Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei Governor condemed Akobo killing

By Philip Thon Aleu

August 4, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk condemned the killing of 185 civilians and SPLA troops by Murle tribesmen in Akobo, Jonglei state.

Gov. Kuol Manyang (2nd L back row), Deputy Gov. Mar Nyuot (L in red tie), Deputy Speaker (C) and Agriculture Minister (crown & R) watches Anyuak dancers on Tuesday August 4. (phto by Philip Thon Aleu -- ST)
Gov. Kuol Manyang (2nd L back row), Deputy Gov. Mar Nyuot (L in red tie), Deputy Speaker (C) and Agriculture Minister (crown & R) watches Anyuak dancers on Tuesday August 4. (phto by Philip Thon Aleu — ST)
Speaking at a swearing ceremony of state Agriculture minister, Isaac Agip, Mr. Kuol said he hopes this could be last fight between the Murle and Lou Nuer ethnic groups.

The governor also welcomed the quick respond by the UN mission in Sudan.

A team of UN and south Sudan, Jonglei officials is due to visit Akobo on Wednesday to access the aftermath of Sunday’s dawn attack at Geni River near Mareng.

During the swearing service at the council of ministers’ hall where moods were dense, Murle and Lou Nuer intellectuals alike either condemned or avoided talking about the deadly raid.

State minister for Agriculture Isaac Agip replaces Biar Deng Biar relieved during the first reshuffling early June, 2009. Members of Mr. Isaac’s community performed traditional dance in front of the hall to celebrate the event.

Anyuak community, so far peaceful tribe in Jonglei state, danced to swift off the mourning faces of state where 185 people died on Sunday. Anyuak traditional leaders crowned Mr. Isaac to strength more confidence in him and respect to his leadership.

Deputy Gov. Hussein Mar, Speaker Jodi Boyoris, state ministers and commissioners attended the swearing event.



  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Jonglei Governor condemed Akobo killing
    I don’t think if that’s going to be the last killing as long the routes where ammunitions flow in remain active, and both tribes largely remain armed. The bizarre ordeal will keep recurring.

    I think chances to halt retaliatory attacks are getting slimmer since politicians still fold their hands and assuming words of mouth will solve the worst situation South has ever witnessed.

  • Kur

    Jonglei Governor condemed Akobo killing
    It is time that the Government of South Sudan addresses these issues of tribal violence. Anybody unlawfully carrying a gun must be forcefully disarmed. We can’t continue hearing these kinds of killing carried out by the looniest ever borne criminals supported by the regime in Khartoum run by maniacs who are never satisfied with the innocent blood they have already shed. We demand that the disarment takes place today not tomorrow.


  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Jonglei Governor condemed Akobo killing
    U.S Governor!!

    Jonglei GoVernor is the weakest man I have ever seen in the earth. He is just moving up and down in U.S while people are finishing which kind of Governor is he.

    Sir Governor, I think you should settle the problems in your State than just going to U.S looking for $$$$$$$$$$$$.
    Will rule $$$$$$$$$$$ if all your died? Think twice.

    Brother in Christ,



    Jonglei Governor condemed Akobo killing
    Dear everyone, what we are doing is a blame- game but ask yourself what would you do different if you were one of the leaders to day? I do not think blaming people will solve our problems, we have hated ourselves to the point of no forgiveness.This will never cease if we the young people, do not stop making rootless comments. Let’s learn to read the articles with attitude, and try to understand what they contain, our duty as sound minded readers and good citizens is to find solutions to our problems rather than igniting the flame. If we continue like this, we are responsible for dragging our country back, just like the people we keep blaming, intervention is what we need guys, starting right from our local communities.

  • J. Garang Deng Gak
    J. Garang Deng Gak

    Jonglei Governor condemed Akobo killing
    I think it is not a statement worthy by anyone to say “this killing could be the end in Jonglei”. To me rather, it is the beginning of killing if the government does not create some employments for wandering youth, if the governemnt does not put some stern measures like capital punishment to those who kill, if the government does not invite more food agencies to feed the population and support more education especially the vocation trainings to educate whatever the age. The govenment in Jonglei or in whatever state (the killing is a daily practice) should establish a very strong link with local administrators (such as chiefs) and create a local secrete agencies to help bring the culprits to justice.
    Allow me to say this,if we do not do most of these, peace among these communities will come not for this generation but to the one in the next 50 years who might be changed by education.The minds of these hostile communities are still in war erra when people were in a lawlessnes state, a time when most of the communities collaborated to kill brothers and neighbours to show support for the former enemies of the SPLA and some targeted supporting communities.
    Some people say, the conflict between the communities is a cattle raiding one but to me, killing is to everyone even those who lost some heads of cattle some years ago. why are they killed now? the killers should have to redefine why to kill and who to kill?
    In a nutshell, disarming the population is now not a solution but investment to engage the local labour,education,friendly policies (by government),and agriculture are the long term conflict solutions among these hostile communities.
    By Garang Deng

  • Patriotic Bull
    Patriotic Bull

    Jonglei Governor condemed Akobo killing
    Hey Guys Man is among you.

    Attn: Ngolele and good Listener.

    Stop pointing your fingure to Hon Gov. Kuol when he is so innocent, you guys deeserve to reap what you sow. you always incite your tribe men to attack other tribes without thinking of the consequences.
    when things get tough, you begin to blame others when they are innocent. you talk of children being killed and yet you did to murle during your conspiracy of waging war against Murle.
    However, for innocent people to live in peace deserve you to stop inciting your local people to wage war against other tribes. this is where the solution will come not that you point your fingure to the gov.when things are tough.


    Jonglei Governor condemed Akobo killing
    Hi my fellow citizens/readers,
    Due to this being my first article on this site i would like to shout out peace,love and unity to all South Sudanese.

    Hon.governor Kuol Manyang Juuk’s condemnation of the terrible mass killing in Akobo county will be highly welcomed by the families,relatives and friends of the deceased.Questions may be asked as to what action should our state governor take to curve and prevent this incidents from happening again in future. We’ve to be patient and allow our governor to do what he can to stop this unjustified acts.

    I pray,wishing for that day when our people would live harmoniously,while harvesting the fruits of peace.
    My fellow southerners,it is time for us to put a side our past differences and cohense together so that we can tackle what await us after two years.

    Let us not choose to be belligerents to fight but peace makers.I hope this illegal killing doesn’t happen again in our states and our country at large. LET GOD BE OUR GUIDE.


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