Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Advance group of second Ethiopian battalion arrives in Darfur

August 6, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The first batch of the advance party of the Ethiopian Infantry Battalion comprising 151 personnel arrived today and a further 151 will arrive tomorrow, the UNMAID said today.

Arrival of advance party of Ethiopian Battalion to UNAMID, August 5, 2009. photo by UNAMID
Arrival of advance party of Ethiopian Battalion to UNAMID, August 5, 2009. photo by UNAMID
The UNAMID pledged to reach 97% troops deployment in Darfur by the end of the year. UN Security Council Resolution 1769 (2007) authorized the deployment to UNAMID of up to 19,555 military personnel, including 360 military observers and liaison officers and up to 3,772 police personnel and 19 formed police units comprising up to 140 personnel each.

With the arrival of the Ethiopian advanced party today and tomorrow, the total number of military forces deployed in Darfur is 13,953 representing almost 71 per cent of the authorized number. Further troops are expected from Tanzania and Egypt respectively later this month.

“This is the second Ethiopian infantry battalion to boost the Mission’s capacity,” said UNAMID Deputy Force Commander Major General Duma Mdutyana when he welcomed this new deployment of Ethiopian peacekeepers.

“I have no doubt that they will satisfy the expectations of both UNAMID and the people of Darfur.” He further expressed the hope that, through the efforts of troop-contributing countries, the Mission would meet its final envisaged deployment of 19,555 troops by the end of this year.

The main body of the Ethiopian battalion is expected to arrive in Darfur in September or October. When fully deployed, they will number some 800 soldiers.

In addition to this new battalion, Ethiopians already make up more than 1,400 of the Mission’s troops. These include another infantry battalion, medium transport company, a multi-role logistics company contribution and a number of staff officers. They are mainly based in West Darfur.


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