Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43

By Philip Thon Aleu

August 29, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – At least 43 people have been killed and over 60 others severely injured in Jonglei’s Twic East County when raiders from neighboring Lou Nuer attacked at dawn a Payam headquarters on Friday.

Relatives carry remains of one of the children killed by Mundari gunmen in Pariak Friday August 21, 2009. (Philip Thon Aleu --- ST)
Relatives carry remains of one of the children killed by Mundari gunmen in Pariak Friday August 21, 2009. (Philip Thon Aleu — ST)
State Govornor Kuol Manyang Juuk told the Sudan tribune on Saturday that “security is being strengthen in the area [Lith Payam]” to prevent future “hostile killings.”

Wernyol in Lith Payam, inhabited by members of Dinka Bor ethnic community, is the first administrative unit to be targeted in the latest attack from Lou Nuer of Uror County. Area representative to state assembly Abel Manyok told the Sudan tribune Friday that “preliminary report [casualties] were low and would increase.”

Mr. Manyok was speaking at the time when only 7 people were reported killed and 4 others injured.

The reversal of figures to 43 dead was confirmed by victims of the contest. Of the 64 wounded, 15 in critical condition are being nursed in Juba as 13 remain at Panyagor; the headquarters of Twic East County. Civil Administrator (CA) is among the wounded.

Among the 43 people dead, 38 are from Twic East, 1 from Duk and 2 from Lou Nuer who are said to be the raiders. Wernyol Archdeacon and a student from Dr. John Garang Institute of science and technology are among the dead. 7 South Sudan army (SPLA) soldiers are also killed.

“We condemn these hostile activities which are destructive,” said Gov. Kuol when asked to comment. “We argue the leadership of local communities to reframe and restrain wrong elements from carrying out atrocities. We shall work hard [collectively] to apprehend the perpetrators,” he added.

On contenting anticipated attacks Gov. Kuol says “we are strengthening security in the area.”

The state governor who has being engaged in trying to solve cattle rustling and child abduction since he took office 20 months ago maintains that the conflicts in the state will end only by forceful disarmament.

But for the main time, he says, UN agencies and South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission should provide necessary support to the victim in Wernyol.

At the time of interview with Sudan Tribune in Governor’s office in Bor Town, people detached from fellow family members were reporting to Panyagor; the Headquarters of Twic East county. Some people remain unaccounted for.

According to the United Nations, more than 2,000 people have died and 250,000 been displaced in inter-tribal fighting across southern Sudan since January.

Jonglei state was one of the areas hardest hit in Sudan’s two-decade-long north-south civil war, which ended in 2005 with a power-sharing deal between the Muslim north and the Christian and animist south.

Last month UNMIS Coordinator for Southern Sudan, David Gressly, said the inter-tribal violence in the semi-autonomous region is the result of local conflicts over water and pasturage and lack of rooted state institutions as well as infrastructures.

However Southern Sudanese officials say northern Sudan ruling party is to blame over the increasing violence in the region and Jonglei particularly. Some Western diplomats say SPLM officials speak about seized newly fabricated arms to illustrate the involvement of the National Congress Party (NCP).

Khartoum government is accused of working to stir unrest ahead of a 2011 referendum on self-determination.

Ali Tamim Fartak, Sudanese presidential adviser and leading member in the NCP, described these accusations as “false and baseless.”

“The SPLM is trying to divert attention from its failure in bringing security to the south and preventing security spoilage there. The SPLM is running in the south and it has the responsibility to maintain security there,” he further said.

Local authorities in Jonglei struggle to maintain order in the vast state. All the parties agree that the region is awash with weapons and it is a good example for the failure of disarmament campaigns in southern Sudan.



  • oshay

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    SPLM stop blaming everyone but yourself for your problems and stop crying wolf, this game is getting old and everyone knows it.

  • Ahmed

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    SPLM needs to stop killing its civilians!! U guys have a prove now that its the SPLM that gave civilians weapons during the war with North! U see wat happended now, its coming back to tent them

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    Sudantribune should stop reporting raider of tribalism killing of civilians because you have been reporting the same attack or kill innocent civilian every week for long time but SPLM/GOSS seems to have no solution for it. So citizen of south should build their own defenders to protect their families from unknown enemies. Civilians must know that if you or one member of your family is kill today, there not is no court for suspect.So you will dead like a person who was bit by sank in the bush. But any person who think that SPLM/GOSS will protect him/her from raiders or other tribe attack,she/he will learn the lesson after it too late for him or her. God bless nation of south.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    Dear Southerners/Auditor

    Please try to help us to stop publishing anything which is about Jongles”s since it has become now their culture.

