Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan closes borders with Chad amid growing tension

July 17, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The Sudanese army closed the country’s borders with Chad following accusations of aerial bombardments inside Darfur, according to a newspaper report.

This picture taken on June 18, 2008 in Am Zoer shows Chadian soldiers pose on a vehicle. (AFP)
This picture taken on June 18, 2008 in Am Zoer shows Chadian soldiers pose on a vehicle. (AFP)
The London based Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted unidentified Sudanese security officials as saying that the army has put its forces on alert.

Khartoum said the Chadian attack took place in border region of Um-Dakhan in West Darfur. However they no reported casualties.

The Sudanese army chief of staff Lieutenant General Mohamed Abdel-Gadir said that they are prepared to repel “any ground or aerial attack launched by Chad”.

Abdel-Gadir said that two Russian made Sukhoi planes carried out the attack inside Sudan.

The Chadian government acknowledged responsibility for the assaults in Darfur.

The Al-Sharq Al-Awsat cited the Chadian information minister Mohamed Hussein as saying their army attacked inside Sudanese soil to stop a column coming from inside its Eastern neighbor.

Hussein said that Sudan sent “mercenaries” in four wheel drive cars to plant landmines inside Chad but that some of them were captured.

He added that Chad got hold of documents showing Sudanese involvement and that they were presented to the Western envoys in Ndjamena. The Chadian official said that the foreign minister intends to lodge a complaint against Sudan.

The Sudanese foreign ministry spokesperson Ali Al-Sadiq told the UN sponsored radio Miraya FM that his government “maintains the right to respond” to the Chadian air attack.

However, several Sudanese officials in the past have said that Chad wants to drag Sudan into war with France which has a military presence in its former colony.

France and Chad have a military agreement to exchange intelligence information but does not involve any direct intervention.

Chad has accused Sudan of supporting rebels seeking to oust President Idriss Deby, while Khartoum has charged Ndjamena with backing Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).



  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    Sudan closes borders with Chad amid growing tension
    That is what these criminal organisation called SAF wants who have been killing,displacing,rapping and even carried genocide directly against its own people instead of defending them ever since.How come the continent largest country should be treated that way by its smaller neighbour if the country was not ruled by a dictator and a fascist government headed by Basir which rule by a hand-covered with a bloods of innocent citizens of Sudan.SHAME ON A CORRUPT STRUCTURAL GOVT THAT`S RETROGRESSIVE****!!!

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