Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Court adjourns trousers trial of Sudanese journalist

July 29, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — A Sudanese court adjourned the trial of a female journalist facing 40 lashes for wearing “indecent” trouser in public after the UN Mission in Sudan said she works with the UNMIS and has immunity.

The judge deferred the case to next Tuesday August 4 after Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein, who works for Al-Sahafa newspaper and for the UNMIS media department, waived the immunity given to UN workers.

Following the deferral the Sudanese police charged the journalists and cameramen who had been prevented from entering to the court room and confiscated their material and cell phones.



  • Kur

    Court adjourns trousers trial of Sudanese journalist
    My God! How stupid are these laws and those who introduce them. It is one of the most demeaning and primitive act to treat humanbeings in this manner. These judges and their chief imam, Mr. Bashir do prostitution, drink alcohol , and stealing behind the scene, yet no one persecutes them.

    The international community must take action against this NIF regime to stop it from hurting the country further. To flog women in public is outrageous and evil and must stop. Will Bashir do that to his mother or sister? May God condemn these evil men.

    Yes, I know justice will catch up with you very soon. You want to persecute innocent people, but you want to run away from justice. However, due to horrible crimes you have committed in Darfur and elsewhere, you will indeed see with your own eyes how the rule of law works.



  • Nakedu Mura
    Nakedu Mura

    Court adjourns trousers trial of Sudanese journalist

    It is just too much to see our fellow humans being oppressed,denied personal liberty,pursuity of happiness and always suffocated in ”hijabs”[islamic wrappings from head to toe]!
    why are we using ‘HOLY’ QURAN to oppress our fellow humans?

  • Salah

    Court adjourns trousers trial of Sudanese journalist

    You dropped your diplomatic immunity to stand up for your rights, your reputation and dignity … My heart bleeds for you sister … You are my Heroine.

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