    Insteady it is producing bad image about South Sudan and it is showing clearly that SPLM cannot rule themselves.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    This is a sad news in which very large number of death occured because of the greedy lou- Nuer who have no ambition, just only food to eat and cowardish. They said that they are worriors, but that is not. We( Dinka) have one major enermy- the North, but these hynas dont know that, they only want a great lesson from Dinka Bor. This time i really want Bor Dinkas to Turn their eyes around and leave the common foe and see what these parasits are demanding. I support fighting with these tribes because we never teached them alesson in our lives because we think we are liberators – the Dinkas. I request those of Bor to make arevege other they will finish all of you guys. Nuer learn through their eyes because they are not leaders, and that is why they defect in 1991 and they think they are warriors. Why not we learn and follow what they like, and not mind about Arabs because we will all face the results.
    Please if Nuer want war, then we are ready from now. Very stupid tribe, i dont mind which part of nuer they belong.
    Mr Dinka boy

  • jalabi

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    The insecurity status and chaos in the south have proved the argument that says southerners cannot live by themselves alone and governor themselves without mediators in between (jalaba for example) otherwise they will kill each others with no mercy, this is very true, the self-determination was a big mistake and 6 years for referendum is not enough at all to bring harmoney among southeners and build the economy and the infrastructure in the south, it should be at least 20 years, you know what?? I don’t believe self-determination will help southerners at all, it is just going to be wasting of time and money since NCP will not hesitate to play dirty games (bribe) to beat the separatists and for sure will succeed!

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    Monotonous Jonglie Dead news, Kuol Mayong doing nothing in his state, last time he denied any tribal war instead call them Cattle thuggish or raiders and Today dead toll to 43 persons, WO WO WO. should not any longer reported because its taint South Sudanese.

  • Bol Nul Dhieu
    Bol Nul Dhieu

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    What a horrible killing! It is heart-breaking to hear and an acceptable to judge in the face of justice to lose massive lives from one county,one Payam,one section at this particular juncture.

    The insecurity in Twic East as far as Duk and Bor North County are concerned has been existing since the signing of the CPA in 2005 and the governments in the state and GOSS levels are not taking any serious action to stop civilian casualties. To the State parliament the condemnation in words when interviewed by the media is not the solution but to step in and take a legal action against the offenders will make the situation better off.

    As mentioned earlier, the militia from the pro-Arab Uror County in Lou Nuer is responsible for the attack launched, will it be hard to lift justice against them? the targt of the investigation by the justice are the head of the militia, the commissioner of the Uror County and the Chiefs of those Payams. Is it too hard to deal with those elements? Their goal is not only about raiding but to destablising the South ahead of the 2011 referrundum. So, what should we do to prevent them achieving this goal? The answer is to crush the militia militarily or bring the above mentioned officials to justice as simple as that.`

  • mapek

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    I pay my conspicuous tribute to Lith people.Lith, revenge is the only solution to polish, idiot,illiterate Machar’s tribe.Nuers do u want us to recall 1991 massacre which tolled to 3000 Bor civillians dead.We were in harmony for the last 21 years with u, simply because of Garang leadership which was realy a Bor’s son with true vision,plan and objective of liberating Southern Sudanese including stupid, ugily, six scared deformed forehead tribe with short vision and big asshole’s people.

    Kuol u were brought to that seat simply to protect Bor civilians in Jongulei state excluding gods believed animal of Lou Nuers.Kuol please talk to Kiir to provides security to his backbone and leaves his verse unreasonable community.

    Kiir, if Garang were not there, u have not been a GOSS’ president.Nuers stop killing the most respected community in the planet, because with out them there would have no South’s government. Kiir why don’t u protect your backbone’s people and the World fearest community, to bring another visionary icon like Garang for the South to be respceted by the Northern Arabs.

    otherwise,without Bor’s cillians protection, will lead to the emerse of other political icon in your seat in the South.

    Please, please, please all the living animals in the South and entire Sudan respect the dignity of Twich people both at east and at west beacuse without them, there would have no SPLM/SPLA strugle.Kiir protects Twich’s people dignity.

