Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese churches urge peace parties to settle differences over referendum

August 15, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese churches appealed on the two signatories of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to resolve their difference over the referendum law n order to organize it in due time.

The call which is released on August 14 is signed by Catholic Church of Sudan; Episcopal Church of Sudan; Presbyterian Church of Sudan; Coptic Orthodox Church; Sudan Interior Church; African Inland Church; Sudanese Church of Christ; Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church; Sudan Pentecostal Church; Greek Orthodox Church; and Greek Catholic Church.

In call issued at the close of its 17th General Assembly in Khartoum, the Sudan Council of Churches appealed to the CPA signatories, the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), “to seriously and urgently work to resolve their differences to pave the way for the referendum law to be passed in time for the required process to follow.”

The appeal after the stalled talks between the two parties over the required percentage of votes to declare it favoring independence, the population allowed to vote, determining the post-referendum process and the share of Sudan’s debts the South would carry with it if it secedes.

However, the Sudanese First Vice President Salva Kiir Mayadrit Kiir speaking from the Blue Nile State on Wednesday said that both parties will overcome their differences and approve a draft bill of the referendum law.

The joint appeal also urged the Government of Southern Sudan to improve security in the South, “particularly in regard to the LRA incursions.” And to bring charges against those involved in corruption and malpractice.

“Expressing dismay and sorrow at the current situation in Sudan, the signatories to the appeal committed themselves to provide responsible, accountable and transparent leadership, to work in the spirit of unity, and to act with the people and on their behalf, wherever needed,” they said.
Dealing with the situation in Darfur and Southern Kordofan, the Sudanese churches called on the Government of National Unity “to substantially improve the security situation in Darfur and Southern Kordofan and to all parties to the conflict in Darfur to seriously engage in peace talks.”

They also asked the federal government and the semi-autonomous government in Juba to provide the relief and rehabilitation urgently needed by the people of Sudan.



  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    Sudanese churches urge peace parties to settle differences over referendum
    What is the F@#k those C.I.A Mercenaries benifit from enpoking their nose in a such complicated political issue?
    They do lack the farsight of the domestic interest,rather than they enlighten their fellows worshippers,they try to do the job of Uncle Sam?What a bazzar!!!

    Churchues or Mosques,are binded with the freedom of faith,not political aspiration and misleading their cohgeregations.Jesus Christ”Peace Be Upon Him”had clarified it clearly;Give to Cezar what is his,and give to God what is God’s!!!!!!!!!!

    So,all the F#@k came from those who replaced the Colonial Missionaries,by assuming a patriotic role in our F@#ken domestic issues.Why did we oppose the Islamic Laws in Northern-Sudan???,just to eliminate the role of the religion in our political live,isn’t true.

    Penj:Garang once said the INF/NCP has nothing politicaly if they moved away from the religion”Islaam”.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudanese churches urge peace parties to settle differences over referendum
    Church Servants (call them leaders as you wish) have alot of works to do which should have been prioritised into primary and secondary roles.

    The primary roles of these servants should include ” Preaching Jesus’s New Commandment, Ten Commandments and the Spread of Good News” and secondary roles of course would include anything related to politics, especially when it has to do with norms, common values and Human rights such as struggle over laws that undermine liberties rights. This will remind us that “an act of taking life off others, stealing or using your intelligency to obtain something that is not yours or voluntary given to you” are all prohibited by God

    Let me make it clear that I am not against Churches servants’ appeal. My point is this; what did these servants do or say about widespread of killing and abuses practice by ordinary citizens against members of theirs or other communities?

    Is not a work of these servants to appeal for God to help, or appeal to communities leaders to address the issue of cattle wrest that replaced proper ways of obtaining cows?

    People abandoned farming jobs that was used by men to raise and feed their families, and now have new careers of buying or hiring guns to grab other people’s belongings.

    If Churches servants ask God in their prayers, appeals and actions, I believe Jesus will answer them quicker than the politicians.

    We all know that, some of the church servants has been in politic even holding political positions such as unpopular Bishop Gabriel Roric, who did not change anything, but made it worsen the worse.

    Jesus said; (“Gives Caesr what belongs to him and gives God what belongs to God”) his other words relevant here were; “serve only one master”

    I do believe that God servants have wonderful opportunities to change the behaviours of our society, but through asking Jesus to assist them. Mary did not ask Wedding party organisers, she asked Jesus, and Jesus was prompt in his answer.

    Please, can you pardon me if you feel offended by my comment?

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Sudanese churches urge peace parties to settle differences over referendum
    Church leaders teach people word of God. The are there to carry massage of God to societies in Sudan and do not afraid of challenge they may pace.. But,Church people need time off for themselves to meet to each other in name of referendum. How many killing has been going on in south. Have they said something about it? Have they talked to Salva Kiir to stop killing? Or did they held meeting for hundreds that died last months? If those citizen died all whom will they teach?. Event those agree on referendum today and people are still dieing, so in my opinion, referendum is useless to them.

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