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Sudan Tribune

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Libyan leader says independent South Sudan would be ‘very weak’

August 24, 2009 (TRIPOLI) — The Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi today said that he would support the independence of South Sudan if its citizens decide so in the 2011 referendum but warned that it will become a “very weak state.”

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (AP)
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (AP)
Gaddafi in a meeting with leader of the Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Khalil Ibrahim said he has long standing conviction with regard to South Sudan from a historical perspective.

“South Sudan I had my own opinion on it since a very long time ago and the days of Joseph Lagu and days of Garang [late SPLM chief]” Gaddafi was quoted by the official Libyan official news agency (JANA).

“It [South Sudan] was in reality attached and became part of Sudan due to the colonial divisions that we talked about. Colonialism created a new map and new people according to its interests and wherever its armies reached,” he added.

The Libyan leader suggested that secession of South Sudan would be the logical choice to be made by Southerners.

“I told them my brothers that even if you secede I will support your independence. Why? Because you don’t speak Arabic; your language is English and your language is local. Your religion is not Islam; you are animists and some of you are Christians. You are from another side not from Sudan, different from Darfur and Nubia and East Sudan and Khartoum,” Gaddafi said.

Last June Gaddafi sparked anger by Khartoum when the Sudanese First Vice president Salva Kiir disclosed that the Libyan leader pledged to him that he would support an independent South Sudan.

The Libyan embassy in Khartoum at the time denied that Gaddafi made any such remarks in his meeting with Kiir.

JANA cited Gaddafi as saying that Southern Sudanese have characteristics that are “not in harmony” with Sudan and that it was better to be left a separate state “similar to Burundi or Rwanda.”

However, the Libyan head state said he warned Southern Sudanese about the downsides of separation.

“You will be a very weak state and you will need someone to support you from outside and you will be colonized either the US, China or Europe…or Israelis” he said.

“Whoever that will colonize you will oppress you and take your wealth and lie to you telling you that he will help you and your independence and that you are newborn state,” Gaddafi added.

Gaddafi said that since this is South Sudan “destiny” then he recommends that they remain with united Sudan saying it is better than being independent “under the protection of other imperialist or Zionist powers.”

The Sudanese government reacted angrily following Kiir disclosure on Gaddafi’s remarks saying that it is an “interference in Sudanese internal affairs” and that it could affect bilateral relations.

Last month Egypt, another neighbor of Sudan, said that separation of South Sudan would lead to proliferation of poverty and internal conflict within the new state.

Southern Sudan, in accordance with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), will hold a referendum in January 2011 on whether to create its independent state or remain part of the Sudan.


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