  • Arthur

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    May Almighty GOD have mercy on those who have died and my condolences to their families. I think this is not the first time to have people killed in this region so my direct question is to the authorities “To when are you gonna let these things happen like these, isn’t it enough the souls that were lost during the 21years of war ? Why not to put an end to those conflicts ? I think the authorities know the source of those conflicts which is those guns in the hands of everybody plus no presence of the rule of law, so everybody wants to take the law in his hand. Am pleading the authorities started from the preisdent up to the last person to stop those innocent people from dying. Please authorties do something.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    It is indeed very sad when Southerners keep on killing themselves repeatedly. We know that all human beings are mortals who cannot live forever on this earth but it becomes immoral when their death is accelerated intentionally by other human beings.

    I condemn this killings and would want to see the criminals punished for these bad acts. My condolence to the families of Bor Dinka Community who lost their dear ones because of the criminal attack by some bad Lou Nuer.

    Oh my goodness when will South Sudan becomes free from impunitive killings and insecurities!!!! God Have mercy!!!!!

  • thieleling

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    My sincere heart-felt condolence to both families of the warring parties involved in this senseless tribal conflict.

    When will South Sudanese be ready to concentrate on intellectual development instead of getting hung up on petty tribal conflict in Jonglei & South Sudan? I blame the tribal policies of forceful disarmament on certain communities in 2006 that led to low-level insurgency, violence response from agrieved communities.

    Disarming the communities forcefully will not work now because the chance of fair disarmament was missed in 2006. This time, the tribal motivated disarmament campaign would divide the armed forces (SPLA) on tribal line. No general would want to see his/her communities be disarmed prematurely only to be mass murdered later by other armed communities.

    Peter Bol Kong did a good job of fighting with his own communities in 2006 to disarm them, only to find out that he was dumb founded because the tribal leadership lied to him & there were no follow-up disarmament efforts to disarm other communities except his own Lou-communities. The result was to wiped out Lou as we know it. He would never do that again against his community.

    So, the SPLA will soon be disintegrating based on this tribal motivated disarmament. This current leadership is really born to lie. Now, the dishonest leadership is reaping what it sows.

    Tribalism & tribalistic policies in Jonglei & Juba are the caused of this senseless tribal conflict. So, Philip Thon Aleu, you are overloading our brains with your useless information of your tribalistic journalism. When are you going to be a serious objective journalist? We didn’t see you reporting the instability, corruption, & the cause of it all, tribalsim in Jonglei or Juba, yet.

    Please acknowledge a better understanding of the complexity of this tribalism practice in jonglei & Juba. You have to appeal directly to Gen. Kuol & the Leadership in Juba to stop practicing tribalism. So, try to broaden your perspective a bit and get beyond the caricature of Lou-Nuer or Nuer in general.

    Infact, stop sugar-coating your tribalism. Yours is a lot of speculation & opinions. That doesn’t always mean that it’s factually based or accurate. Your are not really reporting the cause of it all, but only the symptom of it, violence.

  • chol nhial jok
    chol nhial jok

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    too ridiculous for our government to do most talking at this crucial moments that require tough actions.Mr president be tough and take action because this is not only cattle rustling but also a political instigation by the northerners to deplore stability in the south sudan .i know action may sound foolish to the politically correct people but you must take appropriate action to save the lives of those in lou neighborhood.Send soldiers to tame lou people they are wild and will finish people in the region.INTERNATIONAL community is aware of these unjustified killings of lou and murle communities.Leaders from these communities should be given a sound warning before soldiers are send to create proper awareness so that they are not caught an aware.These two communities are access of evil to southern population if proper measures are not taken arab can use them to weaken our country .Deal with the evils government your move will be justified by their past actions.No one is licensed to kill others even human right watchdogs are aware of this so take swift action

  • Samuel Ater De Makuach
    Samuel Ater De Makuach

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    My condolences to victims’ families and may Almighty God rest the departed innocents souls in peace.
    Blessings, grace, peace and courage to the mourners.

    Samuel Ater de Makuach

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    GOSS is lenient towards insecurity in Jongulei; it is time for Buor to revenge back:

    It was not my interest to post this huge writing here. I wrote it as opinion article but, it was refused by Sudan Tribune management team on the ground that it is calling for revenge in a country which they do not want. I want it be read by all.

