Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur network decries US Gration’s approach with Sudan


Contact: Ibrahim Hamid

Last year Presidential Candidate Obama stated: “…There must be real pressure placed on the Sudanese government. We know from past experience that it will take a great deal to get them to do the right thing. The United States, along with the UN, must take immediate steps to halt this dire situation.”

Darfur Leaders Network (DLN) applauds Obama’s statement above and decries the Gration’s approach of carrots but no stick towards Sudan in relation to Darfur. Darfur Leaders network believes that using carrots instead of sticks (incentives instead of penalties) could provide no push Sudan government needs to resolve thorny issues that have stalled Darfur’s peace deal and stop the suffering of Darfur people. DLN believes that Gration’s strategy of engagement must be one of much stronger pressure and with more punitive actions than we have ever seen so far. Simply dangling carrots is not enough to provide any kind of traction with the Sudan government and history backs this point. This approach sent the wrong signal to Sudan government to remain more defiant and continue its delaying tactics in resolving humanitarian, security and political issues. It is unfortunate to reward this regime and Darfur continues to burn.

DLN is deeply worried that the recent statements from the special envoy Scott Gration and his testimony on Thursday July 30, 2009 before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will create a good atmosphere for the Sudan government to maneuver and continue its despicable actions in Darfur. DLN is deeply concerned about Gration’s call for lifting economic sanctions and removing Sudan from the U.S. list of states that sponsor terrorism. DLN calls for more punitive measures instead of easing them. We believe that the Sudan government itself is a terrorist government, for more than twenty years the Sudanese people and particularly the Darfur people have experienced despicable terrorist actions from this very government.

Since July 4th 2009 the Sudan government has succeeded to divert the U.S. and international community’s attention. Instead of focusing on Albashir’s indictment by the ICC and punish all the perpetrators, the Special Envoy and the international community are busy finding ways to let the expelled NGOs back to Darfur, instead of putting more pressure and punitive actions on this genocidal government, the Special envoy advocating for easing the sanctions. And instead of tackling the root causes of the problem the special envoy focusing on solving the “proxy war” between Chad and Sudan and that is exactly what the Sudanese government need. DLN is worried over the administration’s delay of a policy review on Sudan after President Barack Obama’s promise as a candidate of immediate action on Darfur. DLN hopes that this comprehensive review will overturn the current policy that the Special envoy is now pursuing.

About the DLN: Darfur Leaders Network (DLN) is independent non- profit umbrella organization for 25 Darfuri organizations in the U.S.

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