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Sudan Tribune

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Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army

August 30, 2009 (NAIROBI) — The Kenyan army dispatched some 200 military experts to train southern Sudan army within Juba efforts to upgrade the former rebel guerrilla force, SPLA, into conventional army.

SPLA soldiers during the celebration of 26th anniversary of SPLM in Juba on May 26, 2009 - (Getty Images)
SPLA soldiers during the celebration of 26th anniversary of SPLM in Juba on May 26, 2009 – (Getty Images)
Another batch of 95 officers would arrive to the semi-autonomous region in September.

The Kenyan teams who are belonging to different armies include officers from the infantry, artillery, military transport and logistics, helicopter pilots, and military intelligence.

The Nairobi Star in a report published last week said the Kenyan officers would train the SPLA in the use of their newly acquired military equipment including an estimated 100 T-72s main battle tanks (MBTs) and assorted Ukrainian and Russian military hardware which Southern Sudan has accumulated over the past year.

The last batch of MBTs was the 33 T-72 tanks that were aboard the MV Faina which was hijacked by Somali pirates off the coast of Somalia in September 2008.

The daily affirmed that theses tanks are now based in the capital of Lakes State, Rumbek where they transported in plane.

In June last year the Southern Sudan adopted the Defense White Paper which aims “define the Government of Southern Sudan’s policy on defense; inform the Sudanese people, the partners of the Government of Southern Sudan, the neighbouring states and the international community about the defense intent of the SPLA,” the document reads.

The Defense policy document stipulates that the SPLA shall be organized into both active and reserve forces, and that the active forces shall consist of a Ground Force supported by Air and Riverine units.
However, the policy document, particularly on air force, prompted reactions of disapproval from the Ministry of National Defense which said the SPLA was subjected to numerous limitations per the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 between North and South.

“The SPLA is not allowed to carry out military operations or any other activities” said SAF spokesperson Lt-Colonel Al-Sawarami Saad. “The SPLA is only allowed to conduct training within the joint forces” he added.

Washington in the past years since the signing of the CPA, granted military aid to southern Sudan’s autonomous government to help SPLA transformation into conventional army, establish a protective service for southern Sudan’s president and high-ranking officials and create a police force and intelligence service.



  • oshay

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    First the SPLM buys Ukrainian Tanks that won’t work in jungle conditions in the South, then it gets a country that hasn’t been to war to train its soldiers.

    Well Done.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Why are we being remind by Kenya instead Slave Kiir should have come up with this idea since ages. It is just like Kiir deserve a slap each time to make him alert of his duty. The problem is that by the next morning we will hear the media showing how much has been put into the plan of this training however for months or years we all see nothing only two to three tanks and AKA-47 are being brought to South the rest of US$ 89 billions are gone into Kiir plus his mongrels accounts in Nairobi. Shame am sick of seeing the image of dinkas and even feel like i don’t want to hear the work D for dinkas as well. What is hard about the Dinkas Change SPLA-DC It is good to get rich but the blood of those who sacrifices themsleves for this nation will talk to those who sell them for their own benefit.

  • murlescrewed

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    That jallabah dog is at it again talking about SPLA and its hardware when he has zero idea about those intricate issues. T-72 is a modern tank capable of operating in arctic and tropical conditions. It is by far a superior tank than variants of Chinese tanks that SAF has in stock.

    Kenya is intent on maintaining a strong South because we literally saved it from becoming a target of North.

    One thing that is making the corrupt enemies of the people in Khartoum sleepless is what the SPLA is up to. SPLA is clearly doing all it can to protect the CPA and to deter north from doing something foolish like backing away from what they signed.

  • Tongthok

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Good move! It’s time for Africans to wake up so, get your boats prepared to cross the red sea to saudi Arabia migrants.I ‘m talking about homosexual O-S-H-A-Y. The God might be crazy to creat people like these idiots who acts like pigs.