    Following the sequential attack on our people in Bor area all these times and years by Nuer and Murle it is time for revenge. Look at what happened recently when even a man of God plus over 40 people were murdered in Werenyol. What are we waiting for? Shall we fight back when what number of us is slain by these thugs? Why do we want peace when they do not like peace? Why do we listen to our leaders when they do not listen to their leaders? Why do we care when everybody else is seemed not to care in the South? Why do we care for the downfall of the Government of the South most when they do not care for that Government? Why do we value our dear life when they do not? It is time for all of us (Buor) including our top leaders to involve in this war. Waging war on them is the last resort as we have done all we could to maintain peace. This is the time to follow them back into their territories, let’s not wait for them in our area. Let us fight our enemies with all our mighty. There is nothing left unsaid to the Goss and their community’s leaders. Peace deal was signed recently with them and they seemed not respecting it. So who shall we talk to again? I may be seen by rest as instigating tribal fight and for sure that is exactly what I want. I may be labeled with any name but I do not mind. I am saying all these out of frustration.

    I was very much disappointed by the comment made by this so call Kim Deng. It is so ridiculous; our people (Buor) have reported these lawless communities’ actions against them and all we can hear from Goss is, it will be seen. How long does it take for them (Goss) to look into the cause of this insecurity? I therefore, concluded that the Government of the South has sided with these criminals. They went as far as calling themselves brave communities by killing as many from us. These communities were not known during the liberation when we fought Jalaba. I doubt how dare would Kim called Bor people “defenseless and coward” (http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article32280) Date 29th of August. Is the history not there to reveal the truth? Cowardice tribes were clearly known and they even knew by themselves if they have not contributed in their full faith towards the South liberation. Some of the SPLA/SPLM veterans are alive to tell the truth. Even Jallaba can be witness here; they have known us all during the struggle. It is not something we can say this community is fearful it is known and documented as well.

    This is my word, it is time for Bor people to revenge back to these communities, if you (Buor) were known and heard in the movement of the South, how would these “good for nothing” communities not give you rest and due respect? Nonetheless, if at all their leaders are still lawless and traitors as they did in the time of movement, then what is the point of respecting the Government of the South anyway? We were reviled when Garang was in power and that he is gone what is it again? There is no time to waste this time; nothing will stop them unless we stand up for our survival and our children survival.

    I agree with people who said GOSS is weak in tackling this insecurity in Jongulei. Yes, how would it be strong when useless and power hungry individuals are reinstated back into the highest and almost leading positions in the government? I am afraid, it wouldn’t work this government.

    Kim, know very well this community is not a weak and defenseless as you said in your writing, it is because they are being fooled by this careless Government that the Goss Government is what it is today, because of them (Bor community). However, if SPLA is still proud of (Bor) our stance in those days why then does Goss allow these unpatriotic communities to target Bor people? It is time for revenge….We are going to be left with no man power.

    In conclusion, the Goss has been so lenient towards the insecurity in Jongulei that shows nobody cares of the innocent lives that are being lost in Bor when everyone in the south is enjoying peace. We can not and never allow ourselves to be massacred this time like they did in 91. Our leaders, Bor leaders this is your time. You will all be disparaged and deserved no respect from anyone when your people are killed in such numbers and remain silent. Who do we think can help when Kiir and his deputies enjoy in Juba. This is the time to act violently.

    You can reach me @ [email protected]

    Maguacwum II.

  • Matuup

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43
    This is a global overview of the Nuer tribe of Southern Sudan. As a tribe, their past,present and a bridge linking them to their unsurfaced future amid peoples’s anger over the frequent hostilities and the notion of terming the Dinka cowards unseeingly by their starving unconfirmed warriors like Kim Deng and the likes of him. However, my doubt over the nature of these ladies(the Nuer)and the way to describe them is very categorical basing on facts. It is going to debate about their culture,their political setup, their economic stability and indeed,their human conscience. I therefore term them ladies or rather (the Jieng wives)for that matter because their persistent song of (Heei Dinka,heei Dinka)when discussing anything reserves nothing than what the honest wives does of their stable and unchackable husbands whenever their desperate needs are met.

    In a free unevaluated international media like this,where every rubbish is daily collected from the dustbins and thrown into it in the name of Dinka,a person like myself by virtue of humanity is by all means compelled to write to address quite a number of issues that had always been exposed on the website by the world’most confused and dark-minded people(the Nuer).These people are ugly mentally and the prove is the solution adapted by their praise-worthy and their only academic sounding leader in the year 1991. After the split in the SPLM leadership due to disagreement,Riek employed a cruel resolution to the disagreement when he resorted to mobilization of his miserable tribe to wage war against the eastern Dinka of greater Bor from Dukeen to Abiy. The massacre was carriedout in Garang’s homeland as a result of varying political opinions in the SPLM hierarchy. Ok,if Nuer in the person of Riek were smart mentally,then what implicated the civil population in their villages who only live to support any winning force? They are ugly mentally in a sense that even now and since the CPA was signed and being monitored by the international community,their incapacitated political cadres have so far adapted a political prostitution habits. They have acted and are still acting renegadely in its suitable term to abrogate peace implementation process.

