Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Fix the Heglig oil fields

With our eyes on the Heglig Oil fields, Al Bashir can go ahead and drink from the Nile. Non but the Ngok can decide where Abyei belongs.

By Justin Ambago Ramba

We are now in the aftermath of the Abyei Arbitration Award, but surprisingly we are left with more questions than answers contrarily to what the so-called experts stated earlier in their view of the ruling as a win – win.

There are many observations to make about The Hague’s arbitration on the nine Ngok Dinka chiefdoms due to the ambiguity of the situation. At this stage there is a view that the name of Abyei needs to be made more clearly rather than leaving people to the confusion created by the Islamist confusionists of the NIF where Abyei is being used by them to mean a vast area of land where Ngok and Misseriya are expected to mix freely.

So following this arbitration, the area should clearly be referred to as Dar Ngok; in this way the Misseriya will understand what the arbitration was all about.

Secondly the ruling has granted the nomadic Misseriya the right to water and grazing within the Dar Ngok (Abyei) but it must be stressed here that the Arab nomads are not entitled to any political rights within the chiefdom.

No Misseriya should be allowed to hold any position in Dar Ngok (Abyei) in the pretext of representing this particular ethnic community and they should as well know that they have no rights to vote in the forth coming referendum of 2011 contrarily to what is being claimed by President al Bashir in another move to please the Misseriya who accused the NCP of betraying them in return for Oil.

President Omer al Bashir must understand that, the right to vote in these referenda were in fact fought for and there is no way that he can block it or make a mockery of it by asking the Misseriya and even the Jaalien of the extreme north to come and determine the fate of the Ngok Dinka. We already know his intensions from what he and his speaker of the National Parliament said about the formation of the referendum laws that would make it difficult for the secessionists.

The Arab Misseriya are clearly a nomadic people who are not in any way residents of Dar Ngok as they are only granted a seasonal rights to grazing lands and water points entirely based on humanitarian basis.

No political group should be misled to assume that the

Grazing rights awarded to the Misseriya can amount to the same right as enjoying voting rights in Abyei. But to adopt this, the GoSS must correct itself first by stopping the Ngok Dinka people who are now residing in south Sudan from taking up political positions and also not to enjoy any voting rights in the forth coming referendum within the ten southern states as they can only do that in Abyei.

However no loop holes should be intentional created in the GoSS by unconstitutionally favouring certain communities which may play directly in the hands of President al Bashir whose credibility has been completely eroded during the past few months by the ICC arrest warrant issued against him and his problematic loyalists within the National Congress Party and the Arab tribes of south Kordofan.

The Dinka Ngok people wherever they reside have to stand up to the challenge because now their land has been demarcated for them and their presence is needed on the ground. Those 50,000 who are now living as IDPs in Bahr Ghazel should be encouraged to return to Abyei and prove their existence and rights to the land. They need to come and start development very seriously and be ready for the 2011 referendum before the Misseriya and their sponsors in the Umma Party and the NCP move in to set up the scenarios for rigging the referendum. We all believe that it is only the Ngok dinka who have the right to determine their fates in the coming referendum and not any others.

This is a shared view even by international experts, as expressed by Mr. Johnson a former member of the ABC.

“By narrowing the borders, the ruling has made Abyei an unambiguously Ngok Dinka area,” Johnson said. “That makes it almost a certainty that Abyei will vote to join Southern Sudan in the referendum.”

Thirdly, there is an overwhelming concern about the issue of the Oil fields of Heglig the source of Khartoum’s jubilations these days. This very area rightly comes under the Unity State of the southern Sudan. It was a gross mistake to have it included in the Ngok package. And what Dr Luka Biong was quoted as saying that Heglig belongs to the Unity State and the Goss has the documents to prove that it belongs to the south, just makes this ambitious politician a mocking stock. If he knows that Heglig belongs to the Unity State, why then include it into the wrong package in the first place?

Dr. Biong and his committee should have behaved legally right from the beginning to avoid conflict of interests coming up. Basic facts are that Abyei is not part of the Unity State nor is it part of the current South Sudan. So to mix up between these entities was basically wrong and that is why it led to this embarrassment.

