Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unilateral Declaration of South Sudan independence has tough consequences but

By James Okuk

August 11, 2009 — Yes, when it comes to Secession and Independence of South Sudan, I will stand behind and beside Hon. Pagan Amum and whoever desires to achieve this long-awaited goal and help them carry that heavy cross to the destined victory. This has been my stance and it will always remain my ground without any compromise or ambiguity. If the end justifies the means then be it. Yes to the fair Independence of South Sudan!!! No to the unjust unity!!!

How I wait passionately to see that “Greatest Day In My Life”: Independence, Freedom and Dignity to the People of My Very Motherland!!! Thanks a lot to Mr. Pagan Amum for coming up openly to join the die-hard separatists and abandon his declared vote for unity of the fragile Sudan. But I hope he is sincere with the new declaration of change of heart. I hope it is not out of mere frustration and fear of lost of 2010 elections!!! I hope it is not an image-saving tactic for the criticized SPLM’s undeliverable leadership!!! I hope it is not a fuel for starting a new war and creating unavoidable enemy and scape-goating for SPLM leadership failures!!! Mr. Pagan remains my brother even when he deviates at times from the interest of the South in order to please some Northerners and enjoy obsession from New Sudan Vision’s Opium.

Please SPLM-SG; be assured that you may only lose the elections to the SPLM-DC and not to the NCP. This will mean indirectly a win to the historical SPLM/A where you are unforgettable member. The SPLM-DC emerged to save the SPLM-led government in the South from the collapse out of quadruple vices (of tribalism, corruption, insecurity and incompetence) so that the desire of the people could be given a real chance to become true. So take the pill slowly and grasp the wisdom behind Hon. Kuol Manyang Juuk when he told the SPLM supporters in the USA that they should not get panic or be angry with the emergence of the SPLM-DC because it is still their twin brother, and that it is better for the disappointed SPLM members to join the SPLM-DC than the NCP or other political parties that are anti-CPA implementation.

No doubt, we will survive and live despite the interpretation of the NCP of the Referendum for our Self-determination to be making Separation of South Sudan unattractive and too difficult to get. Don’t worry, even if they make it difficult to achieve, we will work hard to make it attractive despites the mounting obstacles. We will take it by our own laborious hands and active brains because it is our fundamental right to human dignity!!!
However, since we have tried the ‘War Tactics’ in the past to achieve the goal of independence of South Sudan but failed to do it promptly by military victory and liberation (as we would have wished) due to sabotage of the International Community and the Arab World, and since we have accepted to try a peaceful democratic means (Referendum) as stipulated in the CPA document, I think there is no need for hurry and rush for the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) now since this will come automatically, with patience. Why?

First of all, we have to become totally sure that the CPA has become useless and obsolete before we take the ‘war-option’ for UDI. But who will hit the last nail on the CPA coffin so that it becomes useless to value? The SPLM or the NCP? And by what convincing justification? The only justifiable justification that will make us and our gallant army (the SPLA) support the UDI is when the NCP totally renege and block the hard-earned right of Self-determination for Southerners at its ‘right time.’ And that ‘right time’ starts with process and mechanism like the Referendum Bill, which need to be enacted into Law one year before the polling dates in 2011.

Remember that when the Sudanese MPs declared unilaterally the Independence of the Sudan inside the Parliament in Omdurman prior to 1956, the Condominium Rulers (British and Egyptian) were already packing their things from the Sudan and had no time and preparation for war. They were already warming up for Multilateral/Bilateral Declaration of Independence (M/BDI). But the case with the NIF-controlled government is totally different now because they have already learned to enjoy South Sudan oil and will resist any weaning attempt to take their mouths out of the milk-breast. They will fight back because they are not willing to pack their things and leave the South alone to determine and rule its right destiny!

The win or loss after the polling results should be by simple majority of the legally registered Southerners for the practice of the plebiscite as it has been practice worldwide. Any negotiations beyond this simple-majority should be made very difficult by the SPLM and all the other concerned political parties and legislators who believe in the value of CPA.

