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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks

July 18, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The Sudanese government wants Uganda to sack one of its ministers over remarks relating to the possibility of arresting president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir who faces an outstanding arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

International Criminal Court Prosecutor, Louis Moreno-Ocampo, right, and State Minister for International Affairs Henry Oryem Okello, address a media conference at the government Media Centre in Kampala, Monday, July 13, 2009 (AP)
International Criminal Court Prosecutor, Louis Moreno-Ocampo, right, and State Minister for International Affairs Henry Oryem Okello, address a media conference at the government Media Centre in Kampala, Monday, July 13, 2009 (AP)
This week Uganda announced that Bashir would delegate another official to attend the Smart Partnership conference in Kampala on July 26 despite being invited.

The arrangement follows an agreement between Sudan and Uganda, which is a state party to the ICC Statute but at the same time agreed to the African Union (AU) summit resolution, which instructs its members not to cooperate with the court in arresting Bashir.

Over the last week Ugandan official have been going back and forth on whether or not they will honor their obligations under the Rome Statute to apprehend the Sudanese head of state if he visits.

The controversy was triggered when the Ugandan State Minister for International Affairs Henry Oryem Okello told reporters last week that the arrest warrant could be executed if Bashir visits.

The minister’s statements drew angry response from Khartoum which accused Kampala of reneging on its commitment under the AU resolution.

The Ugandan president Yoweri Musievini reportedly apologized to Bashir over remarks made by his cabinet minister saying it does not represent his government’s position.

An unidentified senior Sudanese official told the pro-government Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website that his country will not accept the apology unless Okello is fired.

“The government still sticks to its conviction that Uganda’s positions are fluctuating and cannot be trusted in its current form despite the apology over the minister’s remarks on the visit of president Bashir to Kampala,” the official said.

The official said however that Khartoum may rethink its position if Okello is removed stressing that under the political norms a minister who expresses a view publicly that is different from that of his government then he is to be ousted.

He added that if that does not take place then Khartoum will hold to its belief that Uganda is under pressure from the ICC prosecutor and Western countries.

Today the deputy Sudanese foreign minister Al-Samani Al-Wasila told the official news agency (SUNA) said that the embassy in Kampala had received written assurances that Uganda would not arrest Bashir.

However, Al-Wasila accused unspecified parties of seeking to circumvent the AU resolution adding that no country voiced objection during deliberations on the draft text relating to the ICC.

He revealed that he met with a Botswanaian minister at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Egypt who assured him that her government is committed to the AU decision halting non-cooperation with the ICC.

This month the Vice President of Botswana Mompati Merafhe accused Libya of forcing its members to accept the resolution ICC without debate.

Merafhe affirmed his government’s commitment to the Rome Statute making it, along with Chad, the only two countries to distance themselves from the AU decision.



  • Akoon

    Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks
    Museveni is not stupit to accept your demand of sucking his minister. second to it, Uganda is not part of Sudan where you should demand for dismissal of a staff or minister.Third to it, you can not even threat Uganda.Uganda is also having long rang that can reach your teritory.

  • Ambago

    Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks
    I hope that the Ugandan government is going to respond in kind to these abusive comments from the Sudanese state minister at the foreign ministry requesting the firing of Henry Oryem Okello from his post.

    This is lesson one for President Yoweri Museveni to take on board that these Arabs are not only our true enemies, but they also feel that they are superior to the black Africans, otherwise how do you explain the request of a Sudanese official for President Museveni to fire one of his ministers just to please the Arabs, who want to satisfy their superiority complexity by meddling in Uganda’s internal affairs.

    I remember this very Sudanese official tried to blackmail President Museveni by arguing that how Museveni talk of justice could while forgetting the massacre he committed amongst the Acholi of northern Uganda. And see now, they have turned around to demand the dismissal of Mr. Okello who comes from northern Uganda. What hypocrisy?

    Anyway I hope this time Museveni needs to come out more clearly and strong enough to stop these growing Sudanese nuisance.