Given the calibre of the SPLM delegation to the arbitration, some of us are left to speculate that the inclusion of Abyei and Meiram within the map of the nine Ngok chieftains might have been with the intension of distracting Khartoum from the exact geographical reality by making them concentrate greedily on the oil fields rather, and allow the Ngok to have their ancestral land? Is this not what this expert is trying to express in his following statement?

“The decision has effectively removed oil from the argument,” Douglas H. Johnson, a member of the 2005 international panel known as the Abyei Boundaries Commission, said in a telephone interview from London. “It may reduce tension because the government doesn’t have to worry about losing oil revenues.”

Otherwise somebody, even a Ngok or Dr. Biong for that matter, should have stood up and told the two sides that the arbitration was meant to demarcate the land of the Ngok and not the borders of south Sudan with south Kordofan whereby Heglig area and its oil fields should have been taken out of the whole argument of Ngok versus Misseriya to await its rightful forum where it would be discussed by the Commission on the North – South border currently headed by Professor Abdalla Sedeek.

The idea of stressing this point here lies in the fact that, we don’t want to be the victims of this continuous state of confusion being created by the thirsty Arabs who are desperately looking for ways to grab the resources of south Sudan under the pretext that the Heglig Oil fields have been officially ruled by the Abyei Arbitration Tribune in favour of the government of Khartoum.

No way can such a malignant and misleading conclusion be allowed to go unchallenged when we very well know that the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague was not mandated to define nor redraw the boundaries between the south and the north Sudan.

And in deed if this misconception is not rectified quickly before it becomes another thorn in the flesh, it is certain that such statements as released by the ambassador al Dirdiery the chairman of the Misseriya delegation to The Hague and later President al Bashir where they declared their victory over Heglig Oil fields, are in fact non but war germinators.

From now till the end of September (which is the time limit that the north – south demarcation commission is expected to finish its job), there is a serious need that all the south Sudanese political parties, civil societies, communities and religious leaders from all denominations must work hard to put their maximum support behind our representatives in the boundary commission to see that every bit of the southern soil is reclaimed.

Dr By Justin Ambago Ramba is the Secretary General United South Sudan Party (USSP), he can be reached at: [email protected].


  • oshay

    Fix the Heglig oil fields
    Keep crying and pouting but in the end of the day you lost in the most humiliating fashion. The SPLM with all the international sympathy failed to put forward a concise argument. The NCP has come out on top. I don’t believe that naked primitive Dinka cattle keeps should have the opportunity to vote on such an important issue regarding the position of Abeyi.

    Helgig Oil field is a no discussion issue, the NCP won it outright and the SPLM has agreed to abide by that decision.

  • Salah

    Fix the Heglig oil fields
    Dear Dr. Ramba,

    I agree with you that the area demarcated by The Hague’s Arbitrations Court should be better addressed as Dar Ngok, because the purpose and the essence of the court’s ruling are to define the area of Dinka Ngok. However, I strongly disagree with you on your statement that no one other than the Ngok should vote or hold an elected position within that area. You clearly stated that Messeriya are excluded from such practices. If you read the Abyei Protocol, it clearly states that the residents of Abyei shall cast a separate ballot … The Abyei Protocol did not say only Dinka Ngok who are residents of Abyei should cast a separate ballot … It is different if you want to re-write the Abyei Protocol, but as it stands now and since the protocol was written it seems to imply that all residents of Abyei (Dar Ngok) should vote. It is understood that Dinka Ngok should and will be the overwhelming majority of the residents of Abyei, but all other people who are born and raised in Dar Ngok and those who can prove significant and continuous presence in Dar Ngok before the Abyei Protocol is written should have equal rights to vote and hold public office if they are elected by the people of Dar Ngok regardless of their ethnic origin, and yes that includes the Messeriya. Why shouldn’t they? How can you deny them that right if they were born and raised in Abyei or if they lived most of their lives their? Can we in the North deny a Southern man or woman who is born and raised in Khartoum the right to work, live, buy a house and yes get elected in Khartoum? NO.