    Their unvisited nature and leaders like Tanginya,Riek Gai and allegedly,the VP of Goss are working hard day and night to see the history already in valid documents reversed to those days when they cowardly disappeared to Khartoum where they went and inked on their shameful unwitnessed and fruitlessKhartoum Agreement(KA)as well as Fashoda to bring comfort to their ruling masters(Arabs). While in Khartoum,the implementations on the said agreements were nothing than becomingvictims of the gay’s religion and practices. Having used to that religion already,the remaining ones are now forced by all means to follow slavery by Tang using his militia tactics. The evidence is the Malakal was which were fought in 2006 and earlier this year,when the peaceful cosmopolitan town became a dead town.Just three big massive graves of the innocent civilians to emerge as an exhibition site or museum but perhaps,more attrocities targetting the same town are underway according to the NCP their beloved Islamist party. The war which was sponsored by their Arabs colleagues in the north left many civilians dead including our poor SPLA soldiers. They became too primitive to be bought with their own coins,to relent to Arabization,Islamization as well as perfecting the policy of divide and rule. I wonder what a forged religion in the world where its believers rejoice in bloodshed,inter-marriage restricted on one side while necessitated on the other side by first accepting to be muslim? Does it sound less than sexual exploitation on the African Sudanese? They don’t see this and continue to search for Yhow or(money),they call it louder when hungry,looking for slavery and food not being an exception.

    In their culture,killing a person is not a crime but rather an achievement. The killer is instead praised hardly than being condemned of his misdeeds. This leaves their neighbouring communities in question,what an absurd human behaviours in their possession that doesn’t value life? They aren’t gifted anything profitable than spirit of fighting,looting.robbing,raping,too much eating or else,bored in the absence of such opportunities. Nuer are re-known in the sudanese history of their trivial acts against their neighbours. God is great,they were about to be gifted nothing,so thank you Lord for your mercy. They prefer fighting but while on clashing,they appear too ignorant of the consequences of it and this reminds me of the three battles we fought during my first attempt with them in 1996. This was the time when we off-rooted them militarily out of the greater Bor to their respective areas. I saw several of them cryingout wuy!wuuuy! A quality of a female-cry in my community. The guns were still making unnecessary noise and I asked my colleague nearby,to tell me about what they were doing because he knew them before. My colleague answered me that for sure,they are crying because they are facing it rough and have lost the battle. Though I was watching them falling down in numbers in the nearest meters from us,I never had thought that someone somewhere would cry again for the trouble he has caused to himself. Their naivity was also unveiled when they took steps foreward singing(keppe,keppe)thinking that the owner of the gun who is their foe in the battle would be caught by hand freely out of his kandek and this is why they had to die while shedding tears. I finally thought that next time,they will not repeat it or think again that we are cowards but as witnessed now, they are still committing attrocities against the Murle and the Bor Dinka. So,what do you as a wise person wherever you are guest of their reasoning capability?

    They mistook the 1991 massacre as having been out of cowardism that is they were left unresisted,not knowing that on earth are people whose minds are well adjusted to future than to confront forces of the armed movement formed to topple the SPLM leadership after the Nasir’s conference. Not apprehending that youths of the area were fully engaged in the main and rational libration struggle. But should any misfortune feels that I am lying,then the door is open,try it back now or after the referendum, whichever year it will be achieved and see who will quit his ground? Not cowardly at night like what their hungry men are now doing but,in the day time the way they did it in 90s or anytime with full information in place since the question here is to get an answer to who exactly is coward? Lack of reasoning can not at all be termed as bravery. So brother Kim Deng and his likes must get it right from now that Dinkas are not phobia of anything the way they perceive it but,people are competing to catchup with the world’s standards of conscience(WSC)and that is the main reason dears. If physical development was to be measured by how best people are wise and vigilent,Dinkas would have progressed rapidly. But since it can be achieved through having the majority partisans regardless of how better they can look at the well-being of other people,by whoever is having money at hand like the case of uncles in the jaws of the rich Arabs and by the magnitude of violence towards others,the greater Bor can do little development and your imbecile majority who are backingup Riek using war mongering statements without historical retrospection will at the end flourish but little too.

