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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Over 40 people kill in Jonglei attack

By Philip Thon Aleu

August 29, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – Some 41 people are dead and 28 others injured in Jonglei’s Twic East County when raiders from neighboring Lou Nuer attacked a Payam headquarters early Friday.

Wernyol in Lith Payam, inhabited by members of Dinka Bor ethnic community, became the first administrative unit to be targeted in the latest attack. Area representative to state assembly Abel Manyok told the Sudan tribune Friday that “preliminary report [casualties] will where low and would increase.”

Mr. Manyok was speaking at the time when only 7 people were reported killed and 4 others injured.

The reversal of figures to 41 dead was confirmed by victims of the contest. Of the 28 wounded, 15 in critical condition are being nursed in Juba as 13 remain at Panyagor; the headquarters of Twic East County Civil Administrator (CA) is among the wounded.

Among the 41 people dead, 38 are from Twic East, 1 from Duk and 2 from Lou Nuer who are said to be the raiders. Wernyol Archdeacon and a student from Dr. John Garang Institute of science and technology are among the dead. 7 South Sudan army soldiers are also killed.

After failing to get cattle stationed previously at the Apiir camp, the rustlers engulfed Wernyol in all directions and open fire on the village. As youths try to contend the raid with women, children and elderly people on run to safety zones, only to fell into ambush.



  • oshay

    Over 40 people kill in Jonglei attack
    Another day another Massacre in the South. Well Done SPLM. There is no security and the people of the South do not like each other. This is not a good start to the supposed independence of the South.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Over 40 people kill in Jonglei attack
    If the coward Dinka of Mading Bor cannot protect/defend themselves from Mighty Nuer Warrior of Lou Nuer, let them (Dinka) evacuate the East bank to the other side of the Nile and join their cousins there. The GoSS will never yiel from looting public funds in Juba instead to bring peace and stability in the region.

    It was the Dinka youth and police officers of Duk who sarted the dirty ugly game when they slaughtered some business men and officials who appear to be from Lou Nuer couple of months ago. They deserve it and it will be worst unless the South Sudan army/SPLA use force to disarm them.

  • Kur

    Over 40 people kill in Jonglei attack
    Hands hired to destroy our freedom will never succeed;

    They shed the innocent blood of peaceful citizens of South Sudan,

    We wll, however,stand firm against all aggression engineered by the most stupid greedy dogs who lack the sense of human dignity.

    What do they need? they want to loot but they will never enjoy their loots.

    They want to steal but they will be the victims of their own folly.


  • Tariel

    Over 40 people kill in Jonglei attack
    This must be politically motivated attack which has clear root cause from those traitors who were welcomed back to Southern Sudan when CPA was signed,only to end up looting money in Juba thus creating corruption in the GOSS.The ugly food lovers and lazy creatures I have never seen in this world!

    Bor community is a civilized and law abiding society but these two primitive communities of Nuer and Murle which are unluckily grouped with God’s chosen people of Bor to be in the same state of Jonglei never appreciate anything although they have never seen Dinka Bor carrying out brutal killings in Ayod,Akobbo or Pibor,they failed to understand peace.Why is Omer el Bashir only bribing and arming Murle and Nuer because he knows that these two primitive societies of Murle and Nuer are backward and born traitors that can not logically understand the present political dispensation in the country,therefore qualified to be used to divide South Sudanese as our Independence is knocking at the doors of everyone worldwide.

    Hatred toward Dinka Bor which some people believes is the wealthiest community in South has sent negative thinking to tribes like Nuer to come and loot only to find out that Bor community is as poor as church mouse hence ending up killing innocent people to please Omer El Bashir.
    Your hatred toward innocent people will always follow you! (tiel kur won amok)

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Over 40 people kill in Jonglei attack
    GOSS is lenient towards insecurity in Jongulei; it is time for Buor to revenge back:

    It was not my interest to post this huge writing here. I wrote it as opinion article but, it was refused by Sudan Tribune management team on the ground that it is calling for revenge in a country which they do not want. I want it be read by all.

    Following the sequential attack on our people in Bor area all these times and years by Nuer and Murle it is time for revenge. Look at what happened recently when even a man of God plus over 40 people were murdered in Werenyol. What are we waiting for? Shall we fight back when what number of us is slain by these thugs? Why do we want peace when they do not like peace? Why do we listen to our leaders when they do not listen to their leaders? Why do we care when everybody else is seemed not to care in the South? Why do we care for the downfall of the Government of the South most when they do not care for that Government? Why do we value our dear life when they do not? It is time for all of us (Buor) including our top leaders to involve in this war. Waging war on them is the last resort as we have done all we could to maintain peace. This is the time to follow them back into their territories, let’s not wait for them in our area. Let us fight our enemies with all our mighty. There is nothing left unsaid to the Goss and their community’s leaders. Peace deal was signed recently with them and they seemed not respecting it. So who shall we talk to again? I may be seen by rest as instigating tribal fight and for sure that is exactly what I want. I may be labeled with any name but I do not mind. I am saying all these out of frustration.

    I was very much disappointed by the comment made by this so call Kim Deng. It is so ridiculous; our people (Buor) have reported these lawless communities’ actions against them and all we can hear from Goss is, it will be seen. How long does it take for them (Goss) to look into the cause of this insecurity? I therefore, concluded that the Government of the South has sided with these criminals. They went as far as calling themselves brave communities by killing as many from us. These communities were not known during the liberation when we fought Jalaba. I doubt how dare would Kim called Bor people “defenseless and coward” ( Date 29th of August. Is the history not there to reveal the truth? Cowardice tribes were clearly known and they even knew by themselves if they have not contributed in their full faith towards the South liberation. Some of the SPLA/SPLM veterans are alive to tell the truth. Even Jallaba can be witness here; they have known us all during the struggle. It is not something we can say this community is fearful it is known and documented as well.

    This is my word, it is time for Bor people to revenge back to these communities, if you (Buor) were known and heard in the movement of the South, how would these “good for nothing” communities not give you rest and due respect? Nonetheless, if at all their leaders are still lawless and traitors as they did in the time of movement, then what is the point of respecting the Government of the South anyway? We were reviled when Garang was in power and that he is gone what is it again? There is no time to waste this time; nothing will stop them unless we stand up for our survival and our children survival.

    I agree with people who said GOSS is weak in tackling this insecurity in Jongulei. Yes, how would it be strong when useless and power hungry individuals are reinstated back into the highest and almost leading positions in the government? I am afraid, it wouldn’t work this government.

    Kim, know very well this community is not a weak and defenseless as you said in your writing, it is because they are being fooled by this careless Government that the Goss Government is what it is today, because of them (Bor community). However, if SPLA is still proud of (Bor) our stance in those days why then does Goss allow these unpatriotic communities to target Bor people? It is time for revenge….We are going to be left with no man power.

    In conclusion, the Goss has been so lenient towards the insecurity in Jongulei that shows nobody cares of the innocent lives that are being lost in Bor when everyone in the south is enjoying peace. We can not and never allow ourselves to be massacred this time like they did in 91. Our leaders, Bor leaders this is your time. You will all be disparaged and deserved no respect from anyone when your people are killed in such numbers and remain silent. Who do we think can help when Kiir and his deputies enjoy in Juba. This is the time to act violently. You can reach me @ [email protected]

    Maguacwum II.

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