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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman

By Manyang Mayom

July 15, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The chairman of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Democratic Change (SPLM-DC), Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, affirmed in an interview on Wednesday afternoon that his present splinter group will not return back again into the SPLM party.

SPLM-DC Chairman Dr. Lam Akol (photo by M. Mayom)
SPLM-DC Chairman Dr. Lam Akol (photo by M. Mayom)
“We have SPLM-DC party objectives, program and policy of which the SPLM party does not have,” said Lam. He also added that there is no democratic space in Southern Sudan and by now the region has faced four years of corruption, violence, rampant insecurity and lack of infrastructure since the CPA.

The formation of SPLM-DC was announced by Akol in early June 2009. He had been having problems with other leading members in his former party. At the time, the SPLM spokesperson, Yen Matthew declared that Akol’s membership would be reconsidered by the Political Bureau.

His decision to head the breakaway faction was foreshadowed by events in April when he took part prominently in a meeting of southern dissenters from SPLM in Kenana, northern Sudan.

The former leading member of SPLM first split from SPLA/M in 1991 as part of a coup within the rebel command, but was restored back in 2003 and headed a key position for SPLM in the Government of National Unity in the central government in Khartoum in 2005.

However, Dr. Akol affirmed that this split will not be restored like the previous one, since the SPLM party has failed to implement programs and democracy which are stipulated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). “We have a responsibility to build South Sudan democracy and to fight out tribalism and nepotism among institutions in places in South Sudan,” he said.

Akol, a former Minister of Foreign Affairs, has campaigned in favour of the Sudanese President after the International Criminal Court issued a warrant seeking his arrest.

“I split from SPLM party because the current SPLM Chairman Salva Kiir Mayardit does not listen to people of Southern Sudan; I was a member of Southerner politicians’ meeting in Kenana this year and all Kenana meeting resolution and recommendation were given to GOSS president Salva Kiir for implementation and surely Kiir has failed to do so,” he explained.

During the interview, he laid out his political agenda. “The SPLM-DC party objective is to take the town to the people in the rural areas,” said Akol, echoing a traditional SPLM theme, “by building schools, hospitals and actually improving insecurity in Southern Sudan through democratic means.”

“We are left with only two years to reach the referendum of Southerners; let us build confidence of recovering from wrong mistakes that were committed by SPLM to move for change through SPLM-DC that will take Southern Sudanese into a world of complete non-violence,” affirmed the breakaway faction leader.

The official said that SPLM-DC’s agenda also includes implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, bringing peace in Darfur, and ensuring full exercise of democracy in Southern Sudan so that every Sudanese can get involved without intimation.

He added that the SPLM-DC party is preparing now to hold its first national convention in August this year, where the names of some key defectors from SPLM to SPLM-DC will be announced, including some currently holding positions in the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS).

Dr. Lam confirmed that since his split from SPLM party, he has travelled to Kenya, Uganda, Egypt, Ethiopia and Syria to strengthen his party while in fact also gaining more support in-country.

He boasted that SPLM-DC has been joined by tens of thousands of people in all nine states of Northern Sudan as well in all ten states of South Sudan.

But according to Western Equatoria Deputy Governor and Minister of Information and Communication Col. Joseph Ngere, Dr. Lam Akol making media propaganda and there are no members of SPLM-DC seen in Western Equatoria. “We are all full members of SPLM party,” he said.

In 2007, Dr. Lam Akol had been accused of having a hand in supporting militia soldiers in Upper Nile state of Southern Sudan (Malakal), but on Wednesday he denied this accusation.

He also rejected allegations made against him after an attack last month on a convoy of World Food Program (WFP) barges carrying food. The fleet was attack by Nuer Jikeny outside of Nasir and Lam was accused by some SPLM key figures.

He concluded that his first long-term split from the SPLA in 1991 in Nasir was caused by lack of three things which were not implemented by late Dr. John Garang De Mabior, the then-chairman of SPLA/M: self-determination, democracy within the movement and human rights.