    And despite all the wonderful adjectives that the good Southerns have used to describe the Northerns in the last few days in the Sudan Tribune, we have more in common than you think. Only if all of you would take a deep breath and look at things from a slightly different angle, you will be able to see what we have in common. I grew up in Southern Kordufan … and I visited Abyei many times. I grew up among the Messierya and Dinka Ngok. I have been with the Dinka in their huts, ate with them, danced with them, mainly during the festivities of November 17th. I can’t claim that I can jump as high as them or make the beautiful moves that they make. I can’t claim that I am as tall or handsome but I loved them as my own brothers. I also knew Sultan Deng Magok. He was best friends with my father. I sat at the end of his maglis many nights. It pains me so much to see that some of my brothers use derogatory words to describe the man called Deng! Only if you met him or if you read the book written by his son you will know … the man has charisma and presence beyond believe. He was and is bigger than life. And it pains me to read the derogatory words that some of my brothers used to describe Mawalana and Professor Frances Deng Majok. These two people contributed so dearly to Dinka Ngok and to humanity. Stop it please.

    And let us talk about the oil fields for a moment. You claimed the Heglig oil fields are part of Abyei … And the Abyei Boundaries Commission which rubber-stamped everything that you wanted went along with your wishes and desires … Now that the Hague’s Arbitration Court has declared that the Higlig oil field is not part of Abyei boundary … which makes them clearly part of the Misserya areas, you claim that … oops, no … we, made a mistake … they belong to the Unity province. It is not going to work … enough is enough.

    In a perfect scenario, the oil fields should belong to all of Sudan. In a perfect scenario the North should belong to the South and the South should belong to the north … and the East and the West and visa versa … But we don’t have a perfect scenario here … we have divisions and animosity … hatred and suspicion … and the undeniable desire to destroy a great country. How can you separate Halfa from Nimoli? How can you separate Khartoum from Juba? And how can you separate Port Sudan from Malakal? And those oil fields in the South that you seem to cherish so much … Who developed them? Who built them? Who connected them to Port Sudan? In few months as it seems you will inherit them … but you shall never forget the fact that it is Al Bashir Government that made them a reality … Never forget that. And when you inherit them you are going to need Al Bashir Government to take the oil to Port Sudan and to use the facilities that Al Bashir Government built there if you stand any chance of selling your oil. Otherwise, you may as well drink it … because you can’t even refine it. At least not for many years to come … Did I say we have more in common than you think?

    I am very happy for my brothers of Dinka Ngok. Now they can live in peace in their own land; Dar Ngok … I am sure they will prosper and excell … because they have very highly educated people … which is the result of the vision of a great man … a man called Deng Majok.

    I know it has been a bitter struggle between the North and the South … I know that there are many wonderful people who lost their lives. And we will never be able to see them again … or know what they like or don’t like … we will never be able to congratulate them on their birthdays … or celebrate their weddings … we will never be able to name their children Bol or Ali … We will never know what they would have contrbuted to mankind … and we will never be able to bring them together and make them friends again … but we can come together in their memories and make this country the envy of Africa. And if you choose to go your separate way … I am sure that the South of Sudan will be the envy of Africa one day. Good Luck … just let us be civil about it … for you may need us one day and we may need you one day!!! OYEE SOUTH SUDAN


    Fix the Heglig oil fields
    Hey Mr Justin Ambago Ramba,

    Thank you so much for your remarkable comment about Heglig.
    First of all, to be specific with you, Heglig doesn’t belong to Dinka Ngok of Abyei. The reason is because that Deng Alor had annexed this area to Abyei because of its oil revenue, but in reality Heglig belong to Dinka Ruweng of Abiemnom(Biemnom County) in Unity State. Deng Alor think that he was very clever in order to take this area to Abyei. Now, you can see and learn for example, if your right is prevaricated in some way, then the truth will reveal it to the people. Today, if you go and read about the speech which Luka Biong Deng and Edward Lino said in an interview, they have said that Heglig belong to Unity State and not Abyei. But, my point is that, what put Heglig in Abyei Map and it is an area of Dinka Ruweng of Abiemnom(Biemnom County)? I can described that this is an in tremendous lack of a political philosophical view from Salva Kiir Miyardit and his partner Mr Deng Alor as well as Edward Lino. Mr Justin Ambago Ramba, let me asked you a small question. Is it necessary for you in order to cook your own food and call somebody to come and serve it for you? In fact, it will not. So, if not as you know it, then what is the reason why Southern Sudanese leaders divided Southern Sudan areas with Dinka Ngok of Abyei and not Arabs from the North? Deng Alor and his friend Salva Kiir Miyardit plus the others people who prepared this map of Abyei are completely lack of sensible human ideologies and at the same time, their vision is nothing to Southern Sudanese people.

