Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Road to link Rumbek North County to state headquarters

By Manyang Mayom

July 14, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The road construction between Rumbek Central County and Rumbek North County (Maper) began early this month in Lakes state, aiming to make Maper accessible by road.

Road construction has begun to link the capital of Lakes state to Maper in Rumbek North County (photo M. Mayom)
Road construction has begun to link the capital of Lakes state to Maper in Rumbek North County (photo M. Mayom)
Eyat company is leading the construction with support from the Government of Southern Sudan as well as the Lakes state Ministry of Infrastructure, which is headed by newly appointed Minister Engineer Chol Tong Mayay who served first as a former Minister of Agriculture and Animal resources in Lakes state government since 2008.

According to Lakes state Acting Speaker Marik Nanga Marik, the road will ease everything for administration between Lakes state headquarters and Rumbek North County. The community in Maper had welcomed the effort of the new road and they all appreciate this government effort, he said.

Nanga affirmed that “All commodities prices in Rumbek North County were very high and now all prices will be reduced because there will be a good road linking Rumbek North to Khartoum as well with Lakes state headquarter — therefore all commodities will continue flowing to our county without more delay.”

The official in fact hails from Rumbek North County and served in Lakes state government as Deputy Speaker since 2005, while also acting as Speaker in 2008 during a period of political turmoil in Lakes state. political turmoil.

Some locals say that the road will improve access to various resources. Head teacher of Aciek primary school affirmed that there is currently a serious lack of school uniforms in all 11 schools operating in Rumbek North County.

Peter Aleu Kuc, who has taught in Rumbek North County for almost three years affirmed that education in the northern counties of the sate had been affected by inter-state conflict between Warrap state pastoralists and Rumbek North pastoralists, resulting in one thousand citizens displaced and more schools closed down.

Kuc added that “I am happy because this road will do more to ease our situation in terms of the economy, education and revenue to reach us quickly.”

Moreover, Rumbek North County Commissioner John Bileu Awuol appreciated the road construction carried out by GOSS as a big step to connect voters to government activities in the headquarters.

“This constructed road has reached to the distance of 8 miles away from Rumbek Central County at a place called Mathiang-Akuot, while the company is still struggling to cover a distance of 67 miles within the few month to come,” said the commissioner.



  • oshay

    Road to link Rumbek North County to state headquarters
    Finally and 5 years later the SPLM are actually doing something with the oil money. I guess we’ll have to wait another 10 years until we get street lights………

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Road to link Rumbek North County to state headquarters
    Mr Famous Big-Logic-Boy < Fraud

    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy < original

    Great move if the junglese are not behind the lost of billion $$. The $$ that GOSS use to buy with properties in foreign countries could build more than this. We could buil bright roads like those in Egypt, kenya and South A. Lets get on the move not looting the $$ of this country with tribalsim and fool policy iof corruption. Now mongrel junglese find your way back to your villages leave Equatoria to the owners, we need a space for oursleves, we need our properties to be free from thievies. Go and continue with the development.

    Logic is the chairman and founder of Equatorian Resistant Movement (ERM) after achieving its objectives and goals it will reverse to Sudanese Revolution Movement for Democratic (SRMD). Riek and his nuer has double created, 1 bringing Equatorians children from Murle, 2 effort for interrupted peace of LRA. Murle has 1 created for handing back kids to Equatorians. But junglese (dinkas) with reputation of stealing, killing, murdering, corruption, triblism and all barbaric act has 0 created

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Road to link Rumbek North County to state headquarters
    Good news But will so called Dinkas will do something productively with the construction of the roads?

    Lets wait and see!

    Brother in Christ,


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