  • Bonjo

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman
    Bro Manyang,

    It is advisable to stop reporting anything related this traitor, unless otherwise you are acting as his shadow information minister. This guy is a sale out and must be avoided at any cost.

    I know that you are a good Journalist, but that shouldn’t make you forget your patriotic status in the south. Keep your head up high and never attempt to interview him, because anything that you are reporting from his interview is another recuriting tool to his party if you don’t know.


  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman
    SPLM-DC oyee!!!!!!!:

    you people Join the SPM-DC party so that you will be free from insecurity,corruption, land grabing, triblisms of opportunity of geting job, disconsider good ideas and right of expersing your opinions and then you will joying your lives that you have been seeking since 1983 otherwise you will be under Communism. Many people do not know communists, they do not want democrcay, and they do not need you to get away from them. Do not be afriat that you will be kill becuse you want democrcay,”Yen Matthew Akol his membership would be reconsidered by the political Bueau” what kind of political is that? You are the one who accused him that becom too close to NCP party and you want him back? Just do your best to Southerns and SPM-DC will do its best to serve Southerns and nations of South will decid who is doing the best for them. God bless SPM-DC. Oduck Bol member of SPM-DC

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman
    Clearly, Dr. Lam Akol has failed miserably in his political career. He got no more left to offer, and so it would have been wise for him to consider other ways for living. For example, If he had thought of establishing a center for strategic studies in Juba instead, or going back to his teaching career, he would have won respect and appreciation of the Southerners. After all, why he is insisting on having the name of SPLM while every body knows that he isn’t. Dr. Lam Akol has been having troubles understanding objectives and principle of the SPLM/A as articulated by Dr. John Garang. See, one big justification he made for his recent split is that the SPLM did not work enough harder to protect Omer Albashir ( Jallaba state ) from accusations of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

  • M.C.C Kul-chi-gongic
    M.C.C Kul-chi-gongic

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman
    Dr Lam Akol

    Haa! haa! aa! aa! Look at this monkey called himself Dr Lam Akol Ajawin. He have no objectives for his party SPLM-DC. His objective to take the town to the people in the rural areas is what Dr John Garang de Maboir said in Abyei in 2003. Dr Lam is really a big liar. He never travel to Kenya, Uganda or Ethiopia since he brake away from SPLM party. He should made it clear that he travel to Eygpt and Syria to Purchase more weapons for his hosband Omer Al-Bashir to kill dominant Southerners.

    Dr Lam is totally correct when he said that he have some key members holding positions in the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) but we already identified the key defectors to his party. The key defectors from SPLM to SPLM-DC who are currently holding positions in the (GOSS) are Dr. Riek Machar Teny and Muhammad Tor Deng Mawien who is currently holding the position of Governorship of Warrap State. We Southerners already discovered Dr Lam Akol, Dr Riek Gai and Dr Riek Machar’s Policies. I, M.C.C KUL-CHI-GONGIC personally have witnessed their fucken war ideologies of which they agreed to abolished all Dinka tribe. Four weeks ago I went to Kosti to witness the plan of Dr Riek Machar and Dr Riek Gai. They armed more than 200,000 militias to fight against Dinkas from LUAC AGUER ADEEL to APUK GIIR THIIK.

    By M.C.C Kul-chi-gongic

  • Father Critic
    Father Critic

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman

    Dear Southerners,Our barking dog, Lam Akol is mad but he doesn’t know that he is.Most of the People who are supporting him are from Equatoria.let him bark as well as he needs but last he will curse the day he was born.

    Critic Ngueny from Bor town

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman
    Dear Dr.Lam,

    Who cares really? even if you leave SPLM party nobody cares about you, we shall remain firm ,unite and rally behind SPLM leadership.

    Well you are right, SPLM might be a corruption Government but you know what? Corruption is an invissible thing. What you are doing is also corruption. You are selling Southern Sudan Since time you left SPLM and Joint NCP.