    Politically,Nuer are lacking political setupwhere people are briefed on sensitive issues like the question of,what were we yesterday,what are we today and what do we want to become in future? The only vocubulary they know in their political terms is,war in the past,war in the present and war in the future period. It is unpredictable of them,oh God!Revisit them to find hope in life. Initially and according to one profound western anthropologist who who did a lot of research on their culture,he stated that Nuer are devoid of political setup,no public paramount leader. Everyone stick to his own importancy calling himself(Kweer)they call it,meaning a leader. Only in case of murder,the killer runs and bow down before any clan elder/elders inorder to remove or reduce curses. This factual led them to poor political orientation since their culprits are just relieved from the anticipated curses without sighting reasons as to why they kill,to highlight aims and general momentum of their acts. The anthropologist’name together with where he based will soon be given should needs arises.

    Economically,Nuer are over-depending on other peoples’resources. It is not clear whether they are lazy or a society of dooms and blinds who don’t see opportunities where food production can easily be maximized. The evidence is the ongoing looting of the UN/NGOs relief foods as well as other peoples’makings. Cattle raiding and robbery along the ways when citizens are travelling to their destinies are not excluded. They are very prompt in placing their starvation on top of the agenda than that of others. Their badly presumption that only in their areas is where there is food crisis,inadequate rainfalls,lack of good pastures and so on,means nothing than the absence of mind utility. Example is the looming starvation threat now witnessed in greater Akobo,they were the ones who instigated insecurity in the counrty both at the national level to the states which deprived people from indulging in food production activities and the first now to overwhelminingly proclaims the hunger threats. What a lack of the term shame in their rotten culture? Their real treasure is in both eating and fighting and this reminds me of how Anyuak tribe of Southern Sudan calls them,(Nuer-cam)meaning the Nuer of eating. They not only like eating but loves it and that is why they are in dilemma now to determine their clear status on the sudanese political grounds. Voting for South Sudan’s secession is like voting for an empty vowel leaving behind the unity of Sudan which they see as resembling the full sufuria of delicious foodstuffs including man-palek or(the chicken)their favourite. They are just a moving force like wind which keeps on changing direction from time to time. They sail in numbers to the direction where they here about food or money thus the riches like Arabs become immediete beneficiaries hence using them against the loyalt population that adheres to the libration ideologies than a hand to mouth perception.

    Pertaining their human conscience,a lot remains to be done to findout what is lacking in their brains.I have therefore instructed all the scientists,anthropologist and the well wishers to study them closely using fresh minds of their dead ones inorder to comeup with the final,visible and tangible resolutions to address our fate in Southern Sudan and Sudan as a whole. Shouldn’t it had been their pre-mature thinking through their big lad(Riek),South Sudan would have gained her independence long time ago before it was pronounced decades of war or rather a united New Sudan where equality of all sorts are practised and felt by the people. Sudanese must continue to keep eyes on them now at this critical juncture in the history of our beloved martyrs and motherland because they are contributing to aggravation of peace implementation progress by supporting ideas of their own sons who claims to be legal advisor to El Bashir and a militia insurgency facilitator(Riek Gai & Tanginya respectively).

    It is true beyond doubt that Lam Akol’s trick of fitting the two larger tribes against each other to avoid them doing wonderful things together over the suspected power monopoly in Sudan has worked through our own brothers(the Nuer)and the war must continue. Lam Akol! you are a great man,you managed it but still,you need to research more. You Kim Deng plus your likes must understand it from today henceforth that Dinkas are not just the ones you think they are. Brave men are those who fight for clear reasons,clear visions,focussed on their objectives and indeed,those who remained in the possession of small and simple arms during the north-south conflict whereas the real cowards decampedto the well equiped and professional army(the SAF)who got money by then when things turned terrible. Don’t come back,we still got nothing like food and money to entice you with by now but,help us in prayers ,perhaps soon or later we shall have all your requirements to call you back to an independent South Sudan of free will of the people,free from Sheria’a law and its impacts. We still love you since you appears naive.

    To all the my guest readers,contributors and commentors on this website, I have for a very long time been observing articles exposed on this website but unfortunately,the comments are always diverted from the main topics of irrelevant links to agressDinka. Many people have tried had to advice to Nuer guys who got no idea on educative use of public media but no rescue. Ok,if that is the future they think is attainable,then be it. I am from today a commentor and a contributor to comment just on confrontations in this war of words.

    Alas! What a scenario where mediocrity is directly dictated in their fore-faces and a rigidity of turning unto the new living principles unmeasurable? Please Yesuwa,don’t abandon them,they are still your children and our brothers too.

  • tut lam chol
    tut lam chol

    Jonglei’s Twic death toll reaches 43

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