    Al Bashir is by all standards a wanted man. And if the Sudanese government doesn’t behave itself accordingly, their representation at the Kampala summit should be officially cancelled by the Ugandan government. This is now an issue of dignity.

  • oshay

    Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks
    I totally agree with this proposition by the government. This minister showed complete incompetency,no intellect and generally lack of respect to President Bashir.

    Many people do not know this but President Bashir apologized to Musievini for supporting the LRA and Musevini also apologized for supporting the SPLA and for Uganda to propagate these threats is disgusting.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks
    NIF leaders have big dreams including owning the right to sack anyone they disagreed with worlwide such as Mr. Henry. I am afraid some of these dreams may not be met as the regime popularity they obtained using intimidations and killings of the people of Sudan is not any more a sustainable shield.

    But the different between the views of two sides; the Old Sudan on one side and Uganda/ICC on the other is that; the latest wants to implement Justice and the first wants to resist. One of the two sides is has right and justice on its side and the other must acknowledge just that and accept the reality.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks
    Mr Famous Big-Logic-Boy < Fraud

    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy < original

    Logic is back from visiting his ERM activities

    Fool bashir who are you to talk to Uganda like your African or World superman? keep your mouth shut and remain like a dog waiting for its day to come. You bought reockets from china to finish with Africans (blacks) so why are you so afraid to visit Uganda? Don’t think people are fool like those of Egypt, Libya and other countries which accept you into their territories. Museveni is a morale and he has morale in himself not you terrorist and criminal albino. Who do you think you are to roam in African territories after you killed Africans like your animals in free farm. We are not dinkas whom you convince with sugar and later you convert them into slavery and chased them from their land.

    Logic is the chairman and founder of Equatorian Resistant Movement (ERM) after achieving its objectives and goals it will reverse to Sudanese Revolution Movement for Democratic (SRMD). Riek and his nuer has double created, 1 bringing Equatorians children from Murle, 2 effort for interrupted peace of LRA. Murle has 1 created for handing back kids to Equatorians. But junglese (dinkas) with reputation of stealing, killing, murdering, corruption, triblism and all barbaric act has 0 created

  • Kur

    Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks
    I think it will only be possible if Ugandan President does not respect the laws of his country. All criminals are supposed to be arrested anywhere in the world when they are wanted by the international body. So, Uganda is the member of both the ICC and the UNSC. The UNSC referred the Darfur case to the ICC, and this placess obligation on all UN member states to arrest a wanted war criminal. As a result, Mr. Okello has said nothing wrong for the Ugandan President to accept stupid demands to expelled his minister. Remember, the government of Sudan is still run by war criminals who have no right to rule.


  • Nakedu Mura
    Nakedu Mura

    Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks
    Uganda has got some heavey weight in Africa,khartoum want to ensure that uganda cooperate with them but no way.there are only few neighbours who cooperate with sudan-headed by egypt,libya,and……….
    again,khartoum is run under 19th century government and uganda the 21st! Big difference. 21st century values human rights while the 19th the opposite.

  • yeka peter Hillary
    yeka peter Hillary

    Sudan wants Uganda to remove minister over ICC remarks
    personally do agree with such but in one way the other we should be very carefully with statements as leaders. simply any statement you urter with out consulting with your Boss may at times backfire on you. lie what is happening to my fellow minister.

    secondly; the state minister for international affairs Mr. Henry Oriem Okello issued that statement according to me in the favour of Kony. because once if president Al Bashir is arrested, then Kony will not get any support from Sudan since Bashir is the one supporting Kony.
    when you cobsider Mr. Oriem is from the North and Kony is from the North thats why he knew without issueing the statement and it was a set plan and the plan will definately succeed simply Bashir will have no idea about the arrest warrant and Bashir will think Uganda will follow decision of the african union thats why in order to alert Bashir know about the plan drawn, he went and announced that if Bashir steps Uganda he’ll be arrested and handed over to ICC.

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