Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan hails release of Libyan Lockerbie bomber

August 20, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese government today welcomed the decision by Scotland to free a terminally ill Libyan man convicted of the 1988 Pan Am airliner bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi holds his prisoner release papers as he walks toward the airplane at Glasgow International Airport, Glasgow Scotland bound for Tripoli, after he was released on compassionate grounds by Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill Thursday Aug. 20, 2009 (AP)
Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi holds his prisoner release papers as he walks toward the airplane at Glasgow International Airport, Glasgow Scotland bound for Tripoli, after he was released on compassionate grounds by Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill Thursday Aug. 20, 2009 (AP)
Abdel Basset Al-Megrahi, believed to have less than three months to live, was released on the order of Scotland’s justice minister despite strong opposition from the United States, which had campaigned to keep him in prison.

The Sudanese state minister for media and communications Kamal Obeid congratulated Libya for the “victory”, according to statements on the pro-government Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website.

Obeid said that this decision shows that the Western countries use political issues and turn them into legal ones “to serve its own agenda”.

“The Lockerbie case is in essence a political piracy from some major powers against weakened countries” Obeid said adding that the international community should apply justice equally without double standards.

The Sudanese official remarks appeared to be making subtle reference to the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant issued last March for president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Sudan accuses Western countries of using the ICC as a new tool of colonialism to pressure third world countries.

Last month Libya successfully lobbied African Union (AU) states that are ICC members to agree to a resolution instructing them not to cooperate with the court in apprehending Bashir.



  • Joseph lago
    Joseph lago

    Sudan hails release of Libyan Lockerbie bomber
    what sort of victory? victory for deadman walking, he deserved death and i would love him to here him dead within days because he is an arab and terrorist mass muderer of innocence civilians.

    thank you for nothing.

  • Kur

    Sudan hails release of Libyan Lockerbie bomber
    Is this a victory or a compassion from the Scotish Government, who has shown mercy to a merciless killer? This is how those who believe in the value of human dignity act, but I am afraid the release of Megrahi is a mistake because it tells other terrorists waiting to strike against innoent people that they, too,can get way with their evil crimes.


  • Ahmed Binouf
    Ahmed Binouf

    All Criminals Must Die..
    All criminals must die..
    Al Basheer and other terrorists around him should all go to “Hell” exactly as the Libyan terrorist, the stupid regime in Khartoum losing no chance to link between his case with ICC and other criminal cases that already been done through true justice systems, they were trying to get out of the bottle neck using their skills to convince people of Sudan that Western countries are trying to destroy Sudan for their own agendas.. Get lost all of you and think of other ways, this one will never work and the Sudanese people knew already what kind of politicians you are, group of cheaters, killers and thugs ruling Sudan for 20 years, killing people left and right, generating crises all around the country and finally trying to just go clean, HELL NO….
    Soon you will be dying in prison Basheer…. So get ready maaaan…
    To hell all NIF

  • Samuel A. J.
    Samuel A. J.

    Sudan hails release of Libyan Lockerbie bomber
    what a shame. a man who murdered over 250 civilians is being venerated. what is this world turing into?

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