Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan prepares for East African sports competitions

By James Gatdet Dak

August 4, 2009 (JUBA) – A football tournament involving teams from all the ten states of Southern Sudan kicked off on Tuesday in the semi-autonomous region’s capital, Juba.

A team of young girls football players parading at Juba Football Stadium shortly before the matches  began, August 4, 2009, (photo by James G. Dak –ST)
A team of young girls football players parading at Juba Football Stadium shortly before the matches began, August 4, 2009, (photo by James G. Dak –ST)
The participants comprising boys and girls teams were drawn from various secondary schools in the region.

The Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Professor Job Dhuruai, said the final winning team would represent Southern Sudan in the East African secondary school sports competitions due to start at the end of this month in Uganda.

The four-day competitions from 4th to 8th August were opened by the Vice President Dr. Riek Machar who lit the torch, marking the beginning of the tournament.

It will be for the first time that Southern Sudan participates in the Kampala tournament that will witness participation of many countries in East Africa.

Another tournament for teenaged boys and girls under 17 years old, where about 14 African countries will participate, is also expected to begin on 19th August in Juba.

Sudan’s national capital, Khartoum and Wad Medani town in Northern Sudan are also selected to host a number of teams’ competitions.

The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Gabriel Changson Chang, has requested for an amount of 400,000 Sudanese pounds, which the cabinet has approved, to make necessary preparations for the Juba tournament.

Government of Southern Sudan has embarked on developing and promoting sports and cultural activities which it views as sectors of potential excellence for the region internationally.



  • kuminyandi

    South Sudan prepares for East African sports competitions
    Hi James,

    It’s a good way to start with juniors at this stage of our newly found country. Kudos to Minister of Education.

    Hey James! why Sudantribune never updated its sports section for quite awhile now? The editors may need to hire a full time sports writer to update us daily(online) about the sports news in Southern Sudan. You may need to suggest that to them.



  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    South Sudan prepares for East African sports competitions
    New Sudan’s Vision has correctly put Sudan in right transitional processes to regain her position amongst her African sisters countries after being hijacked by Northen famlies and religion sectarian regimes for centuries.

    Sport is one of the most important key factors that reveal a true identification of nations. This development is urgently requiring a new national Anthem and goal is now in net of national songs composers.

  • Man of facts
    Man of facts

    South Sudan prepares for East African sports competitions
    Hi James!!!!
    Good move.

    We are more interested with such updates which promote
    peace and unity to our growing nation south sudan.

    I appreciated the line minister of education and wish all goss should do this kind of development rather than looting public resources and instigate war inside thier communities


  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    South Sudan prepares for East African sports competitions
    thank you minister of education, science Technology professor Job Dhurai and the Minister of culture, Youth and sport mr Chaneson Chang for your high effort to develop the mind of young generation who had really suffered a long way without execising their talents in education and sport as well in Southern Sudan during 21 years war. I hope “GOSS” will give you all the resources for education support and as well sport and culture support for betterment of development of coming Young generation of Southern Sudan.
    my thank also goes to the East African sport federation for their sport engeagement with Sothern Sudan sport department.I hope that we have got enough talent of various sport and culture in Sothern Sudan and I wish southern Sudanese of young boys and young girls teams who are going to participate in east African tournament in Uganda in this month will win for us that tournament events.
    Lok T. Simon.

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