Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur rebel leader dismisses reports on unity meeting in Addis Ababa

August 10, 2009 (PARIS) — The founder leader of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement, Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur denied reports about a meeting to reunite the different SLM factions in the Ethiopian capital next week.

Abdel-Wahid al-Nur
Abdel-Wahid al-Nur
The Hague based Radio Dabanga reported today that the different groups of the rebel movement SLM-Al-Nur, SLM-Abdel Shafei, SLM Khamis Abarak, and SLM-Unity of Abdallah Yahiya would meet in Addis Ababa on August 18.

The radio further aid the meeting is sponsor by the US President Envoy to Sudan Scott Gration.

Asked about the meeting Al-Nur told Sudan Tribune they are not aware about such meeting and nobody invited his movement to attend it.

The rebel leader who rejects to take part in Doha talks before the return of Darfur displaced population to their homeland had declined similar initiatives in the past saying a real reunification should be undertaken by the concerned parties without external intervention.

“We would not take part in such project even if it does exist” Al-Nur further said.

The US envoy who travels regularly to Sudan involving himself in talks with the Sudanese officials, rebels, IDPs, and neighboring countries, is seen by the rebels and the displaced population as more supportive to Khartoum government.

Hussein Abu Sharati, the IDPs spokesperson told Sudan Tribune that Gration is no more welcome in Darfur camps.

He added that the residents of the different camps are facing water and food shortage, lack of healthcare but the “US envoy turns blind eye to their miserable situation and speaks only about their return despite the shaky security situation and do not pressurize Khartoum to allow the return of expelled aid groups or the arrival or new one.”



  • Sudanese only
    Sudanese only

    Darfur rebel leader dismisses reports on unity meeting in Addis Ababa
    Come to Sudan coward, and we will show you what dying in Darfur means ! You have no idea as you have been hiding in 5-star hotels in Paris and begging using the lives of our people !
    You will never be safe in Sudan so don’t ever come back! I wonder what the French will do when thay grow tired of you?

  • Nhial Reath Thoan
    Nhial Reath Thoan

    Darfur rebel leader dismisses reports on unity meeting in Addis Ababa
    Mr. al-Nur confronting your enemy is the modern world `s political tool to defeat your enemies by influenting an International Community to support your agenda or case.

    If you don`t do that I think you can`t be call politician or a freedom fighter , while you are still following Fifteen and Eighteen Century `s dictators system by rejecting to confront your enemies.

    Political and good governance differences on the others side ,are sometime the learning process that can change your political ability to be active enough to use your political ideology.

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