    I cann’t wait to see these people vanished with their craps sharia-laws.If the original Africans get out the north sudan military, it will be left with three people only and I mean only; Oshay which is currently Bashir wife and his daughter Ali Taja.You disagree, then look at the military personnels there and explain why I say so.We will never stop invading you untill we head a desert sand. You might have wondered why most africans prefer us more than you. Hell have no mercy to argue and we will see you on the ground, in the water, and in the air this time.My title of the book will be, the rise and the fall of Bashir family with their dirty sharia-laws. The End of Arabs dynasty is near for the first time in sudan history.

    Tongthok >>>>>> Be careful.

  • Mabior Ayuen Dengajok
    Mabior Ayuen Dengajok

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Getting such assistance from neighboring countries like Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Eritrea, its can overwhelming Khartoum and they can easily change their politics. This will formulate our government to have possibility of overthrowing Khartoum government by overwhelming their aggression.

    The North Sudan ruling party arrogantly ignores all petition, agreements in CPA and by that, they always change their mind so they can go back to war. Because the NCP thinks South Sudan army is weaker and has no capacity of destroying it military aggression.

    South must not only convey their bitterness to international, but make their military capable of destroying enemy from invading their territory, Khartoum offensive is clear, look what happens daily in Jonglei State, it their indirect incursion. We must act positively.
    Under this training, the Khartoum government under such evil regime party will change it course of teasing South Sudan military capability, if NCP refuse to comply all the peace accords, there will be a looming chance that South Sudan may become an independent State automatically and indeed it will.

    It’s not the Goss or SPLM party that decides solution to citizens of South, but we will act before Goss.

    This dream will come to light one day even if it left to be one Southerner, South will be free state.


  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Well done but that Tank is not modern one!

    SPLA should stop showing off their weak Tank because what the North is having si simply powerful and Kenya is not the country which can offer training to a country due to the fact that, they have never been in war since the creation how could they training SPLA.

    South Sudan Government should re-think insteady of just celebrating what will bring nothing to South Sudan.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Sudan Landlord
    Sudan Landlord

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    The so called Jalaba are hated by almost everybody in Africa.
    They tried to foolishly trick Kenya with a plan to supply crude oil but Nairobi turned down their blood strained offer.
    Libya has openly saluted the only Holyland in Sudan and expressed their support for separating it from the Satanic creatures.
    South Africa and other clever nations have openly warned the Sudanese devils of touching their clean soil.
    The ugly creatures tried to foolishly trick Uganda by supplying undemanded Computers in 2005 with the hope of turning Uganda away from working closely with the Clean African brothers (i mean South Sudanese)for liberation but Uganda smartly slapped them and instead switched to the next heavy gear.
    I am quite sure soon all Countries on earth are going to declare restriction on any Jalaba plane from landing at their Airports.
    I learned from reliable source that when Holyland (South Sudan) will be independent no Country in the whole world will keep their embassies in Khartoum. All will be shifted to Juba.
    SO, the Jalaba should not panic. All the happenings against them are not from no where but are feedback for what they called for and reward for their devilish behavior.
    My advise to the is that they better hang themselves before too late.
    Nobody needs them in Africa. They are not clean.

  • jalabi

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    How much SPLM/A paid to Kenya to train them? which one should have the priority: pay the money to Kenyan army or to the hunger and displaced people of South Sudan???
    south Sudan government give up the ILEMI TRIANGLE to Kenya and they won’t ask Kenya to give it back????? Why?? because it belongs to Equatorians and not Dinka???

    It’s better for Kenya to stay away from south Sudan otherwise they should have learned the lesson from Uganda when they interfered in south Sudan conflict and fought neck to neck with SPLA against the government and now they are paying high price and LRA is still alive and Mussevini knows who is supporting LRA but he failed to do anything! stay away Kenya before we loose our temper!

  • Johnny

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Hey Guys and Girls, STOP reacting to Oshay comments on this website, you making him a big star. he is just an idiot, son of Omar AL bashir.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Yes, the Army of South Sudan (SPLA) needs to be properly trained into a standard of a conventional army. Kenyan Army has decided to start this good work. This is a good step forward to prepare the South Sudan for independence. The SPLA needs to defend the new South Sudan boundaries from the enemies of freedom and human dignity.

