Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Abyei leader says Khartoum cultivated enmity

By Ngor Arol Garang

July 30, 2009 (ABYEI) — Traditional leaders from Dinka Ngok of Abyei have on Thursday accused Khartoum for cultivating enmity between Misseriya and Ngok Dinka over region ownership.

After the decision of The Hague arbitration court on Abyei there were fears that the award would arouse suspension and enmity between the Dinka Ngok and Misseriya. Sudanese parties mobilized their joint units in the area to prevent fighting with the support of UNMIS peacekeepers.

Addressing rally on Thursday at Abyei town Freedom Square, Chief Deng Arop said that “the problem is not between Dinka and Misseriya, it is with government.” He further added “successive governments in Khartoum have never given us and Misseriya a chance to live and resolve our disputes peacefully.”

Chief Deng Arop further accused the ruling National Congress Party of having acted as double agent in creating conflicts between the two communities which it claims to lead.

Following, the arbitration decision on July 22, the Misseriya expressed their disappointment and blamed Khartoum for neglecting their rights. In addition, they said committed to the final and binding award that was in favor of Dinka Ngok.

The Misseriya paramount leader told the Dinka Ngok in a letter sent earlier this week to Abyei chief administrator if you win a land, do not lose your brothers adding that land dispute should not be allowed to betray their relationships. “Land is not important. What is important is human relationship,” he stressed.

Also a leader of Misseriya militia blasted last week the NCP and accused the later of betraying them for the sake of oil. He also said that they will choose joining the South in the 2011 Abyei referendum.
Arop said Khartoum has never shown interest in people’s interest but oil. If there was no oil in Abyei there would have been no conflict in the region, but the government started to finance war because of oil.

The Dinka Ngok leader said in the northern States, there are good roads, better health facilities and electrified towns with developmental plans being implemented.

“Come to Muglad the only development to see or hear is that certain clan within the Messeriya tribe is preparing to attack Dinka Ngok, fighting among them or traveling further south on camels, horses and cows in search of none other than war, but the government has never spared time and/or attention to resolve such,” he said.

Asked how he feel as individual to live with Misseriya even after boundaries have been demarcated, he said, I feel good living with Misseriya because they are our neighbor.

“My grand fathers have never had a problem living with Misseriya and therefore had expected to continue this relationship but have been confused by the government,” he said.



  • oshay

    Abyei leader says Khartoum cultivated enmity
    Blame,blame,blame that’s all you ever do. From 1956 the Dinka didn’t want the Messeryia anywhere near Abyei we all remember the history of Anyanya. The Messeryia have a brain and eyes for themselves to see the situation in the ground. If the Dinka treated them so fairly they would’ve been neutral during the civil war but they sided with the North because they were clearly persecuted by the Savage SPLA.

  • Kur

    Abyei leader says Khartoum cultivated enmity
    Chief Deng Arop has seen and witnessed the attrocities committed by the Missiryah against the innocent Dinka people. Chief Deng has therefore directed correct description of what the Missiryah tribemen were doing and are doing against Dinka. They have been the agents of destruction, killing, and displacement of the Dinka people in Abyei and even in parts of Bahr El Gahzal. Now we have reached the bitter end with the definition of the Abyei borders. Therefore Missiryah cannot be the citizens of Dinka areas as well as the areas of Kordofan. We can be neighbours but with great caution. Welcoming people who are going to be used against us in the future is not going to work well with us. The Missiryah are now using a positive language after The Hague ruling, but they have never expressed those feelings before. Hence all these talks of brotherhood coming from the Missiryah are all false.


  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Abyei leader says Khartoum cultivated enmity
    Thanks to the Leaders of Abyei:

    Where is Aduol Leit and others ? You see the truth coming out from owners. Can you recall your arguement on July 11,2009?. Now the leaders of Denka Ngok say they want to be with north. They are comfortabal of living with Northers. What is your arguement again or choice on that. Event he said his granfather did not have problem with Misseriya, which means people separated them without their need and they feel sorry for that. In my opinion, Denka Ngok should go and live with Northers if they have good lieves Misseriya instead of south. Abyei people have been living with Northers since 1905-2009 how could you claim the they are your people? Choice would have been theirs alone and we want it to be theirs in coming referendum.

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