    Our four years Government shall remain with us until 2011 Referendum.

    SPLM Oyee

    Contact: [email protected]

  • peter bedepiny
    peter bedepiny

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman
    I would assume that somebody who knows how to use internet have user name and password is at least an adult let alone an educated.

    Let me tell you something, every time you comment an article in this web page your user name (alias) is seen so it doesn’t takes long time for anybody to notice that in each and every time you write something, you really have nothing to say except profanity. What you don’t know is that anything you write stayed on internet forever.

    Get off drug (alcohol) and stop dancing on your own drum beat.

    You may like or dislike someone’s point of view but calling them by names other than their real name doesn’t bring your point across except that your are really a fool. This forum is for someone who seriously has something to say about his country and people not when and where did he saw somebody fucking someone’s mother and definitely not his mother.
    Please grow up and show some respect to the women of the South Sudan who bore men that gave their lives for your freedom. South Sudan is not SPLM/A, SPLM-DC or New Sudan. We are the people of South Sudan first.

    Try hard and show some love to yourself and your country, the entire world is looking at you.

  • Gat-nya-bilkuei

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman
    Man im realy tired of this Fagot Nyagat.who split to the north in 1991 to Bashit.WHO left as in PAIN AND RAN TO SIDE WITH THIS GAY ASS WITH NO KIDS.NOW YA DAYS ARE OVER I PREDICT YOU GONNA DIE in peace Dr.Lam Akol

  • yeka peter Hillary
    yeka peter Hillary

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman
    we should not just crack our minds ant how about the issue of Dr.Lam simply thats his rights whether to braek away ten times it upto him. no one has rights over the other and every in the south should be given chance to practice his freedom and do what ever he wants do with his life and freedom than oppressing.

    Secondly; for those who complain alot are those who are even guilt and does not want his mistake to be exposed to the public. now if SPLM is not guilt, why take the issue of LAM and SPLM-DC seriously by even allowing GOSS and the SPLA which is suppose to be neutral to all parties and citizens as long as registered once.

    Thirdly; dear comrads, all of us SPLM, SPLM-DC, UDF, USAP SSDF etc do use the same money that comes from khartoum and ofcourse the same bank of SUDAN do tha. why say SPLM-DC gets its funding from Khartoum or an affiliated party of NCP? is it not the same money from bank of Sudan or khartoum thing that the SPLM, SPLA or GOSS are using? if so then the issue of relationg or alleging SPLM-DC with khartoum or NCP fund is not the rigth allegation and i personally dismiss it.

    lets critize on other issues but not where all of eat from the same plate and wanted to deficate on the same plate.

    Finally; any one can do a mistake and can reform unless you are to regit to reformation.
    JuNUBIN, we should open our eyes and see properly whether we are in the right track or not.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    SPLM-DC needs more political space in South Sudan, says chairman

    Akol Is chamelaon and his master Bashir is frog!!! when I view’s the Akol’s words technical is something that doesn’t worthy value for us and cannot lead us to co-peacefull existence and self-determination of entirely southern sudanese atlarge,Dr. Alam’s Phd made him so mad than anything existing under this earth may be there is disconnection on some party of his “madula Abulongoto”

    I will never and never being his member in is party even if SPLA/M mother which found the CPA die the natural death from Akol’s parasite disease which was being taught by criminal bashir for betray of southern’s in the name of SPLM-DC.Being Slave for someone more than forty-nine is foolish let Akol justify his achievement during 1991 faction in Nasir than we can believe SPLM_DC can successed otherwise Akol is “Juda Secrector”.

    Akol & Reik Kill hundred of thousand of southern’s during the movement between north/south Civil war and which Lam can to tell us that he is for change? and what was the Khartoum Paece Agreement (KPA) result/outcome doesn’t it worth anything for southern? we you from root to top and nothing new in you rather choas please leave southern to deal with their common enermy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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