    President Obama’s Envoy to the Sudan, Mr. Scott Gration, and Mr. Commander Roger Winter have already convinced the USA Pentagon to assist the Army of South Sudan with trainings and the necessary logistics, and that has been a very good news too for those of us who are die-hard separatists (be it by ballots or bullets). I hope what Kenya is doing is part of the USA Pentagon’s Good Will to upgrade the defensive capacity of the Army of South Sudan. I hope it is not a purely Kenyan initiative so that we rule out any element of corruption tendency in this good move from an African neighbour. We don’t want to risk the money of the Army of South Sudan to mysterious disappearance and ending up in Kenya without any good work left in South Sudan.

    It should not be ruled out that Kenya shall be afraid to make South Sudan Army stronger because this might be a threat to them in future when the South starts to demand back its part of the land (the triangle) that has been taken by Kenya in the past. Thus, USA should be present where Kenyan Army is training our gallant Army in the South. This should not be left to Kenyan alone as they may have ulterior motives against the South.

    While Dr. Riek Machar is trying his best in Khartoum to ensure a just and fair Referendum Bill to be enacted into Law in the coming sessions of Sudan Parliament, Mr. Nhial Deng should also try his level best to prepare the South Sudan army for any eventuality of CPA collapse. The people of Southern Sudan should be alert for both opportunities and means for secession and independence of the South.

    As the Southerners prepare their peaceful democratic power by use of Referendum Law, they should also prepare their violent military power by training in heavy military weapons. It is not enough to buy these weapons otherwise they shall get spoiled before they are tested; you need to train keenly too those who shall use them. Having best weapons without proper skills to use them is not a good idea; it is an incomplete endeavour!!! The South should even go further to train technicians and engineers for these heavy weapons so that they could easily repair them in case of any damage.

    Long Live the Army of South Sudan (SPLA) with standardized training and professionalization!!!
    Long Live the forthcoming Independence of South Sudan by any means!!!

  • Sala Gai
    Sala Gai

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Bravo Kenyan Government to give your helpfull assistance to people of the Southern Sudan and the main ruting party who is SPLM/SPLA liberate the failure Southern in their Governance.

    By Salah Gai de Mabior

  • Jinga

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Hii ni propaganda tupu, isiyokuwa na mwelekeo, but to divert the attention of the real issues in it! May you please stop it and build the GOSS the people needs. Dont divert our attention. We are with you.

  • mohamad adam
    mohamad adam

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    brother jalabi iam sure this people are just scared and have a arabphobia first of all spla is far far better than the kenyan army in terms of equipment weepons and far better in terms of personals as trained army because a soldier who is active in fighting is far far better than the idle one and more over poorly equipt i think the whole thing is about more stealing from the allready scarce resources of funds what iam sure about is the fact that the spla has a very well trained officers whom they should take that responsibility of training their own army and let me ask a simple question to the mad comentors on this poor website . how can you buy weapons from okrania without asking the supplier to provide the training/
    i know after 7 months they will scramble for the spare parts for the junk tanks which they bought and for the rich triangle they can not dare to ask kenya because kenya is holding deadly informations about the leadership of the south sudan and on top of that simply they can close the border and pants will fall down just wait and you will see

  • Monyde Bai
    Monyde Bai

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    I think the idea of Kenya training the South Military is a good idea because they were the one decided to help. For example, Last four years ago if I am not mistaken, the South Sudan has contributed 1 million dollar to help Kenyan as a feedback on their support on CPA. Let not forget that we are Kenyan and Kenyan are Southern Sudanese. However, let except their offering to train our Armies.

    By Thon K

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    Long Live SPLM/A and well Mr Salva Kiir Mayardit together with different dignitaries of Southern Sudan ministers and well done Kenya government for your fantastic support to train southern Sudan Military.do more you southern sudan leaders and carry on to improve or equip your mailitary basis and mindless about the comments made by LT colonel Al-Swarami. Southern sudan is in maturity process and very soon it won’t be any more depending on northern Sudan government’s authoritarian comments.

    Come on!!!


    Lok T. Simon

  • Johnny

    Kenya dispatches military experts to train South Sudan army
    The World has no Doubt of Southern Sudanese and Kenyans relationship.They will always be one and always remained as one.

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