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Sudan Tribune

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East Africa standby force to be deployed next year

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

August 14, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — A standby force for the Eastern Africa region will be ready for operation next year, enabling regional countries to self-resolve their own conflicts, rather than rely on international forces.

According to the Eastern Africa Standby Brigade Coordination Mechanism the East African stand by force (EASF) will go operational in November 2010 after the Standby Brigade, which currently is in field training, meets the requirements set by the African Union.

The Brigade which will involve specially trained troops from 11 member countries will complete its field training in November after which it will be certified as fully operational. The director of the East African Standby Brigade Co-coordinating Mechanism (EASBCOM) Simon Mulongo said.

Accordingly, Countries in East Africa and the Horn will soon be obligated to intervene in trouble-spots like Somalia and Darfur, instead of relying on help from the entire continent, the United Nations or European Union.

Mr Mulongo said the priority areas for intervention will depend on three factors: The most deserving conflict situation; the voting by the AU peace and Security Council; and a decision by the regional summit.

The stand-by force was established in 2007 by defense ministers from across the region. Its formation marked the sixth such force to the African continent.

Up on deployment EASF, will be used in peacekeeping missions as well as in respond to national emergencies.

Member countries that originally signed for EASF were 13 countries . They are Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda, Mauritius, Madagascar, Eritrea, Djibouti, Seychelles, Somalia and Tanzania.

Military commanders from the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes region recently met in Nairobi for a one-week conference that analyzed conflicts and disasters in the region, and how to respond to them as a region.


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