    Dinka Ruweng of Abiemnom(Biemnom county) in Unity State is just an Ethnic Dinka Community with Six sections namely:


    All of these sections are the sections which make up what is called Dinka Ruweng of Abiemnom(Biemnom County). Ruweng Region of Dinka Ruweng people of Abiemnom(Biemnom) is situated in the Northwestern part of the Unity State of an oilfield and Dinka Panaruu of Panrieng County is situated in the Northeastern part of the Unity State. These are the Sub-Dinkas Nilotic Communities which were situated in Unity State. The rests of the other communities are Nuer. Abyei of Dinka Ngok is from Northern Kordofan and it is not from Unity State. At the same time, Abyei is from Northern Bhar-El-Ghazal. As a matter of fact, I don’t see the relevance issue or concern of Heglig to be annexed to Abyei. This is erratically wrong and Mr Deng Alor, Luka Biong, Edward Lino and their empty minded Mr Salva Kiir will be accused of playing a wrong objective to the people of Dinka Ruweng of Abiemnom.

    Many people like Dinka Ngok of Abyei and Dinka Panaruu plus Nuer as well, raised their chaos on Heglig that Heglig belong to Dinka Ngok of Abyei, Dinka Panaruu and Nuer, but now the whole Southern Sudanese people knew that Heglig is a native land of Dinka Ruweng(ALOOR) of Abiemnom(Biemnom County) as Luka Biong and Edward Lino said it in their interview. Now, it is noticeable that there was some bias in which some of these communities want to confiscated Heglig as theirs. So now as Heglig is annexed to the Northern part of Sudan, why Dinka Ngok of Abyei and Dinka Panaruu doesn’t claimed this territory and become quiet instead of talking as they use before?

    This situation of Heglig is the same like the history of the two ladies who were arguing on the baby. The history is as such; One day there was a lady who lost her 5 years old son. Then the other lady found the son and take care of him. She treated that son like her biological son. So there, the lady who lost her son found her son from that lady. So, she went and talk to the lady that the son you have is my son. The lady was mad and she said that this is not your son. As the finished arguing, the lady who lost her son went to the court. Just as they were in the court, the judge asked and investigated them one by one for inquires, but when the judge found it that he could not find any evident, he said that this boy is going to be dissected into two parts in which one of the lady will take the upper limb and the other one will take the lower limb. So, the lady who take care of the little boy as her baby agreed that the boy is going to be cut or dissected into two parts, but the lady whom the boy belong to her said that there is no need to cut the baby since the baby belong to me. As soon as the judge balance their difference views of how the baby is important to them, the lady who said that the baby will be cut into two parts was executed by the judge and accounted her on guilty because she doesn’t deserve the other lady in order to take her baby as she is worthless of the baby. At last, the judge give the baby to the lady who said that the baby is not going to be dissected. So right now since Heglig fall to the North, people keep quiet and said Heglig belong to Dinka Ruweng(ALOOR) of Abiemnom.

    So, that is what happened now to the problem of Heglig as it is concern. People of Dinka Ngok said that Heglig is belong to them. Dinka Panaruu said that Heglig belong to them as well as Nuer said that Heglig belong to them. Now, what happened? You can take example, if Dinka Ngok said that Heglig belong to them, then why the give it to the North? Likewise, Dinka Panaruu and Nuer said Heglig is their territory, why they keep quiet and leave Heglig to the North? More importantly, Heglig area belong to Dinka Ruweng of Abiemnom(Biemnom) sometime they are called Dinka Ruweng of ALOOR. Heglig is Arab name, but it is called TOOR ALIINY. TOOR, in Dinka language, mean a place without trees. So, ALIINY is an elder man from Ruweng and one day he decided to go and visit his aunt from Panaruu, but unfortunately, he died in TOOR because of thirst. As of today, people of Ruweng call this area as TOOR ALIINY because ALIINY died in TOOR.

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