Secondly, we should make sure that we have done a good homework, and have lobbied extensively for International and Regional Communities for the support of the UDI. Has this been done? When, Where and by Who? What is the feedback and is it on our interest or on the opponent interest? It should never be forgotten that it was the International Community, the Regional Community and the Arab World who have been failing the desire for South Sudan Independence since 1955. Thus, we should learn to fear ropes in the dark after we have been bitten by such snakes in the past. We should not take them for granted!

Thirdly, we should make sure that many SPLA ranks and files may not desert the cause if the war erupted as the result of the hurried and pre-time UDI. The UDI implies so many ‘cuts-and-leave’, like use of Old Sudan Currency, Passports, Commercial Commodities, and other privileges enjoyed today by virtue of being one country. Already a good number of the SPLA personnel have become money-oriented, money-lovers, and luxury-enjoyers. Hence it shall be difficult for them to fight gallantly without cash-pay as it used to be the case in the past. They may become cowards as they see death a head that will make them leave behind the wealth and properties they have accumulated in the country or abroad. They may run to where their properties and happy families are, leaving the poor and property-less ones behind under the smokes of bullets and missiles from the sky. Those of ‘Dr.’ Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar, Mr. Wani Igga, Mr. Pagan Amum and other top SPLM/SPLA leaders shall be sending commands and directives from safer places (e.g., well-conditioned hotels abroad) to their Military Units.

Once these poor soldiers realized that they have been left alone in the hot and deadly defensive war front lines, they may also opt to desert and run away to become internally displaced or refugees in secure places inside the Sudan and in the neighboring countries. They shall be received by UNHCR and emergency NGOs in those places. While this is happening, the UN Security Council shall be wasting time and dragging its feet to come up with a tough Resolution to put peace-keeping forces between the South and North. Also Obama may hesitate to send USA Marines to the South because he shall break his promise of pleasing the Arab World. So the Southerners would have to sweat, bleed, wield and die for their own cause without any quick help from outside. The war business companies and agents shall be very happy.

Nonetheless, other Southerners shall not fold their hands and allow the unionists to invade their beloved Motherland and burry the aspirations of the people for Secession and Independence. The SPLM-DC shall also be forced to be there on the defense of the beloved South (if invaded by Northerners). Majority of Southerners shall turn up courageously to defend their unbeatable cause if pushed on the wall by untimely UDI and by invasive force from government in Khartoum. I hate war and killings of human beings but if pushed hard against my will, I will not hesitate to step in front and fight for my right.

Please God we know you are there and will be with us always! We also know that our ancestors and living-dead and blood of heroes and martyrs of freedom will be on our door steps and deep inside our courageous hearts to save us from the devils of oppressions and enemies of human freedom! We shall not perish but we shall thrive with thrilling!

Dr. James Okuk has been recently awarded with PhD qualification in the University of Nairobi. [email protected]


  • Bigtribe

    Unilateral Declaration of South Sudan independence has tough consequences but
    I find it out not reasonable to provide tiny support to SPLM-DC; please do not point out anything about SPLM-DC if you would like people to be thankful for you writings.
    I have been one of your article’s reader ever since but I’m changing my course of doing that.
    If you know what Lam AKol did in 1991, by splitting our movement and remember a lot of people lost their lives during that outbreak. Today we do not want that history to repeat it self, it matter of fact that folks these days are trying by all mean to “pour petrol on burning fire where as it’s was half way off”

    In your writings, I have figured out that you’re seeking two positions, if Lam wins, he will employ you or if SPLM wins, same thing. Since you are still at Nairobi University for your PHD, please don’t spoil your reputation, it’s will be a hard time for you if SPLM wins the through their struggle.
    This not away you could seek a job.

    Review your writings, it’s seem well but don’t seconded Lam Akol in your writings.
    I don’t hate you but your tactics base on Lam, go to one side otherwise.

    SPLM oyee!!!

