Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Western Equatoria

August 15, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Gunmen killed the Chairperson of the Women’s Desk of National Congress Party (NCP), in Yambio, the capital of western Equatoria State yesterday evening.

Mariam Biringi, from the Moru tribe, was killed when the armed men raided her house and asked the victim to give them a certain amount of money on Friday evening at 11:00 pm local time.

In Khartoum, the minister of social affairs and leading member in the ruling National Congress Party expressed dismay and sorrow for Biringi murder and lauded the work done by the victim for WES and Sudan.

Kamal Obeid, NCP information Secretary said his party rejects political assassination which constitute a setback after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, stressing that the NCP would follow the murder of Mariam Biringi until the perpetrators are brought to a fair trial.

Also, the NCP southern Sudan sector condemned the killing and urged local authorities to investigate it and bring the responsible to justice.

The authorities in Western Equatoria State condemned the killing and said they are investigating the incident.



  • murlescrewed

    Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Western Equatoria
    The SPLM or people of Southern Sudan do not condone any politically motivated violence. It is a tragic, but isolated incident that will be investigated by local authorities in WES. For NCP to starts from the standpoint of trying to point fingers is not only counterproductive but shows the level of political immaturity.

    Kamal Obeid wants to use this incident to sow discord among southern population and portray this as politically motivated when all indications show that this is a mere robbery gone bad.

    SPLM will always strive to create an atmosphere of peaceful coexistence of people of different political leanings; even those who have chosen to continue their affiliation with NCP.

  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Western Equatoria
    In South-Sudan there is no a hem of Dimocratic Princibles,it’s obvoious that from SPLM’s Chapters in Diaspora,launching the same element of isolation the others who opposes their agendas and political strategeis.

    We,South-Sudanese, brought up by rebelling the totalitarian politics,so how come SPLM/A inteligience organ,carried such atrocital plot to Democracy???????????

    We should condemned any act of silencing the others,otherwise we will eat each other a live.

  • oshay

    Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Western Equatoria
    First it begins with the harassment and imprisonment of journalists who cover corruption, then it’s the harassment of opposition political parties and now the SPLM have steeped so low as to murder its rivals.

    The SPLM dictatorship is on the right track if you ask me.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Western Equatoria
    That is a crime and must be condamned with all possible terms. It is wrong to copy something that is not local, I meant; politically motivated killing is a northern Sudan Arab and religion sectarian culture which is bad and should not be imported to the South.

    There are plenty of good weapons to fight NIF out of people’s minds. People should assume that non-Arab NIF or NCP keep money in their homes, of course they don’t simply because they are given something to keep them not to die and not to be rich.

    My condolence to the family of Mariam Biringi.

    Think of lives given by God before acting mercilessly.

  • Kur

    Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Western Equatoria
    This is a gang- related killing. It has nothing to do with the SPLA. Those attackers, I think, were following a trial of the national wealth the NCP is using to buy votes and cause insecurity in Western Equatoria. So those killers were some guys who needed something to eat. They were aware that MS biringi had enough money from the NCP. They were trying to get their share, but no one supports their action.


  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Western Equatoria
    Logic is back from Israel!

    I condomn the this evil, becuase the facts where conducted by Sudanese Undercover Security Agency (SUSA) which is part of ERM/SRMD and the people behind the killing where known to be from junglese. However since the region is under the cruel party of dinkas SPLA, the people will have to igonred. There are many people who want to rise a high tension but my SUSA is playing a good game since the victim is part of South enemies.

    Logic is the chairman and founder of Equatorian Resistant Movement (ERM) after achieving its objectives and goals it will reverse to Sudanese Revolution Movement for Democratic (SRMD).

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Western Equatoria
    So sad,

    WES is the most peaceful State in the whole Sudan and am sure whoever, done such act is not from WES and am calling upon people there to find out who is behind that killing.

    Please fellow brother from Yambio don’t sleep you know very well that you have more enemis whom I can’t mention but you know very!!

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

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