Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan minister of finance pleads for further investigation on grain saga

By Isaac Vuni

July 28, 2009 (JUBA) — Southern Sudan legislators today have agreed to give minister of finance and economic planning 45 days to render a comprehensive report on grain bought using reserve funds.

The decision was taken when new minister David Deng Athorbie appeared before the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly which had requested him to answer questions on how finance ministry incorporated grain purchase without approval neither from the council of ministers nor the parliament.

The minister, who pledged to cooperate with the parliament, pleaded to be given time since he is a new in the office in order to enable his team to compile a comprehensive report on the issue including names of those involved in the dubious deals, including states that claimed to have received grain but in fact nothing had been effectively delivered to the affected population.

According to the new minister, the claimed 6.2 billion bags of grain amount to 478 million Sudanese pounds, while some 2.2 million Sudanese pounds, he said, were dispensed for to construct warehouses in each ten states of southern Sudan.

Minister David Athorbi further suggested that Food Security should be handled by a different body from ministry of finance and economic planning.

A lawmaker urged the South Sudan government to probe correctly the case. He also asked why some of the assembly staffers are involved in the grain deals. He further warned that such level of corruption could divide southern Sudanese.

There were 90 legislators in attendance and GOSS present ministers were: Martin Elias Lomuro of parliamentarian affairs, Dr. Luka Monoja Tombekana of cabinet affairs, David Deng Athorbi of finance and economic planning, Madut Biar of postal services and Telecommunication ,John Luk Jok of Energy, Industry and Mining, Hon. Peter Abdrahaman Sule of Cooperative and rural development.



  • oshay

    S. Sudan minister of finance pleads for further investigation on grain saga
    Corruption,Corruption,Corruption. This is the independent South Sudan in 2011.

  • Salah

    S. Sudan minister of finance pleads for further investigation on grain saga
    From now on, there should be a new way to disperse money from the Finance Ministry. Funds exceeding certain amounts (certainly far less than a quarter BILLION US dollars) should be signed by the Finance Minister and countersigned by the president of South Sudan, his deputy or another designated member of Government before they are cashed.

  • Joseph

    S. Sudan minister of finance pleads for further investigation on grain saga
    GOSS must put the right people on the right places to end corruption, for example when current minister of Youth and sport was temporary minister of finance everything smooth, unfortunately he was remove because is not SPLM member. I wish Mr. David Deng Athorbei shall make change like curent minister of youth and sport Mr. Changson Chang.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    S. Sudan minister of finance pleads for further investigation on grain saga
    Do not worry people of south Sudan, the new govenment is going to dig out the pubic money in their asses. Also we need $35000.00 dollars back which Salva Kiir bought his PHD from Kenya. Other wise ever one in south must earn the same amount. If court of south need help to find out about those who bought huses out side the country, we will tell you those thieves. There is no compromise with thieves. Do not feed your childern with pubic money.

  • Aparana

    S. Sudan minister of finance pleads for further investigation on grain saga
    This appointed South Sudan Legislative assambly (SSLA) is naive indifferent, nul and void. What are they going to do with the investigation results conducted late after more than a year? besides that, the actual criminal, former minister of finance Mr. Kuol Athian has already been fired from his job, he might have probably left the country.

    Are they capable of recovering the 478 million dollars that was used to empower the Aweil business community(including Kuol Athian)?

    Now every one knows without any reasonable doubt where this SPLM is leading the South.

    Waste, waste, waste nonsence.


  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    S. Sudan minister of finance pleads for further investigation on grain saga
    DAVID DENG is a new Minister of Finance and Economic planning, so if the investigation prove that corruption has taken place in name of Grain purchases, who will be accountable for that? The answer is former Minister isn’t it?
    I agree with Salah Gai this time, because of Public Money looting, this suggestion may help, let the Services Money be approve directly from the President or any Cash flow should be under President or his Deputies responsibility than Ministers who proved themselves thieves. President should check even Daily Homehospitality food amount of any Minister that it should not exceed approved Daily amount. Not only these, even Petrol, Offices stationary etc should seriously be check by the president office, probe start from Government minor properties in all Levels of Government. It is apparent that in 2011 every body appointed in high Post will own it as a private property if we continues in this way of handling Public Properties.

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