  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    Unilateral Declaration of South Sudan independence has tough consequences but
    The SPLM and the GOSS are placed in the cage without exit fear of two tanible factors. First is internal and external pressures for democratic transformation as stipulated in the CPA. This is a very disturbing matter to the SPLM and GOSS who are not ready to share a cake they have in Juba. Ofo course democracy will remove them from their illegal posts and new faces who will bring future to South will emegre into governmental institutions. So SPLM and GOSS prepare to forget its comardes from the marginalized areas by unilateral decralartion of the Southern independence through parliament to avoid approaching democratic change.

    Second issue that placed SPLM and GOSS is lifting sanction on Khartoum. Clearing, SPLM and GOSS will loose their creditibility from internation community by welcoming NCP into world community. Before off course they were happy to be welcome alone so that they could cheat and lies in the absence of other Sudanese politicians.
    What is so idiot to SPLM is travelling to US and used the same old language used during the war. SPLM and NCP were both exempted by the CPA and become partners to work hand in hand to implement the CPA. Also telling the great nation as US do this and do not do that is laughing to ourselves especially when it is an incompetent issues like failures to draw a border, national census and lack of democracy in North.
    Let me ask the people from the marginalzed areas and the southern Sudanese and Darfurians these question.
    SPLM had killed many Southerners who were separatists and renamed SSIM with the SPLM for the New Sudan.

    But for what those people were killed if the very general secretary Pgan Amum and the president of SPLM/A and GOSS Salva Kiir are willing to terminate the course for New Sudan?
    What is the compensation for millions who lost their lives from the marginalized areas and Dr. John Garng is SPLM become SSIM?

    Who will protect our comardes from the marginalized areas and oppositions in north being left in vulnerability before the NCP?
    Can we truth the current leaders of the SPLM and the GOSS since they are willing to abolish the New Sudan vision in order to preserve their position fear of democratic transformation?
    How could current leaders of the SPLM and the GOSS help the Darfurians since they are going to exclude themselves in Juba to continue corruption there?

    It is our moral and honorable duties to change our wrong leaders for sake for the NEW SUDAN and to honor our martyers and heroes who denied their lives for democratic Sudan not for sake of Pagan Amum and Slava Kiir. They must not be allow to represent us wrongly before the world communities. Any wrong leader must be force to terminate his/her public leadership and sit at home for other good leaders to emancipate the nations from grievances.

  • Moses Deng Malual
    Moses Deng Malual

    Unilateral Declaration of South Sudan independence has tough consequences but
    A corrupt administration is a direct abuse of the natural foundation of Government. Institutions designed to govern the relationships between the citizens and the State are used instead for personal enrichment of public officials and politicians and the provision of benefits to the corrupt. The adverse implications of this phenomenon include loss of revenue from the State to the individual, increased cost of doing government business, misallocation of public funds, social strife and political instability, and stifles economic growth.

    Alot of work is needed for eradication of this phenomenon in all GoSS levels.

    Dr.Moses Deng Malual

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    Unilateral Declaration of South Sudan independence has tough consequences but
    I do not exepct such non-sense. Why should you and your SPLM-Dc talk of defending the course while you are in exile? You and your Lam want to sacrifice sons of other people for your own power and when they die you are not concerned. You are fake!

    First reason!

    The Wiseman of Sudan.

  • Malakal

    Unilateral Declaration of South Sudan independence has tough consequences but
    I think it is wiser for folks to avoid any reference assoiciating Lam Akol to South Sudan politics. He is pretty much condoned a waste at all reasonable aspects by the majority of Southerners. Therefore; his name mentioning in articles provide unnecessary scrutiny to people who link him to South Sudan politics. As somebody has mentioned, if any one wish to be a politic figure in Southern Sudan, he/she should undoubtfully distance him/herself from Mr. Akol. He has a dirty past and his time is trickling, so whoever adored or recognized him will be judged in connection to Lam’s past conducts, and will also be overlooked, as a result to Mr. Lam’s dreadful past, despite the contrast one may has.

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