if you have throughly followed what was going on within the SPLA/M for the last 22 years, you should be able to atleast acknoweledge his deviation from the SPLA/M mainstream in 1991. That time he was in charge of his formation, which was called The Nasir Faction. The fact that Nasir Faction failed to thrive with Lame as the leading orchestra is what many translate today as his incompetence. And that ‘s why he is veiw by many as nothing more than a distractor, not a reformist as you allegedly claimed him. Your rhetoric seems to attribute Lame’s with extroadinary strengths for his educational skills; a sound-minded person would also wonder why Lame did not showcased those strengths when he isolated from the SPLA/M of Dr. Garang in 1991.

    The truth is Lame is a Mathematician, which is why he is not relevant to politics, especially, liberational politics. There are formulas for solving math, and there must be one ultimate answer to the equation despite which formula one chose to use. however, in politics there are unknown formulas for solving crisis, which could be why people like you peter Bedepiny , and your uncle Lame, miserably failed to understand the siginificance of Dr. Garang’s strategy for trying to solve Southern Sudan’s problem. His strategy of unity resonated well on the internationl scale level. He had a vision which your Lame does not have; a vision he used to unite all Southern Sudanese tribes under a common goal. It was a strategy of someone who was well-educated, and not a power hungry individual like Lame. That’s why he was never condemned by humanitarian organizations like the United Nation, because unity make a better sense than separation if you are leading revolution like he was.

    Southern Sudan needs people like lame, not as politician, but as Mathematician.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Lam Ajawin: Rebirth to carrying the flame
    Dear Peter,

    You must be kidding by trying to sell poisoned goods such as Lam Akol to the poor people of New Sudan. But be actor as Lam did it twice to the people in great need of freedom.

    Freedom is not a thing to be granted to you from Khartoum by appeasing NIF leaders or whoever sit on that presidential Throan.

    Peter, you have abused SPLM, the Southern Sudanese people and yourself as well.

    How did you let the darkness got to your pen? Can I believe that I am reading this line here; “….SPLM has failed miserablly wasted four years…..”

    Where was Lam Akol during those four years Mr. Peter? You have let down the people with your article.

    The only think I like from your article is that; it confirmed that; Lam Akol is an opportunistic and higher position seeker. Its confirmed that Riek Machar and those Southern Sudanese who lost their lives as a result of 1991 failed attempted coup were just victims of Lam Akol evilism.

    It was clear that Lam Akol used Dr. Riek Machar to carry out his distruction and tribalistic Program. He used Riek because he knew he could not make it by himself, sort of lack of confidence for sure. Lam will never convince anyone except the opportunists like him.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Lam Ajawin: Rebirth to carrying the flame

    Firstly, I wonder why your parents gave you such a horrible name?. It’s an insult to certain group of people in the society. Second, you should at least thank Salva Kiir for lifting Dr. Lam Akol out of big pool of shit he made in 1991. His butt was pinned down by the shit, and stuck in swamp with no hope for surviving under Garang, but Salva Kiir naively lifted him off, and put him back to the spotlight as FM of the Sudan, a chane he was suppose to use it wisely so as to get back right with the people, but as predicted, he decided to shit bigger this time in a broad day light. Who do you blame now.

  • kuminyandi

    Lam Ajawin: Rebirth to carrying the flame
    Dear Peter,

    The headline of your article should be re-inventing Lam Ajawin; not rebirth. Further, Lam is lacking charisma, I don’t think he is a charismatic leader as you pointed out. Lam is known to Sudanese people by his deeds. If you weigh in his deeds, the bad deeds would outweigh the good deeds. Simply put, the man is in his last attempt for power. Southerners! good luck with leaders like Lam Ajawin!

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